Linda’s fantasies

"These are all your thoughts, Linda".


Zain gave Linda a mind 'Aphrodisiac ' saying the effect will only get worse and won't go away until she gets fucked. The classic ides of the hentai's he used to watch.

Actually, it was rather his bad taste of letting Linda take the initiative.

"Good. now when I clap my hands three times you will wake up...1.....2....3."

Zain was truly ecstatic with this success, he could indeed use hypnosis to make her personal sex slave or something...but he didn't want to fuck her in an entranced state. That would take all the fun away.

He wanted to use the love and spoiling Linda held towards him and manipulate it so that she won't refuse him. Even knowingly & helplessly continue to indulge him even at the expense of her body and will.

After all, pasting one's own preference on another is the true charm of hypnosis.

Most importantly, he did want Linda's body badly but that didn't mean he would make her his slave.

He was evil

Hell, yes.

But Linda was also his relative from childhood. Zain's plan for her was to her never refusing his intimacy whenever he wanted without much hypnosis programming.

Hypocrisy, yes.


So what!!!

Without knowing the drama happening inside Zain, Linda tried hard to recall what happened just now.

Glancing at Zain casually sitting beside watching TV, she slowly felt her body heat up, it only grew stronger as her pussy started twitching.

Linda was truly dumbfounded except for last night, she hadn't lusted in years. Never even cared about it, since her last husband's relationship left an inevitable shadow on her heart.

She glanced at Zain who sat close and licked lips. decisively choosing to ignore it, but as a few minutes went on her breathing was already raggedy.

The sofa never felt so long to her.

Linda realized she was actually so turned on,

turned on by a man half her age!!!


Linda herself didn't realize when she started using 'man' not 'nephew' to describe Zain.

She kept trying to get rid of her senseless thoughts, it wasn't right. Yet her eyes didn't seem to listen, always finding their way back to his body, mainly his manhood which couldn't be a more obvious bump in the tight jeans.

Just a glance was able to create fantasies.

Fantasies about Zain claiming her pussy and fucking her with great speed until she would faint from pleasure.

Linda tried her best to shake those nasty thoughts off her mind but the body didn't seem to be listing her will today. Before she knew it Linda was already half lying on zain.

Zain who saw the obvious initiative of Linda knew his trick was working like charm.

Right now, no matter how you look at it, Linda leaned ambiguously on him. He could even feel the soft sensation permeating from her bosom.

"What happened, aunt? you...okay??" regardless of how he was feeling Zain perfectly stood his stance as a caring nephew.

"i.., I'm....thaattt...Zain...I.was..just tired,, yes tired that's all"