If Spanking Doesn't Work... (2)

Nik groaned, rightly feeling defeated. It was evening by now and Ty Lee, after hours of 'fun' spars with him, Suki, Mai, June, Toph, and Katara, decided to leave for the day. Though the girl was exhausted, she was treated by Yue nonetheless, earning the white-haired moon princess a massive hug and a pressing kiss on her cheek by the playful Ty Lee. Aside from bringing Aang in and letting him explore the village, Nik had one other thing to do as 'they' stubbornly remained in their room...

"Chi blocking, huh..." Nik mused as he walked towards the said guest room while recalling the sensation of turning into jelly in Ty Lee's hand was quite... interesting. Zuko's slightly constipated expression as Ty Lee's suggestive words about how she was bent and tired also made Nik quite a bit amused. He was almost sure that Ty Lee said those words knowingly to tease the youth who planned to ask her out— the operative word being plan. Sometimes, if life is not on the line, it's just better to go unplanned.

For instance, Nik had planned to eat dinner with Team Avatar and catch up. But most of it largely changed when he entered Azula's room without any expectations and found a stoic, grim-looking Ursa sitting beside Azula who... was in an interesting position. Face first, the princess slept with her limbs splayed out as her leggings were pulled away, revealing the deep red handprints on both of her previously pale and perky butt cheeks with a small area of mattress around her thighs and crotch looking a bit darker due to unusual dampness that had yet to dry off.

While Nik couldn't see Azula's expression, he imagined she was taking a nap with a satisfied expression as Ursa, still visibly upset looked at the 'Fake' Avatar as he entered without hiding her daughter's royal entrance given that he had already filled it up quite a lot of times.

With a tone full of accusation and on the verge of a breakdown, Ursa glowered, quite cutely, Nik might add, despite her age.

"You... first you...—" Before the woman could vent, however, equally tired and still feeling a stinging sensation where Ty Lee 'demonstrated' her skills, Nik waved his hand with an exhausted sigh escaping his lip and he pulled the nearest chair to sit not that far from Ursa, "As much as I'd love to hear you out... and most probably it has something to do with Azula's red buttocks and you still not covering her... Zuko is waiting for you to come back home. So it's better if you decided to stay for the night with your 'friends' Michi and Poppy or return."

Not in the least bit appreciative to be put in such a spot when she was sure Nik knew why she decided to even stay this late, Ursa let out a sharp breath to calm her agitated nerves and frowned harder, "You cannot just... expect me to be happy with how much you have turned my daughter..." she looked sideways, "She is constantly talking back... hanging what had happened during the camp over my head, and now that I finally decided to discipline her... she enjoys it instead. Tell me, you did act as an Avatar... and Poppy and Michi sincerely revealed that you helped them get along with their daughters, too. What should be done?"

"Huh... that sounds like Azula alright," Nik was more than amused how the daughter decidedly blackmailed her mother over licking the said mother out and then having herself eaten out by her mother... these were confusing times that Nik had heralded.

Easily understanding what may have happened since Azula and Ursa now weren't 'normal' mother and daughter now, Nik adopted a professional smile. "I may have acted as the Avatar but I can bend all the elements... and I did counsel Aang early on so... I think I can help you. So, let's start with you."

He stood and walked over to her as Ursa's throat felt constricted for a second and when he was onto her, his smile broadened, "But you should know that I can be biased. So, let's start with... why do you really want to stay?"

As he questioned, Nik offered Ursa a hand, which she took while standing up herself. She was just a bit shorter than Nik and could hold his gaze. Her lips thinned out as she held back the urge to roll her eyes and she remarked, "This won't work. I really am annoyed that I can't even punish my daughter... without having to wash her trousers and panties..."

Nik hummed, "That's not what I asked." And with his eyes narrowing down, a hint of authority leaked from his tone that Ursa hadn't expected before. She's had a bit... of troubled relation with authority but then again, it was only one man's authority that made her feel revolted and that man certainly wasn't Nik.

"Why are you here? You're not like Michi and Poppy who wanted to finally leave their husbands but never got the chance for it. You've had... years."

Ursa's golden pupils dimmed slightly as she wished to take her hands out of Nik's grasp but found herself unable to. The slightest struggle was noted as Nik, instead of letting go, held on. "Or are you still going to return to your previous state? Hiding... and not from that man but your fears."

