Message from Toys with a Bang ON!

While on the way to the next compartment,"Ah! I'll remember that bedroom vibe." Ashya says as if her mood has taken off because she was missing that room.

Then Germon teases Jon, "Tell us, what kind of room were you in?"

Everyone laughs except Jon and he says, "You're doing this on purpose, aren't you, Germon."

Then Jon remembers something and he asks, "By the way, Kyora, earlier you said someone helped you, who was that?"

Kyora shows a blushing face and stammers, "P-please s-stop asking me to t-that."

Jon starts pushing her to spit it out, then he says something embarrassing, "Your boyfriend, isn't it?"

Kyora makes a full red face but Ashya feels irritated, so she punches Jon in the face and closes his mouth with her hand. "Stay like this until we get there," she says.

Germon also shows a face that you really have to be a Jon at some point.

Now they have moved to the next compartment for their fifth stage and so that after that they can move on to the second checkpoint.

The setup was decorated really well. On the table were virtual glasses with a gun next to it. After that, the red carpet was there. In that line there was a moving ball on a circle board. From a few feet, there were eight toys but were not visible, that is, not in the right way.

Jon's mouth was still closed by Ashya's hand. So Germon shouts, "Is there anyone?"

Then a woman walks out on that red carpet in a stunning dress, tri-shaped jubilant earrings and she introduces herself, "I'm Fuya, the host of this game - message from toys with a bang on! And the Queen of this Train."

Fuya walks to where the throne was - exactly opposite where everyone was standing . She sat on it and ordered, "Kneel down before me if you want to know about the game."

Ashya felt insulted, so she left Jon and said angrily, "Why would we do this?"

"Ho! Ho! I was joking, dear. Don't be angry with me. I won't make you all nice kids do that." she says with a laugh.

Ashya replies, "We don't need it, just tell us about the game."

"If you're really saying we're good kids, why are you all making us play this game?" Jon asks

Fuya rises from the throne, walks to where Jon was and, while holding his chin, says, "Sorry, I can't tell you that. But finish this stage and all, if you want to know."

Fuya went to where the virtual goggles and gun were. Say, "Let's get back to the game details. First - The name of the game is Message from Toys with Bang ON!"

Then she begins the explanation, "As you can see these virtual goggles, you are all going to use them in the game, so that you can clearly hear the toys, without these you won't be able to hear the message from the toy. Now that you put these goggles on,standing from here you have to aim at that moving ball - connected to all toys, with the help of this gun. If it hits the target then randomly one of those eight toys will come out with the message but a little blurry sight. After that at each multiplier of three, you will be able to see a symbol on a toy head, a representation about them for thirty seconds and the message will be played for one minute. Now listening to the message of each toy, you have to find out which of them is the odd one. In total you will get twenty chances to shoot and gather information. But even a normal round message will last for a minute."

"An interesting thought came to my mind that you are four and you have twenty chances in total. Let's distribute five chances to each person. I want to see your teamwork, so for that. Whenever everyone comes here to shoot And when he/she will get the information. You will not tell the other member about that. After that when all chances are over, I will give you thirty minutes for discussion, so that you can find out with each other's help to know what the answer is."She adds some new rules and says.

Ashya didn't find it appropriate, "How could you add a rule like this, if it weren't there in the first place?"

Fuya goes to the throne again and sits on it, saying, "It's my game and my choice whether to add or not. You shut up and just focus on the game."

After Germon calms Ashya, Fuya gives them five minutes to choose who will go first.

They all start the discussion, then Jon says, "I think Ashya you should go first."

Ashya finds it unexpected that Jon is trusting her but still has some doubts, so she asks, "Why me, any reason?"

"There's no reason, it's an alphabetical order. Your name starts with A, so you're first followed by Germon, me and lastly Kyora." He answers.

Ashya got annoyed, "You idiot! "

But Germon agrees with Jon, "Let's do that."

Ashya asked, "Hey!"

Kyora did not say anything looking at the situation but then she said that I am fine with anything, whatever you all will decide.

Jon teases Ashya, "Look, Germon is so faithful to me." Ashya puts her foot on Jon, he shouts, then Germon says, "I'm not your dog."

In the end, Ashya was left with no choice but to go ahead with Jon's plan. So she goes to the place where the goggles and the gun were. She wears goggles and carries a gun in her hand which was really heavy, aiming carefully at the moving ball. 

Ashya encouraged herself,"Don't be Afraid, just be on Aim even though this gun is heavy." Still her hand was shaking but Then she pulled the trigger and it missed the target.

She feels that it is impossible for her to shoot with that heavy gun.

After watching her performance, Fuya teases her, "That's what happens when you try to get so high."

