team work test(3rd pov) part 1

A week after the academy graduation exam all the students who passed had assembled for the final time in the academy classroom. Iruka had been going on with a lecture about the importance of the day and extolling the virtues of the Will of Fire and emphasising our loyalty to konoha. Naruto was not paying it any attention and was instead reading the volume nine of the Fuinjutsu series and it was about space- time Ninjutsu and summoning jutsu. Naruto observed that outside of himself, Ino and Hinata and Sasuke to some extent none of the other academy graduates had the attitude of a genin. Most of the civilian born students would most probably enter the reserve corps and would mostly function as cannon fodder during conflict.

Iruka started announcing the names of genins in the newly formed squads under various jounin sensei. The first six genin teams consisted of civilian born students who would most probably fail and go into the reserves.

Team seven was Sasuke, Sakura and Kiba with Kakashi as sensei. Team eight was Naruto, Ino and Hinata with Kurenai as the sensei. Team nine was still in circulation and Team ten was Shikamaru, Shino and Choji with Asuma as sensei.

The students all dispersed for lunch and after coming back to the class all the jounin sensei arrived except Kakashi and took their respective genin teams with them. Kurenai called out for her team and took them to the Dango restaurant and asked them to introduce themselves after she introduced herself.

Naruto went first. "My name is Naruto. My hobbies are training, playing shogi, Cloudwatching and spending time with my friends and family. My likes are my family and friends and good ramen. My dislikes are traitors ,arrogant jerks and ignorant people who judge others without getting to know them. My goal is to become strong enough to defend my friends and family and to be known as the God of Shinobi".

Ini introduced herself next. " My name is Ino. My hobbies are training, gardening and spending time with Naruto kun and Hinata chan. My likes are my family and friends and I dislike traitors. My goal is to become a solid elite jounin level kunoichi and be a good clan head to the Yamanaka".

Hinata went last. "My name is Hinata. My hobbies are training and flower pressing. I like spending time with Naruto kun and Ino chan. I dislike traitors and arrogant people. My goal is to unite both the branch and main families of the hyuga clan and abolish the cursed seal used on the branch family members".

Kurenai was happy to see that all three members of her team were serious shinobi and that there were no fangirls on her team. She explained to them about the real genin test and asked them to assemble in training ground 8 the next day morning at 8o clock for the test. She even tried to make them nervous by saying that only 33.3% of the genin passed it.