Second year at the academy

In the summer holidays which lasted for two months after the end of my first year in the academy, I had mastered the intermediate level of tsunade's taijutsu style and also mastered the usage of chakra scalpels which added a lethal twist to my taijutsu and I had incorporated it into my taijutsu my personal taijutsu style which was a mix of the anbu style and slug style taijutsu of tsunade and combined and modified them to match my preferred style of fluidly evading or deflecting blows and lethal counterattack using chakra scalpels or pure blunt force using tsunade's chakra reinforced super strength which could smash boulders to dust. I had started learning the basics of tsunade's super strength technique after mastering the concept of using chakra to reinforce

my strength and speed which had reached that of

an experienced chunin even with my resistance seals activated which had advanced to level 14 .

Tsunade's super strength was based on the principle of delivering devastating punches and kicks by releasing an explosive burst of chakra from a single Tenketsu at the the point of contact of the punch or kick and this required at least jounin's chakra control to atleast attempt it without rupturing the Tenketsu and though I had achieved solid jounin level in chakra control I had not made made much progress with it so I decided to shelve it till I had atleast elite jounin level chakra control which and completed elemental manipulation for my elements after I had found out about them as I couldn't just assume that I had wind as there were already many changes to canon and even my looks were a lot different as I had a much more sharper features than canon Naruto and I had higher cheek bones and my eyes were a mixture of blue with flecks of green in them and my hair was silky instead of spiky which I had allowed to grow till the back of my neck and maintained it at that length and kept it out of my hair with a red headband. The colour of my hair was also not as yellow as Naruto and more of a lustrous blonde like tsunade's hair so I was not going to depend on canon completely as I had a feeling that I was reincarnated in a parallel universe to the Naruto world. Anyway I planned on completing elemental manipulation exercises for all the five elements as with my massive chakra reserves an perfect control I was aiming for it would be a shame to not learn jutsu of all elements and as now I could use upto six shadow clones I could practice chakra control, Fuinjutsu and elemental manipulation even while I was in class. I had also started learning advanced katas for my taijutsu and Kenjutsu from mom. Another important thing that happened was that I stood first in my year beating Sasuke which made him very jealous of me as he was the opinion that a no name orphan should not be able to defeat the uchiha elites. Another difference from canon was that Ino had become a good friend of mine and often practised along with me and hinata and she was not a sasuke fangirl, only Sakura was a sasuke fangirl along with many civilian born students. Ino was fascinated with poisons and was learning from her mother who was an expert on poisons. Hinata and I hid our friendship from her clan as I didn't want her father to prevent us from meeting because according to him I was a no name orphan Jinchuriki.