Panic attack -1

[Warning notice: This chapter contains mild swearing and violence. Proceed with caution.]


Annie looked very funny right now. It seemed as if everything has ended for her. Teacher had announced Samantha, Annie, William and a girl called Sarah in the same group.

She don't wanted to be in the same team as William. Hence, she slowly raised her hand. "Teacher, can you please rearrange the group?" The teacher looked at Annie as if she had asked the teacher to donate both of his kidneys. I glanced at William. A low chuckle escaped his lips at Annie's request to the teacher.

Mr. Ocean considered himself to be a perfectionist. And he believed he did things with so much perfection that there was no need of reconsideration. "And why would I do that? Kindly enlighten me, student Annie,"

"Teacher, I don't want to be in the same team as him." Annie said as she pointed her finger toward William.

Annie was always reasonable so far I knew her, but I couldn't understand why was she so hellbent on digging her own grave whenever it came to William? Honestly, I considered William to be a good person.

"Your reason is not good enough to rearrange the group, Student." Said Mr Ocean in a serious tone. "Things don't work on personal feelings, student. Bear it in mind and don't let me hear such childish excuse from next time." He sighed then said, "You are the best student of our school, Annie, I have high expectations from you."

The last sentence of Mr. Ocean had Annie lowered her eyes in shame. "Sorry, teacher." She said. "I will always remember what you said,"

Then the teacher announced another group, "Bobby, Neil, Derek and Raine will be in one group." Good news for me was that I was in the same team as Neil and Derek. But the bad news was Bobby.

Bobby was very arrogant kid who liked to do the nonsensical nasty talk. Bullying the female in general had to be his most favourite hobby. And worst part was that he had once confessed me that he loved me, and I had responded, 'thank's for saying me this, but I don't love you.'. I had hurt his male ego once, and now only god knew what's about to happen.

I looked at Neil and it seemed he had read my mind and understood my concern. He gave me an assuring smile. How can someone's smile be so comforting? That smile was like a promise that everything will be good. I couldn't help but smile in return. Derek whistled all of sudden, then as if recalling the teacher was still in the class, he mumbled,

"Sorry, teacher," and teacher just shook his head.

Derek was extremely happy for some odd reason that he became giggly. But when Neil glared at him, he made a zipping gesture near his lips.

We had decided once the class will be over, we would meet and discuss about the project we were about to work on. As the class finally ended, I went towards the predetermined place which was playground area.

There was no sign of Neil and Derek, but Bobby was already there. I went there and stood silently. Bobby was silent too, but only for a while.

"You are ugly." He said which took me aback.

"Not as much as you are," I said. But it seemed he didn't understand a single word I said.

"Why are you so ugly?" He asked next. I was speechless.

"I was wondering from where the bark was coming, turns out it was you, our good old Bobby," It was Derek. He had just came and heard Bobby's question. Hence he spoke in my defence.

Bobby didn't look pleased by Derek's interference. "Oh, so the ugly girl has a knight in shining armour too,"

"Keep calling her ugly and you will be proven to be a blind, little Bobby." Derek came and stood next to me. He then put his hand on my shoulder as if I was one of his Bros.

"Why the hell do you keep buzzing in between?" Bobby's question was directed to Derek. He then looked at Derek's hand which was on my shoulder, and smirked. I figured he was about to speak something very ridiculous. "Actually I can understand why. Maybe she has offered you something which have you wrapped around her fingers~" The last sentence he said in such a disgusting tone that made Derek tighten his fist. "Perhaps...she has offered you her body?"

It was the moment my newly found friend Derek ran out of his patience. He ran toward Bobby with the speed of light and grabbed him by the collar as he pinned him against the pillar. "How. Dare. You."

Derek was very angry, but I don't wanted him to do anything out of impulse. Because if he was to be caught doing violence, he would get punished.

"Derek do no–" Before I could complete my words, Derek had punched Bobby in the jaw.

Bobby held the place where he was hit. He looked shocked at first but later the shock got replaced by anger.

"You hit me?" Bobby went hysterical. "You fucking hit me?! That too because of the bitch of a girl?!" He looked at me with hatred in his eyes. "I will not spare you!" He came towards me like the electric current and...

...and next second I felt an unbearable pain on my left cheek. Bobby had slapped me. The slap was so tight that I was unable to think anything straight. It reminded me of the times when uncle had hit me with the belt then had locked me in the dark room. I had continuously begged him,

'Uncle don't hit me! I b-beg you! Please don't l-lock me in the room! I am scared of darkness, uncle please don't lock me! I-I will be good and do as you ask! Uncle p-please don't hit me!'

I shuddered unintentionally and a drop of tear rolled down my cheek. Not because of the pain I felt after Bobby hit me. Rather, it was because of the fear of pain that had been imprinted in my heart. I felt the oxygen leaving my lung, making me suffocated as I was falling down. But before I could touch the ground, someone caught me.

Neil? Was that him?

I was struggling with my breathing. A veil of darkness had started to cover my vision as beads of cold sweats trickled down my forehead.

"Panic attack!" Someone murmured. Maybe it was Neil.