Chakra opened my eyes.

After the unexpected but welcome event leading to his stay in the Sarutobi compound for the next three years, naruto was very happy as while he had many ideas on how to become strong without being reliant on the Kyuubi's chakra he had no idea about how to learn Taijutsu, Ninjutsu etc. He had no idea on how to mold his chakra and how to form handsigns for using jutsu, so staying in the same house as the Professor himself with access to his massive library was an unexpected gift and he could also slowly start displaying his calm, quite and smart personality over the following months so as to not arouse any suspicion and also learn everything I could from picking the brains of the God of Shinobi himself on the Shinobi arts as Naruto's goal was to become as proficient as Hiruzen himself in as many Shinobi fields as he could. But first he needed a solid foundation in the Shinobi arts which would be easier now that he had access to the resources he needed. Naruto had also quickly taken a liking to Kanna who started teaching him on how to behave, eatband social etiquette which was not exactly his strong point in his previous life where he was a smart college student with an interest in medicine.

After about a week of naruto staying in the Sarutobi compound Hiruzen found the blonde in the backyard of the compound struggling to sit still with a frown on his face with a book open in front of him. When he asked naruto what he was doing he was surprised to hear that naruto was trying to unlock his chakra after reading in a book that chakra was required to perform Ninjutsu but he was having no luck trying to unlock it, Hiruzen after hearing this was beginning to think that naruto had more of his father in him thn he thought and decided to help naruto unlock his chakra as there was no harm in it and also wanted to see how long it would take naruto to unlock his chakra and if he took after his parents in their aptitude for the Shinobi arts. Hiruzen instructed naruto to close his eyes and sit still and keep his body relax and to focus inwards and to find a warm ball of light in his stomach region and after naruto found it to try to merge his mental self with the chakra so that whenever he needed chakra it would be readily available to him in the future. It took naruto nearly an hour to find the chakra inside his body and merge with it and surprised hiruzen by sitting still for so long and also by unlocking his chakra so quickly as it usually took children nearly a week to unlock their chakra. Hiruzen was surprised by the amount of patience naruto displayed by sitting still for so long especially at his age and also by the size of Naruto's chakra which was nearly that of an academy student while he was still merely three years old and decided to give naruto some basic chakra control exercises as if he didn't start controlling his immense chakra reserves from now onwards when it was still early he would never be able to get a good control over his chakra and would not be able to use certain Shinobi arts like Genjutsu or perform jutsu that took only a small amount of chakra like the standard bunshin which would be impossible for him to perform as chakra reserves grew and he didn't get good control over his chakra. Hiruzen explained to naruto the leaf sticking exercise and left for his office leaving naruto to practice the leaf sticking exercise.