Danesh's Faith: Beginning Ceremony of the New World

Unlike the others, a new motorcycle rider who was wearing a yellow biker suit and helmet, whose body shape turned out to be a woman, appeared and came to the creature.

The creature had pierced Danesh's body in countless places with its tentacles, keeping his body still suspended in the air, causing blood to spill everywhere.

Speakers on the air started to make announcements again.

"What's this, Yube?"

"I am not sure but do not get tricked by its appearance, Nube. That creature is a helper, it is clear."

"You are right, Yube. We captured the most terrible villain in the world thanks to it."

"Is he still alive?"

"It seems like that, Yube. Our watchers are not happy, in my opinion. They think this was too easy for him."

"I agree, Nube. Then, let's give a chance to our lovely Charlotte. Hey, Charlotte, he's all yours now."

The yellow biker nodded, getting closer to the creature, stopping before Danesh, whom the creature had now lowered to her own face.

With his head down, eyes closed, and breathing very slowly, Danesh's feet were not touching the ground.

She held his chin and began to punch. One, two, five, ten... She released his face and grabbed him by his hair this time. "S-A-Y-----I-T" Her voice was like artificial intelligence.

Danesh did not answer.

"Ok, Charlotte. You gave him a chance even though he did not deserve it."

"Hey, Yube. Humanity should see our charity. Let's give him another chance too."

"You are right, Nube. Hey, Charlotte, do it!"

The yellow motorcyclist unsheathed the sword hanging from her back and thrust it into Danesh's left shoulder.

Danesh did not show any reaction.

She plunged her sword deep.

Danesh, momentarily regaining his consciousness, coughed and more blood spilled. The pain was indescribable because his left shoulder had been shot by the assailants and then pierced by one of the creature's tentacles. And now it was carved by a sword.

She left her sword on Danesh's shoulder and grabbed his chin again. "S-A---Y-----I-T---CON---FESS!"

Danesh attempted to talk.

"Hold it, Charlotte!"

"Will he confess, Yube?"

"Yes, it seems like that, Hube."

"Why now?"

"He is between heaven and hell now, Hube."

"Heaven? Do you really think that he can approach there, Yube?"

"No, Hube, but the poor thing is trying his last chance."

"We are not cruel like him, Yube."

"Yes, you are right, Hube. Let's give him this chance."

The camera zoomed into Danesh's face.

"E...ven"..."thoug...h"..."you...all"..."hate"..."me...," Danesh did not open his eyes...His speeches were lifeless. He coughed again...Again and again...He looked at the sky for a few seconds, then at the camera that was shooting him from the helicopter, and smiled. "I...love"..."all...of...yo...u..."

The announcers waited three seconds hesitantly to understand what he was trying to do.

"What was that?"

"He is a wicked man, Yube. He is trying to make a final show."

"A real loser too, Nube. OK, Charlotte, finish it!"

The yellow biker held her sword again and moved it toward the upside...

Danesh's left arm fell to the ground...

Many screams have been heard around the world...

Countless people around the world... Countless people who were unaware of Danesh's existence until half an hour ago started screaming and crying as if they felt his pain because they did not believe the assailants' lies.

The rest were watching this bloody broadcast without reacting because they were not sure of Danesh's innocence. Many people had even believed that he was guilty.

The cries of some of the people who were watching the broadcast with heartache were different from others...

Danesh's colleagues...

His current and former friends...

The people who knew him before, more or less...And...



Putri, Danesh's sister...

But the most painful one was Nur, Danesh's mother. Her tears had dried...There were screams only...

The broadcast...It has been lost...All screens were black now...

And they were active again...

The scene had completely changed, and a plain room began to appear on the screen.

Danesh was leaning against the wall looking at the camera recording him.

He was healthy... He had two arms... His face was clean... His clothes were different... There was no sign of the attack in his image. The broadcast that just appeared on the screen was not live, but a tape recording previously taken by Danesh.

And he started talking...

"Hi, there. I want to apologize for breaking into your life like this.

I took over all the online devices in the world for a few minutes, thanks to a code that I developed and called . So to warn you, I have seized all your devices. I know none of you know me, anyway, I am just a citizen named Danesh. It's a cliché, but…" He smiled, "I died…And automatically kicked in when my heart stopped."

Amina was watching this on her cellphone...Aidan...Putri...Even his mother...None of them were screaming anymore...The tears were still falling but...They were smiling...They were watching and smiling...

The whole world understood the truth. Danesh had prepared this tape against the risk of being killed in the shadows, not knowing what he would experience today, without knowing his fate.

"People will tell you many bad things about me. Civilians, higher-ups, officials...All of them will badmouth me...They will tell you that I am a bad guy...and I am a thief...and I am a villain...and I am a murderer...And all these accusations are..." His facial attitude became more serious "True!... I am a bad guy and I am not here to plead for mercy...I do not deserve it either."

Confused by Danesh's confessions, all the audience's demeanor became more serious and many of them thought the same question

Danesh continued his speech.

"I am here to warn you today. But be prepared for possible obstacles, because they will do everything so that what I am about to explain does not reach you. They will try to interrupt this broadcast, they will cut the power, they will cut off the internet connection, but it will all be in vain because this video has already been uploaded to your devices before I even started talking. You will be able to watch this whenever you want. Now hear me out."

He was right because when Danesh went on air, there were power outages and internet outages in some cities of the world. Some people's faith in Danesh grew because their unknown predictions of the future had come true, and what had happened was like a dream to everyone.

"I found traces of some evil formation a few years ago. They were worse, they were worse than me. They were butchering many innocent people, they were killing endlessly. Thousands of people were the victims of their evil schemes.

I followed them in the shadows. They were conducting many bloody operations all over the world for a single purpose. . I'm not talking about money or anything like that, it's something different that I can't explain in a few words.

They have an official name in their organization. . It's a huge organization with thousands of members around the world. I've followed them for years, and unfortunately, I've only been able to identify a small fraction of the people in their formation. And I learned one thing in common. All members have a gamma symbol on their bodies. It could be anywhere, in any shape. It could be a tattoo on their body, a wound in their mouth, a cut in their hair...

These people are lurking everywhere. You live with them in your home, you dine with them in restaurants, you gamble with them in casinos, you work together with them in the same companies, you run society with them in government offices... And they are camouflaged so well that you can't even notice.

They did so many bad things to achieve that omnipotence and they opened a door on Earth to invite something...And they succeeded... Something came here and infiltrated our world. The organization named them . They are something different. I can't explain them, even you wouldn't believe me if I did.

It has been ten minutes." He smiled. "I did it again...I lied to you. You all think I am crazy, I know. All the documents which I gathered about them for these many years...They have all been uploaded to your devices while I'm talking.

And these Root beings... They are powerful. They are so strong that I couldn't even find a weapon that could hurt them. They can also shapeshift into human form. You can not do anything if they reach you. There will only be destruction. I am sorry, but I can not show a way to kill them. But I can give you a hint for protection. I discovered something. Some places are outside their range and they can not reach there for a specific reason. I uploaded these safe locations to your devices too...

You can delete them or save them on a memory card. It is your choice. These things all seem bullshit, I know... But what if I'm right?"

Danesh's eyebrows had burrowed. "I am betraying you now by leaving you alone in this war. I am sorry. I was not strong enough, but I believe in you. The world will change soon...Very soon. They will not stay in the dark from now on. You can not do it by yourself, but you can do anything if you unite..."

Danesh smiled for one last time. "I will wait for you in there, but do not rush. I'm sure you can get them to come to me before you do. Good luck."