The Council Appears: Grim Strikes

The hackers who protected Danesh's last broadcast against the villains all over the world went online again.

*** Dark Web ***

G - "Hey guys, those rumors...are they real?"

&%/787ddsf6fdf8!dfdsDFgFG - "Yeah, they put $ billion bounties for each person on a list."

ZEUS - "There is something wrong with these rewards, no one pays this value for killing. You can even establish a small country with that money... Who are the targets?"

&%/787ddsf6fdf8!dfdsDFgFG - "I don't know. They shared the list on the hazardous server. The security is highly strict there, as you know. But it's clear that the most dangerous butchers in the world are on their way to killing them now."

G - "One thing leads to another. Is it connected to the Danesh guy somehow? We should learn it!"

RedBalloon - "Guys, wait for a second. I will have the list within minutes!"

G - "God, how did you infiltrate there?"

RedBalloon - "I did not. A friend is working on it. He told me he could handle it...He has influence in the governments and underground...YES, HERE!"

&%/787ddsf6fdf8!dfdsDFgFG - "And?"

RedBalloon - "There are three names here. Nur JIWA, Putri JIWA, and Aidan KAWAN"

ZEUS - "JIWA? Isn't that Danesh's surname?"

RedBalloon - "Damn! These Syndicate bastards started a second onslaught. Nur is his mother and Putri is his sister! And I checked the guy's name too. Danesh and this Aidan guy worked together in their previous jobs. They are all connected to Danesh!"

G - "HOLY FUCK! WE SHOULD STOP THIS! How about trying to delete the bounties on the server?"

RedBalloon - "Nah. It is useless, man. It is very hard even if we attack the walls together technically."

&%/787ddsf6fdf8!dfdsDFgFG - "Redballoon is right, G. The best assassins in the world learned their names and the bounties also. They will not stop killing them even if we delete the bounties on the DarkWeb forcibly."

ZEUS - "What about starting a reverse wind?"

G - "Like what?"

ZEUS - "Let's put additional bounties for the people who started this witch hunt!... We will go after the bounty founders. Their names in DarkWeb will be enough. The assassins will handle the rest."

G - "Excellent. The speed of their operations against these innocent people will decrease. Some of the assassins will go after those bastards. But the bounty should be higher than theirs. How will we do it?"

RedBalloon - "I have a plan for it. Listen..."

*** One day later... Military Hospital...Pasir Gudang ***

The locked door of the room opened with the keys, which were held by a doctor and a nurse. They were the only hospital personnel aware of Danesh's existence.

The doctor came in and locked the door again.

"What is it, doctor?"

"You have guests, Colonel!"

"What? In the hospital?"

"No, they are on the way."

"How do you know that?"

"I am checking around the hospital by an analog radar. It is not traceable. There is a pathway which is located on the mountain's side. Drivers do not choose it because of the surface of it. It is bad and damages the car easily. Twenty vehicles are coming this way. It is a convoy."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, and there are heavy guns inside of them."

The Colonel looked at Luna questioningly.

Her underling, who had a mechanical arm, said first "Could it be Priest?"

"Yes, but I would not like that if it was him. He promised me he would come alone."

"You told us he was reliable before. He must have taken measures against danger."

"It is possible. But we should be careful," said Luna, and picked up her things from the nightstand. She masked her white pupils, which are rare in the world, by wearing brown lenses, and her scarlet hair by wearing a yellow wig, as her appearance was exposed to the public while rescuing Danesh. "We must meet them at the front door of the hospital"

"I will come with you!" her underling said.

"No, Yaron. You were on the broadcast too. Your mechanical arm draws attention."

Yaron, a Filipino, was not actually a member of Danesh's organization, so he had never met him before. He was there because his supervisor, Luna, who had a separate organization, requested it.

"I will go with her," the doctor said.

Luna looked at him wanderingly. "My other friend would be enough" She implied to her other underling, Desomond, who was in the room.

Desomond was a Jamaican and he was another man who only worked for Luna too, not for Danesh.

"Danesh's life is more important than ours, we shouldn't weaken the security inside of the room that much." The doctor explained and smiled. "This is a military hospital and I am not the only medical personnel. If you decipher, only I can help you." He returned to his friend. "You should leave, Colonel."

"He is right", Luna approved of him. "You are a very important supporter for us, Colonel. You shouldn't be exposed."

*** A few minutes later ***

The Colonel left the hospital through the emergency door.

Yaron and Desomond stayed in the room with the nurse to protect Danesh, locking the door from the inside.

Luna, who called Yaron on her cell phone and put it in her pocket without turning off to convey her voice to Yaron by shouting in an emergency, started walking along the hospital corridors with the doctor.

"Are you sure about this, doctor? You should have a lot of patients in the hospital?"

"That is the reason for my intervention. I should stop them if their intention is not good...To protect my patients. And you can call me Harto"

"Isn't that an Indonesian name? How did they accept you in the Malaysian army?"

"Yes, and it is complicated. I will explain while we are drinking coffee."

Luna looked at Harto.

And Harto smiled. "I am married. Danesh's friends are important to me too", he said and became silent. Danesh had helped him with something before, it was clear.

Luna remained silent, respecting Harto's choice.

When they left the building, they saw that the square in front of the door was surrounded by many vehicles.

Luna and Harto stopped and waited, looking at them.

The door of one of the cars opened and a 170 cm tall man with thin glasses and civilian clothes got out. Others continued to observe from inside their vehicles.

Although Luna had never met him, she realized from the white clerical collar around his neck that he was the Priest.

"Welcome, Priest"

"Hello my dear, Luna"

"You did not tell me about this", Luna was annoyed that the vehicles were full of armed men.

"We need assistance. An unexpected event occurred."

"What happened?"

"Grim and Killer...They are coming here!"

"DAMN!" Luna shouted but calmed down quickly. "You had promised me!"

"I am sorry. I thought that the power of the Council might be helpful. But I was wrong. They rushed here as soon as they learned his location" Priest said and started to walk to them.

Luna was not feeling easy... She was still looking at the vehicles.

"You can relax, Luna. They will wait in the vehicles if they don't appear"

"Did you get something to help Danesh's state?"

Priest approved by his head and took out some small bottles inside of his pocket. They looked like medicines.

Luna smiled. "Thank you, Priest"

A striking noise was heard as something very large fell to the ground, and then a cloud of dust formed everywhere...

Priest's left sleeve was torn by the impact of the impact and his glasses were shattered, and he had gone ten meters back. He wiped his bleeding nose and looked at the shattered bottles angrily on the ground...

As the cloud of dust disappeared, a huge man appeared a few feet from Luna...

Luna and Harto were both in shock. They felt like squashed insects as they stared at the huge man in front of them, clad in dark robes, over two meters tall with his back turned.

The man who showed no interest in them was simply observing the people inside the vehicles.

At first glance, Luna didn't even realize who it was. That man was Grim, and Luna realized that frightening truth five seconds later.

"FU.K, YARON!" she shouted and alarmed Yaron with her phone in her pocket.

But the situation inside wasn't any better either.

A scary man with black and very long hair, dressed in black samurai clothes, suddenly appeared in the room, catching the nurse and holding a small dagger to her throat.

Luna and her crew had been raided by the most dangerous Council members...