--Delgado Cemetery, 7:06 am—

It was dusk, so the weather had a bit of a fog...but it was very chilly. Most of the trees there were made up of dry leaves, and when they fall off, they were just all over the place, covering the ground to where the burials of the dead bodies lay. Most of the tablet stones that had writings of names of dead people were decaying. But one apparently stood strong, even though it was old. That tablet stone was covered with old leaves but with a beautiful rose flower at the bottom of it, making it very conspicuous among the rest.

Noble remarked. "When I was 14 years old, and my Grandpa died, my dad told me something…he was like….'Son, I see no difference between a person who died by committing suicide and a person who died without fulfilling their purpose in life'…"

Tobias sighed. "Because of what…like…exactly?"

"Because they are both quitters" He argued.

"Hmm. Word".

Tobias was standing in front of his Uncle's grave. The writings on the stone wrote, "In loving memory of Pr. Lawrence Ebo Saxon. A dedicated and hard-working Man of God like no other. 1991-2042." He was with Noble at the moment. They were just about to head to school early but Tobias told him that he should stop by the cemetery so he could speak to his Uncle one last time. Because the weather was very cold, he was wearing a dark blue and white, red and light-blue striped tracksuit with his blue and white kicks.

Noble was just in all-black. Even his crocs were black.

"Hey listen…Your Uncle was like a father to everybody…he inspired people to find their purpose in life through God and…he made them who they are today."

Tobias just kept quiet, reminiscing.

"I ain't never gonna believe that he did that to himself…it's just…never of him to do that…you know what I mean?"

"Yeah…yeah, I feel you" He agreed...but still feeling down about it.

Then they were both silents for a while until Noble checked the time.

"Alright I'm heading back to the car… when you're done you know…just…"

"Sure…Will do"

Noble walked back to the vehicle, leaving Tobias and his Uncle alone for a bit. There was a light wind as soon as Noble left. Then it started to get heavy, blowing the leaves in a southern direction. Then it stopped, and Tobias took in a deep breath, placing his hands in his pocket.

"I'm heading to school today. Means I wouldn't be…seeing you for a while. But I promise when I come back home I'mma…I'mma come by and…come and pay you a visit."

He bid his Uncle farewell with his last words. Tobias hesitated for a while to leave, but he had no choice.

"God bless you, Uncle." He finalized...nodding whiles scratching his nose.

Slowly...he left the area, ready for his next journey.

-------7:34 am--------

Tobias checked the time on his phone, as he got into the car. He got to the back seat.

"It's gonna be a long ride so… sit back, relax and enjoy."

"Yes Sir"

He chuckled. "Don't call me that…"

Tobias phone was vibrating and he realized someone was calling him…


"Hello Mum"

"Hi sweetie, how are you feeling?"

"Good. You too?"

Wu was on a call with her parents. Wu's parents had a screen at the dashboard of their vehicle so her mum used that to face time her with, whiles her dad was driving. Wu used her laptop to talk with them.

"Yeah, I am. Your father and I are heading over to Chinatown. We got an urgent call from the BNB Lab. Some explosion just happened out of nowhere. The police checked the footage and they realized that we were the last to be seen there so we might have… you know… so they are suspecting us…"

"They should scan the whole Lab with any of their A.I mechanics to find the foot or thumbprints of where the chemical explosion actually happened. Get the prints that match anyone who had access to the lab. Limit the research from yesterday till now, so it would be sufficient. They would find the person who caused it."

"Oh sweetie we know you are good with this stuff but it's not that easy. The police already did that research. They didn't find anything. Like it was as if it just exploded on its own or something."

"Hmm. Interesting"

"I'm sure it's probably one of those corrupted imaginations that caused…"

Then dad interrupted. "Don't worry about it Wu, we would handle it. What you need to worry about is getting yourself ready for school."

"I've already packed my stuff. Closed the curtains. Switched off any open appliances and waiting for my sister to come in."

"That's my WUUUU!". Dad teased her. Mum laughed about it. Wu gave him a smirk.

"Hey I know we don't get a lot of time together…but when I do I promise you…we would have a blast". Dad reassured.

"Where were you planning on taking us to?" Wu said.

"…I was thinking…the International Space Station…what do you think?"

Wu started to picture it. The smile on her face let them know that she loved it. She really loves space and just hopes that she could explore other galaxies with her family. It was like everything she ever wanted.

"Just you and me…we would be floating and shooting down the pillow aliens that have terrorized our ship…DAD and DAUGHTER…What do you think dear?".

That made Wu laugh a little. Now she had a broad smile.

"It's Epic Dad"

"Yeah, you know…"

"No no no, it's DAD, MUM, and TWO DAUGHTERS. That's epic."

Wu and her Dad both gave out annoying screams.

"See your Mum's always ruining everything for us".

Wu and mum were both laughing. "I'm sure if we are all doing a stealth operation, she's the one who would give us away."

Mum cut in "Because what you too don't know about me is that I studied Martial Arts"

"OOOOOOHHHH!" Both Wu and her Dad gave a loud funny scream, laughing and teasing mum.

"We shouldn't underestimate the power of your Mum sweetie. She's got a black belt." Dad said.

"Ouuuuuu!" Wu teased.

"She would take down a whole alien army with her eyes closed."

"ASAP" Dad and Wu continued to tease her.

"I am not going to mind the both of you" Mum clarified.

"When her long toe-nails touch the ground, she has won souls for Christ." That was Dad.

"She is the type of person that doesn't sharpen the katana blade, it sharpens her." Wu added.

"Let's not even talk about her hair.… Her braids blood bend."

"When she screams she goes to Super Saiyan 6"

"Whoa! Then imagine if she's giving birth."

"They would take her as her Queen!" Wu again added.

Everyone just burst into laughter and Mum was hitting dad's shoulder, and he was dodging her hits.

"Did you see her fists of fury?!".

They all continued laughing at their ridiculous jokes.

Then there was this immediate silence all of a sudden. Like no one knew what to say anymore.

"We love you so much, sweetie" Dad broke the silence.

"Yeah… likewise," Wu replied.

Then Wu's phone was vibrating. It was her sister.

"Is something the matter?" Mum questioned.

"No, is just Fu. She was calling."

"Oh great, then she's probably here now."

Then just like that, her smile just turned into a serious frown. It was like she was back to reality. She wore her clean glasses.

"Yeah, have to start moving"

"Have a great time at school sweetie" Mum soothed her. "Make some friends when you get there okay?"

She sighed. "Yes Mum"

"We are almost there. Call us if you need anything okay? Love youuu!"

"See you guys. Bye."

Wu dragged her suitcases out of the room. She turned off the lights, straightened the bed a bit more, and doubled checked in case she missed anything. She closed the door, locked it, and placed the key at the reception counter...