Distant Affection

As demotivating the news from Aang's side was, Nik felt he had a lot more to look forward to. Not only he can learn Airbending again, but he also had a staff like Aang that could shift into a glider and Sun was here!

A Lavabender.

Sure, Nik didn't know if he had any talents for it but why wouldn't he give it a shot? Others may think that Earthbenders are almost useless on Glaciers but Nik had land on the mark of his left arm.

He could give it a shot...

The thought of being able to manipulate lava was both exciting and frightening but not as exciting as the thought of the contents of the scroll.

A Dirty Letter... Nik was sure of it. Although, he would have preferred that Rena wouldn't have read it before him. Not that he minded someone else read it... but he just wanted to be the first to see what it was and then decide if it was even the kind of thing that should be shown to others.

With their rooms even closer to Yue after her 'interaction' with Nik, he sat down only for the three of them to follow into his room one after another as if it was the most natural thing. At night, Yue had lesser reservations and the thing to note was that it was particularly during the night that she would be even more open... no, more like confident to the point she didn't mind getting seen sharing a man.

"What's up?" Nik inquired, knowing full well that the girl would be feeling a bit more pressured now that their fail safe had arrows sticking out of his body in some part of the ashes of Makapu Village.

"Nothing... I just don't feel like sleeping," Suki smiled slightly as she sat beside him and lay back on the mattress with a soft groan escaping her lips while Katara found herself a chair, and Yue couldn't help but sigh softly, "Who knew that Avatar Aang would be attacked not once but twice and... I have a bad feeling about the missing villagers. If the enemy would even use the ashes of a village as a bait, nothing would stop them from making use of living villagers."

"Hmm," Nik replied with a hum, his mind distracted. Honestly, he now felt Wu was a bitch due to the past revelations and her likely connections to spirits wanting to hunt him, but so far, within the tribe, nothing really has happened which brought Nik a great deal of ease. He did, however, feel a little bad for Meng.

But not keeping his mind occupied by gloomy thoughts since he would much rather picture Mai instead for his dose of gloom every day, he looked at the girls and spoke up, "So... you three are going to stay here?"

"Why? Is something wrong?" Katara couldn't help but question. In what world would Nik mind their presence since they obviously came for some form of comfort and it was true, he didn't mind their presence.

"No, it's nothing. I just wanted to read what Michi sent me but I can do that later," Nik smiled as Suki sat up with interest flickering in her gaze, "Why don't we read it together? I think Miss Michi may have written something for us, too."

"I doubt that?" Nik cleared his throat.

The trio looked at him as if wanting to know more but Nik was equally curious what Michi may have written. Expecting a saucy tale similar to the erotica on a scroll under Yue's bed, Nik finally revealed the scroll and shrugged, "But if you're that curious, I don't mind you guys reading it... since the scroll is addressed to me, I can show you but promise not to tell about it to anyone."

"Promise!" Katara chirped as Suki leaned in on him and grinned, "Come on, open it."

"Yes, after reading my scroll, you ought to share some secrets with me, too," Yue smiled and the remaining three quickly covered their odd expressions.

Out of them, only Yue didn't know Nik could bend all the elements.

Heck, he was living a layered life of honesty.

At the bottom were Yue and Michi who knew he was interested in them and showed it quite well, too.

A little above would be Katara and Suki who understood that due to their encounter with the Fog of the Lost Souls, he could bend all the elements...

And at the highest tier of honesty, ironically, were Aang and Sokka who knew he was an outsider and had a spirit bonded to him similar to Aang's connection with the Spirit of Order... heck, Aang could be considered Nik's spiritual daddy!

The thought of it filled Nik with discomfort but he quickly pulled open the scroll that had the initial length of an average man's forearm.


— I hope you are taking care of one another. I know that I haven't been the best to you all... but I truly wish that you return to me as soon as possible and as safely as possible. Not a day goes by where I don't worry about you both.—

While Tom-Tom slept, Mai slowly read the letter as her eyes felt the slightest bit warm.

— Don't overdo anything. Again, I beg you. Keep yourself and your brother safe... He looks up to you more than he ever looked up to his father and while our relationship has a lot left to be desired, I had hoped to make things better when we did return to the mainland.

Rena tells me that you can fight men twice your age and size and still win in a few short seconds. I guess, back in the Royal Academy, I should have opted for a combat class rather than painting. But Mai, it is not ladylike at all.—

Mai could practically hear her mother's exasperated sigh as she internally rolled her eyes.



However, her nose felt ticklish while her gaze grew glazed as she completed the last bit.

— But my sweetest and most beautiful warrior, know this, I am ever so proud of you. I am so proud that you are strong and I am so proud that you can be safe anywhere and anytime. Circumstances may have caused us to grow distant back when you were growing but sweetheart, my heart belongs to you and your brother.—

Her lips trembled as the letter ended with—

Tell your brother I have backed him his favorite sweets. Of course, between you and me, I will just spank his bottoms red but if he knows of this, he will run again. Take care sweety. Give my sweet boy the love I couldn't give you and protect him.


