The first six months in my first year at the academy were my most productive months till date as I had finally made progress in my efforts to make an artificial supplementary chakra system
as volume three of the Fuinjutsu books was about manipulating the chakra networks. This volume demonstrated chakra supressor tags, paralysis seals, shock tags and even resistance seals, how they connected to the chakra system and their effect on the chakra system. The volume included a detailed diagram of the chakra system along with the placement of every single tenketsu (all 361 of them) . I finished it within three months and they inspired a new idea on how to create a supplementary chakra system so instead of moving onto the next volume I decided to make improvements to my resistance seals and fully concentrate on completion of the supplementary chakra system and spend the next six months bringing up my chakra control upto elite jounin level and also mastering the intermediate level of anbu Taijutsu and Kenjutsu.
I modified my resistance seals such that I could increase or decrease the level of resistance just by thinking about it as I had connected th controls of the resistance seals to my neural interface in the brain using my knowledge of seals and all the knowledge of the human biology I had learnt from Tsunade's books. I had also increased the maximum resistance to the same level as the seal I had put on the hokage for his training. For the supplementary chakra network I decided to make 361 small seals on all my tenketsu and connect to a control seal at the base of my spine which would act as pressure regular to deal with the density and volume of chakra flowing through my tenketsu and the seals on my Tenketsu act as addition tenketsu and thereby drastically reduce the pressure on my original tenketsu as I had realised after thoroughly studying about the human chakra system that my chakra pathways were not mature enough to handle the flow of my massive reserves of chakra which was also very dense and that was not something chakra control exercises could anything about so therefore the limit on the amount of control I had on my chakra was very low. It took me the better part of the next three months to design it and perfect it with absolutely no flaws as the effect would be devastating on my body if there were any problems with the seal. Another thing that I had accomplished in these six months was learning how to use the shadow clone jutsu and multi shadow clone jutsu which I achieved by asking jiji about the seal I had found on my stomach and as he knew that I was too smart to fall for a lie he asked me to not experiment or mess with the seal on my stomach in exchange for a jutsu and I asked him for a material clone jutsu and when he replied that there were the earth and water clones but as I had not started any form of elemental jutsu I asked him if there were any non elemental clone jutsu and after thinking for a long time he decided to teach me the shadow clone jutsu after warning me about the drawbacks of chakra exhaustion and memory feedback of shadow clone jutsu, I agreed and went home after learning the handsigns of shadow clone jutsu and it took me two weeks to learn the shadow clone jutsu to an acceptable level. I continued my taijutsu and Kenjutsu practice with my mom every morning and learned all the intermediate level katas for the anbu style of taijutsu and Kenjutsu and I also mastered the basics of tsunade's taijutsu style and practiced it by sparring with mom and this increased my evasion skills as tsunade's taijutsu style was based on fluid evasion and lethal counterattack and a part of this I also learned how to channel my chakra to different parts of my body to increase my speed and strength drastically by I preferred to train my body to reach that speed and strength naturally in the case that I did not have access to my chakra and had to fight without any chakra enhancement. I had reached level 10 of my resistance seals. I had increased the range of my shunshin to 1 km. I usually used a shadow clone for evasion practice in the evening after academy was over by practicing water skating on the small water body in the Sarutobi compound.
As for my social life I had become friends with hinata after saving her from some bullies by thrashing them Black and blue and later found her spying on me while I was training after the academy in some random training ground and I asked her if she would like to join me, she blushed and ran away but shyly agreed to train with me stuttering all the while she was talking to me. During training with hinata I noticed her tendency to pull her punches while sparring and explained to her the danger of doing so as the opponent who wins due to this would most likely have an overinflated sense of his skill and would most likely get himself and his team killed during a mission. She looked horrified at this but eventually started taking our sparring matches very seriously and was pushing me when it came to taijutsu, I realized why the hyuuga taijutsu style was so feared while sparring with her as a single touch could close a Tenketsu or disable a limb so in order to avoid that my evasion skills increased drastically and my flexibility also increased very much. Hinata also learnt the various chakra control exercises I did and set about mastering them as improved chakra control would also help her in her taijutsu. I taught her the the basic academy three jutsu and she set about mastering them after watching my level of mastery with those jutsu after I explained to her how important those three jutsu were. During the first six months I had also become good friends with shino, choji,
shikamaru and ino and regularly spent time with them when I was free. My wardrobe consisted of loose dark blue pants and white t shirt with a red Uzumaki spiral on it. I wore brown shinobi sandals and wrapped medical tape around my forearms and hands and also around my ankles. I frequently played shogi with shikamaru while choji watched us and the matches were rather one-sided in the beginning in shikamaru's favor but over the course of the six months they became increasingly competitive as I got a feel of the game but I still couldn't beat shikamaru but I would soon. Otherwise I along with shikamaru and choji went Cloudwatching. Sometimes I spent time with ino at her families flower shop as gardening was my hobby and I grew some flowers and vegetables on the roof of my apartment.