Grim vs. The Council: Part Two

The moment Grim's war against the Council members and Pit's group began, Luna and Harto had begun to flee into the hospital...

Observer fired the 110 BA-class assassin rifle, a new model of the Savage series, which he aimed at Grim from afar.

And the bullet missed Grim...

"What!" Looking through the scope of his weapon in detail, he noticed that Grim had shifted his position twenty meters away in a second. The place where he had shot was the glass of the hospital entrance door behind the spot where Grim had just stood…

The panic inside the hospital had begun and sirens started to ring...

He looked at Grim's current position.

His target, Grim, was on a truck that belonged to Pit's convoy.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING? ATTACK HIM!" Pit shouted at his group and took out two guns. And he started shooting at the same time as his crew.

Grim jumped on another vehicle like a kangaroo, but a quick one. The previous vehicle which he had stepped on had exploded.

Pit's team was shooting aimlessly now. They thought they were the ones who blew the vehicle up but it was Grim's doing.

Observer shot at Grim again. And he missed the target once more. "GARGH!!!" He was angry.

He was a professional assassin who learned sniping techniques in the Serbian Army. Afterward, he had the opportunity to try these skills many times...In Iraq...In Syria...In Africa...He worked for years as a mercenary hired by the governments. He was a celebrity in the world.

And Danesh appeared one day...

Observer, hired by the Vice-Governor, was aiming to kill a Governor in the USA that day. However, just as he was about to fire, many triggers were pulled to fire at him. The Vice-Governor had betrayed him...But none of the bullets reached the Observer...

Danesh immobilized the attackers before they killed the Observer. He saved his life on that day. "You need a business manager in my opinion," he said.

Observer has not directly contacted contract holders since then. Danesh was the only one who gave him tasks. He was eliminating the risky ones, sometimes turning down missions to protect some of the victims. Observer was actually aware of Danesh's actions. Danesh was only doing this to protect the innocent, and the observer was well aware of it. So he agreed to be a part of Priest's betrayal. He didn't want to work for Danesh anymore. Because he had wanted to choose the tasks again...No...He wanted to be free...

These scenes were played in his mind for a few seconds. And he got himself to and focused on his work...But he was late...

Because Grim was standing next to him..."Farewell, sniper..." He said by punching his back...He hit Observer's body and the window in which he was guarded, one after the other. The Wall and Observer's body exploded outside the building...

Observer was in the room of a building that was five hundred meters away from the hospital. That's why he hadn't thought that Grim would get there in five seconds...

Grim had never used his full power while working together with them before. Danesh had warned Grim about this many years ago. Danesh and Grim's bodies were different than other humans and they could be in trouble if this reality was revealed. The other members of the Council had known that they both were guinea pigs and had witnessed only a small percentage of Danesh and Grim's strength. And they thought it was 100%...They had been deceived...

Priest, Pit, and Pit's team were trying to locate Grim's current location. He had disappeared by exploding some of the gang members a few seconds ago. And they heard the sound of the new explosions and looked in that way.

"Observer! Observer are you there!?" Pit shouted on the radio but there were only swish sounds.

"Could it be?" Priest was watching wonderingly. The distance was too much, it was not possible to go there in a short time like this for any human. But he has seen it now...

Grim was looking at them in the flames. He raised his blood-covered hand in a gesture of victory...


*** Danesh's room ***

No one was talking...

Yaron and Desomond were watching Killer, the dangerous figure that appeared before them.

He had entered a locked room, and no one noticed him. He detected the poison which they had overlooked. Afterward, without hesitation, he killed the nurse and started to observe them with a grin...

They were on the brink of war...They were all waiting to attack, and one wrong move could spell disaster...

"Go on, G.I. JOE boys. Let's have some fun" Killer was joking with them. "I watched your show on the broadcast. You were good. My swords are itching to play with you!"

"Do you think that we are in the Middle Ages? Are you here to help or kill? We should learn it first!" Yaron answered.

"Help? Haha! Anyway, now what? You know who I am. If I were you, I would act faster. If you don't kill me now, you might regret it later!"

"We are not murderers!"

"But I am! How many people should I kill to provoke you then?"

The door was opened and Harto and Luna went in.

"So, you did it, Killer!" Luna looked at the nurse's corpse with a hateful expression.

"Wait, Luna. That woman tried to kill Danesh. Your lunatic friend saved him." Desomond intervened to prevent the trouble.

Luna looked at Harto suspiciously.

"She couldn't be a friend of Council members. I knew her. She was here for decades. It is more than your organization's life, I am sure."

"It doesn't change anything." Luna ignored what had happened and continued her speech. "This man is killing for only enjoyment. We could interrogate her if she had not died!"

"Then, let's do that" Killer laughed and squatted. He opened the mouth of the dead woman, grabbed her tongue, and cut it.

"You bloody creature!"

"Shut up, bitch, and grab this" He threw the tongue at her.

"BASTARD!" Yaron and Desomond took out their weapons.

"STOP!" Luna shouted too. She was analyzing the tongue. And show it to them. There was a gamma symbol under it...

"Syndicate!" Desomond explained.

They looked again at Harto altogether.

"What? It is possible. Why are you looking at me every time? Danesh declared they were everywhere in his broadcast!"

"So, you are here to help basically, Killer?"

"No, Beauty Luna... I am in Malaysia to enjoy myself. All council members are after you. And the bounties have been generated for our softy leader's family and colleagues. This is the best chance of my life. I can kill hundreds of people thanks to you!" There was happiness in his eyes.

Luna observed him for a few seconds. "We will go to the terrace if you don't attack us. Grim told us that some people would come to help there. He has intel."

"It is not intel, Luna girl, he called for help. I told him that we would be enough but he thinks too much." There was displeasure in Killer's voice.

" OK, but we can not go together. The hospital is in chaos. We will go there by service elevator with Harto." She covered Danesh's face and started to push his bed. "You use the stairs. Let's meet there"

And they all left...

The door of the elevator opened. Luna and Harto got on the terrace by pushing the stretcher of Danesh's bed a few minutes later.

The other group had reached there before them.

Yaron and Desomond were near the door but Killer was at the center of the terrace. And three of them were looking in the other direction anxiously.

"Did something happen?" Luna asked.

None of them looked at her.

Killer was carrying two swords on his back and he unsheathed both of them. "Do not come!... Lady...She is here!"