She didn't say anything, went there and stood, bellowed, "Go to hell, bitch." Fuya shows a face like she forgives her whatever she said. but she says,"There is one bitch, who really holds a grudge against you dear." Ashya replies,"Then you both go dump your face in hell."

Next was Germon, he goes there, wears those goggles and holds a gun in his hand. As he was coached by his father, he carefully monitors the movement of the ball. 

"Now I understand why Ashya wouldn't be able to aim that Moving ball. This gun is really heavy but I have also been coached very harshly by my father." Then aiming at it, he pulls the trigger and it hits the target.

A toy appears but with a blurry sight, the message says, "I'm Mi. I will put down Hi for you." With inappropriate mixed sound. He listens to it but isn't sure he is able to memorize it or not,then after a minute's over, he takes off the goggles, put them back on their place. He went and stood there without saying anything to anyone.

Then Jon was next, according to alphabetical order, as it was the third round. If he hits the target properly and if he gets hit, he will be able to see a symbol on the heads of the toys for thirty seconds.

He put on goggles and held a gun in his hand, "Oh crap! It's really heavy. That's why Ashya couldn't aim but Germon you really are something."

He points to the moving ball and says something to himself, "Yosh! I'm also going to hit that target too, first balancing my hand properly. Then watch the ball move, and finally aim at that." He pulls the trigger and it hits the target. 

A toy came with an incandescent ray symbol that was inside shadows and said,"I'm Hika. Kura is in me and I'm in Kura."

As a minute passed, he took off his goggles, and put them in their place. He goes and stands where everyone was and says to himself, "That was really something different, it's hard to see the symbol if I'm trying to hear the message or I'm looking at the symbol, then it seems like the toy starts to speak the message fast."

Finally Kyora went there wearing goggles and taking the gun in hand but was not standing straight, like she was shivering. She starts breathing heavily and pretends as if she is scared. Then she says, "Guys, I can't do that."

Before anyone says anything on her behalf, Fuya says, "Oh! My weak kid. You can go back if you want. Don't push yourself so hard."

Ashya said again, "Please you can't keep calm for a while, queen of the bitch. Oh! Sorry, Queen of the Train." 

Fuya again says,"This is the last time, I'm forgiving you for talking like that to me. Next time will be your hell."

Ashya ignores that. Then she encourages Kyora, "Don't be afraid, just stand up straight and aim on the spot, Kyora-sis."

Germon also says something like, "Even if you miss, there are many chances. Don't even worry about that. Just try, Kyora-sis."

Jon also came up with something like, "If all this doesn't help, then finally remember your boyfriend like you did last time. Will give you strength." But then he remembers what Ashya had done to him the last time. So he looked at her, but she paid no attention to him.

Kyora calms herself while breathing in and out. Then she remembers Hinro, and tries to aim at the moving ball. She pulls the trigger and it barely hits the target. Just then the toy appears but the message can only be heard by the one who is wearing the goggles - Kyora. The toy says,"I'm Sei. when someone falls. I rise but no one can see me even if I'm here."

Kyora also gets confused when the minutes are over. She shows an expression as if she has memorized it well. The fifth Ashya was, she had come before going to aim that moving ball. Fuya interprets, "Don't let me down Kid. Do your best this time."

She ignores her and focuses on aiming for that ball. This time she says, "I will definitely hit the target and get the message."

She pulls the trigger and finally hits the target. But when the toys appeared, she was surprised to see two toys at the same time, speaking the message at the same time.

The two voices she was hearing were,"The first she hears was,I'm Mi, I will put down Hi for you. Then second was, I'm Hika, Kura is in me and I'm in Kura

After that she took off her glasses and went to where Fuya was and asked her, "Why didn't you tell anything about it?"

Everyone was surprised to see Ashiya like this. So Germon asked, "What happened, Ashya?"

"She told us that one toy would appear randomly but this time two came," she says.

"I already said it's my game, It's my wish to add what and when," Fuya replies.

Ashya let her go because it was not going to help her, she knew and then they continued the game. One by one everyone went there, someone hit the target, then someone missed the target. When every chance is over, Fuya says, "Now that you've all done this part well enough. So show me how you'll figure out which one of those toys is the oddest one."

Then Jon understood something, so he asked,"Germon, what message did you hear in the second round?"

He shows a pale face and says, "I forgot!"

Then Jon laughs and says, "So that bitch played this game like this."

"What do you mean, Jon?" Germon asked.

"She adds a rule to go one by one and decide the answer at the end, not to look at our teamwork. To pass the time so we can forget them." he answers.

Germon says, "Hmm! So this was going on." But in his mind he says, "Why didn't I notice this?"

Kyora stutters, "What should we do now?"

"Don't worry, let's go with teamwork. Let's see who remembers what." Jon says.

Let's see how they will clear this stage in the next chapter.