Drawing a shuddering breath, Mai closed her eyes. Her tears were only available for a few drops as she quickly regained control of her emotions but just those tears had refreshed her completely and she felt as light as a feather. Folding the letter gently and carefully, Mai hid it under the sleeve of her robes and looked at her brother sleeping.

Smirking, she stood up and suddenly gave him a tight slap.

"Wha— What? Is it morning?!" Tom-Tom sat up in that instant, his gaze half-lidded while he looked around in a panic. His cheek warm but soon, the sting will settle.

"No," Mai replied as she lay down with a content smile, "Mom just wanted me to slap you for running away."

"Oh..." Tom-Tom lay back, too, and groaned, "You could have slapped me once I woke up..."

"You woke up with that slap."

Mai asserted while feeling quite satisfied internally, 'Not a single mention about him... maybe she got over him?'


Slack-jawed, four pairs of eyes gazed at the scroll. Unlike a scroll made of cut-out bamboo or parchments, the material felt slick and luxurious with a soft sheen whenever light reflected off of its surface.

At the top of the scroll that could be pulled down till it was a little above a meter in height was the drawn portrait of a very realistic and graceful mature woman. Oh, and very naked, too.

Nik did recall Michi saying she took quite a lot of interest in the various artistic curriculum during her time in the academy but he never realized it was to such a perfect degree.

Almost 2/3rd of the scroll was comprised of Michi's seductive body portrayed on a very expensive layer of the scroll. Her dark hair cascaded over her shoulders, tastefully covering her nipples as her breasts packed a delightful sight. Her lower lip was purposefully bitten and her golden-hued eyes seemed to exude a sensual and mature charm that the girls around him had to look up to.

Her knees and thighs pressed together but the hint of her neat bush made Nik involuntarily recall the adulterous nights the two of them had committed.

Around Mich was drawn multiple flowers, each blooming in her direction while she kept one hand on the 'surface' and the other one held a quilled brush.

Under the portrait were only a few lines that said—

As the Sun and Moon Flowers bloom to the constellations,

I face you.

As the tiniest pebble breaks the calm of a lake,

I feel anguished.

My sun, my moon, you left me with ripples alone. Every night I await your embrace, and every morning your smile.

Our time together is as short as the tiniest pebble yet the ripples have to cease.

Just as the lake longs for its peace, my being longs for you. For I am at peace with you.

My sun. My moon.—

While Nik silently viewed everything the scroll had to offer, Yue beside him finally whispered, "You guys weren't even in Omashu for a month, right?"

Suki and Katara nodded, both of them experiencing similar goosebumps as Yue for various reasons. From the very seductive intent that encapsulated the image to the heart-numbing words that certainly caused a raging reaction in Nik's pants as seen by the pitched tent in his trousers to the sheer emotions hidden within when the image and the words are digested together...


While Yue didn't say it, the three women simultaneously felt their senses tingle. Here they were trying to grab Nik's attention by silently competing against one another yet not even present here, Michi pulled on Nik's very emotions with a gesture they couldn't have even imagined.

Before the three of them could say anything, Nik very gently set the scroll, still unfurled, onto the only wooden table and then suddenly grabbed Yue and Suki, the two girls nearest to him. While he planted a passionate kiss upon Suki's lips, his hand already began massaging Yue's inner thighs while Katara let out a stunned "Eh?" before jumping in.

"Be fair, Nik! I'm here, too!"

Pulling back, Nik nodded with a loving expression that caused Katara's inner thighs to shiver as he whispered, "That's why I saved the best for you."

With that, he eyed the tip of the tent as Katara's eyes widened slightly, a depraved smirk soon sneaking in as she pulled his pants down and freed his erection. Winking at the two girls, Katara held Nik's cock with both her hands and breathed hotly against his tip.

And just like that, because of Michi, the night was theirs to enjoy and ruin for others in the palace who soon had to wake up with the deepest of scowls during moans and groans of debauchery.


"Didn't you get much sleep last night?" Rena gave Suki a knowing smirk as the Kyoshi Warrior only smiled lightly, "Something like that. Are you feeling fine? You looked horrible yesterday evening."

"Nothing a good night's sleep can't beat," Rena grinned as Katara soon appeared in the training hall of the palace and began to start her training exercise.

"Where's Princess Yue? She is usually with the two of you..."

"Oh, she is with Nik. He had something to show her." Suki replied.

"Ooohhh~" Rena smirked.

"Aang and Sun are also there," Suki gave her a sidelong glance as she simply shrugged.

Sokka arrived at the training area and quickly greeted the girls before sparring with Katara and others for his practice while Nik began his training elsewhere, persuading Sun to try and teach Lavabending if all possible for the opportunity to learn was quite slim and Nok didn't want to lose his chance.


Alternative Titles: Michi— Traditional Only Fans Mom; The Ancient 'Send Nudes'; Mai's Mom's a Scroll Hoe; Mother's Letter and the Milf's scroll.


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