Happiness is the same price as red bottle

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Zain was surprised as he scrolled down, there were different kinds of beauty near his location each one was attractive in its own way.

But soon one really caught his eye a blond woman with blue eyes and a childish angel-like face. Differing from the beautiful face the contrast which excited him most was her hot-as-hell body, just in the picture she excluded such an aura of purity and happiness that it almost made his eyes straight.

Zain exactly knew that he would be the one to own this woman, just thinking about her wearing stripping naked for him with a blushing face and maybe putting on a maid costume or something really evoked a stream of otaku imagination.

He really couldn't wait to meet this 'Elva' in person and transform her into his own slutty succubus.

Unfortunately for him, the plan had to wait till he fully control Linda.

She will be alone with him for the next three days but she will have to go back or else people will suspicious especially his aboard dad. Not that it mattered, he was going to hypnotize him anyways, he had to just make sure Linda submits to him now.

Good for zain although it took time eventually, Linda finally came to the hall trying to evade Zain's eyes, she sneaked into the kitchen for food. But she paused at the wine cabinet, it belonged to her brother.

She took out one expensive wine bottle maybe after drinking she wouldn't feel so confused anymore. The fact that she enjoyed it made her feel complicated for some reason, even though she promised zain it was really awkward to face him.

"What done is done" Linda sighed as she gulped down the second glass of wine bringing the clarity out of her.

"Indulging in alcohol to find happiness Linda" She flinched hearing the familiar voice as heat spread in-ear.

"Happiness is the same price as a red bottle. It's expensive." Linda spoke slowly when she felt her consciousness fading.

"Really then I'll give you another sort of it." Her was overlapped suddenly Linda was pulled into a generous back hug, she understood Zain's meaning when the 8-inch wild member sneaked inside her skirt and slowly rubbed itself between her thighs.

"Hgnn Zaeiinn"

"Why don't like it, Linda?"

"Ah Yeshshh hhh..hmm.." Linda knew it was the truth that escaped her mouth, ancestors really didn't deceive her alcohol is truly the root of all evil.

She didn't refuse his advances whether it was the alcohol or the desire that took control was still a riddle, but she knew her body was lusting for him.

Zain meanwhile was very pleased with how hypnotic suggestion on Linda turned out, in just a little touching she actually reached an orgasm.

He will keep this up so every time they have sex she will grow closer to him and finally without resistance will beg him to fuck her. Still what she was doing now wasn't quite different from inviting heh.

Linda who was very aroused only felt hands roaming on her body groping her, even fingering her.

Within minutes she couldn't be satisfied anymore slowly turned Linda faced his dangerous eyes feeling embarrassed but the alcohol finally made her take initiative.

Wrapping her arm around him Linda fiercely kissed him slowly trailing her hand down his pants to the proud member and started caressing. Not long after their tounges were furiously battling one another and they explored every region of mouths.

Dilly-dallying they went to zain's room for the further 'private matter', where after minutes of French kissing they were already naked. Zain, in particular, enjoyed Linda's body especially her soft bosom while Linda's gaze was more focused on the rock-hard dick which was going inside of her.

Before they knew it the passion of lust had swept through both of them.