I had mastered the basics of the concept of saturating an area with my chakra and using it to pull water from the air to use water jutsu in areas with no water or little amount of water but it was still very taxing and I would need minimum of one year to even get a little close to the nidaime's level of pulling water out of the air so for the time being I carried a modified storage seal with me in which I had stored gallons if water to use if necessary
I had mastered the use of one handed seals soo that I could use some of my jutsu for which I had to use handseals while using my sword. I had mastered all the jutsu I had learnt to the point of needing only one or no handseals at all. I could use combination jutsu by using one handed seals to form handseals of one jutsu with one hand and and another jutsu with another hand. I had learnt the water whip jutsu, water senbon jutsu and wild water wave jutsu the last of which was an s-rank jutsu which was used by kisame for water, recreated it through memory and experimentation.
I had learnt the lightning style: electromagnetic murder , lightning ball jutsu, lightning style: kangekiha which was like lightning style version of hien jutsu for wind causing lightning to surge down the blade and erupt in a straight line from the tip resulting in a ten foot long blade of condensed lightning chakra which was very useful in cutting through earth style jutsu.He had also learnt the lightning style: thunder binding for binding and paralyzing opponentsopponents and he also learnt the Raiton: Gian( false darkness) .He had mastered the basics of sending lightning chakra into his muscles and nerves to increase his speed and reflexes and thought process. It would take him nearly a year to get the final jutsu which he had in his mind mastered. He had mastered the Earth style: mud dragon jutsu and the earth tearing palm jutsu. He had learnt the wind style: dust storm jutsu and created the wind style : wind blade vortex jutsu which created a huge vortex of wind blades rotation at a high speed and sent them towards toward the opponent., it basically shredded an opponent. He was also in the process of creating a wind jutsu that channeled concentrated wind chakra into a kunai and sent it rotating at high speed towards and opponent like a discus and the finished version of this would be capable of piercing even the Shukaku's defenses even though earth is not weak to wind and I decided to name it
Wind style:divine discus and it was a sealless jutsu. I had learnt the Fire style: hiding in an ash pile jutsu as a gift for my twelfth birthday from the hokage. All my higher ranked jutsu I had recreated from memory and experimentation using my shadow clones to cut down the time taken to recreate them or I created them myself and the lower ranked jutsu I learnt from mom and anko and some from the hokage. I had also recreated The fire style: searing migraine which sent a small ball of very concentrated fire chakra which on contact exploded into a wave of very hot flames. I had also learnt Futon : atsugai (pressure blast) which sent a highly compressed ball of wind chakra which exploded very violently.
I had increased my expertise with the mind's eye of the kagura to two miles and now I could even tell the chakra nature of the person and I had also mastered keeping it activate during combat eliminating the tunnel vision problem while using high speed shunshin. I had also developed and mastered my version of lightning style shunshin which heralsded my arrival with a sound of rolling Thunder. I wanted this to become my calling sign in the future.
I had mastered volume 8 of Fuinjutsu which was on cursed seals( Juinjutsu) ; how to create as well as how to counter them( eg:- evil sealing method) , it also included how to expand and condense seal arrays, how to seal full arrays without activating the seals and methods of seal concealment and cloaking.
I had also learnt the mystical palm jutsu
from my mom who was also fairly skilled in battlefield medicine and taught me how to do stitches correctly and how to make splint for broken limbs temporarily. I learned all this as my future teammates would nit have my healing factor and I may need to know some healing jutsu to save their lives.