"If you knew him, you'd fear him, too," Ursa spoke with an uncomfortable expression.

With his gaze still narrowed, Nik smirked, "And if he knew me, he'd know what fear really is cause I won't leave him with a single closet, darling."

Raising her brow at how she'd been addressed, Ursa snorted, "He will never stop... if he finds I am with anyone... that's why I kept to myself. Do you think I wanted to raise my children alone? I wanted for them to have someone to look up to."

"They do. They look up to you. Raising Azula and Zuko would be a tough task that I can understand... but you never stopped, too, did you?"

His hands let go of hers as he smiled, focusing back on the topic, "And it's a pity to see someone like you holding back so much because of fear."

Sitting back on the edge of the bed, Ursa rested her forehead on her hands and groaned, "It's... like before. Back in the camp... I just don't know... what if Zuko hates me for finding someone else?"

Crossing his arms but still towering over her, Nik shrugged, "Then find someone who can handle your children..." with a smug smirk developing over his lips, "Who also treats you right. Who isn't shy to help relieve your body with say... a massage."

Ursa looked at the youth with an unamused expression as she easily understood whom he was implying.

"Sigh..." exhaling a tired sigh as if she was too fatigued, Ursa muttered, "I... could use a massage, no doubt... but..." her glare sharpened, "You turned my baby girl into a pervert!"

"She was always one," Nik scoffed and smiled, "But if you're looking to punish her... I might have a way."

As if already knowing that nothing 'good' would come out of what Nik was planning... Ursa did argue internally that it may just make her feel better and... she did stay all this time for a bad reason in the first place.

"No... I don't want to punish her. I think Azula now knows what NOT to speak of. But... are you not even the least curious...?"

She inquired as Nik sat beside her. Her heart skipped a beat for a second but she kept her composure while Nik replied, "I can assume it would be anything but good. And I wouldn't want you to force yourself to relive all that just for my curiosity. I would rather... help you move up to better... and bigger things."

As if at the end of her tolerance, a reddish hue finally touched the hard-working single mother's face as she averted her gaze while nibbling her lower lip, not even feeling like a queen or a mother at this time but... just a woman eager to have someone around and inside her in such a long time.

Noticing a pretty obvious rush of breath not from the mother but the daughter, Nik smiled and held Ursa's hand, whispering just loud enough for them to hear, "Do you want to go to a different room?"

"Sure..." Ursa leaned in on him slightly but a sharp, annoyed, and downright hiss broke their moment as Azula 'jump scared' the shit out of her mother, "No!"

Ursa didn't know what hit her was a ball of royal horniness that had only been further spanked to higher heights and before long, more than eager to please both of them, Azula had Ursa unraveled out of her clothes despite the token resistance as Nik only handled Azula once she was completely naked in the dim room before holding Azula from behind as she quickly tilted her head up, pressing her lips into his with an audible groan as his hands firmly squeezed her breasts through her top.

Azula was too eager at the moment and while, sure, she COULD empathize with her mother's needs since Michi and Poppy practically were the leading banners for 'Moms R Fun,' Azula had her own desires and it wasn't to just 'talk' her hearts out... no, it was something more active and filling.

Ursa, slack-jawed, registered what happened in a matter of minutes and saw her daughter's top pulled up with her tasteful breasts jiggling out as Nik revealed sincere appreciation and lust as he massaged them while taking an eyeful of Ursa and winking at the woman but since he was going to resume his duties of 'mending bond' of a mother and daughter with his bending tool as a facilitator, he took matters into his own hand as he pulled Azula's jaws closer to his lips by tilting her face and then whispered into her ear something that made her eyes light up.

"Sure~" Azula purred hotly before her gaze fell on her mother with a wicked grin spreading over her pillowy lips.

And more than just a little awkward as how the tender moment which should have led to a passionate affair for the first time in years, Ursa revealed a distinctly uncomfortable look when Azula's hot gaze practically burned into her. Oh, she was ready to defend herself against the lascivious pervert... that her daughter had become but surprising her, Azula decided to sit up from Nik and revealed the massive erection she was nestling over. With that, Azula smiled as if recovering her composure to some extent and remarked, "It... really would be sad if I interfered now, mother... I will be returning for now. Cook something for Zuko and probably bring him to the tavern to try his luck again."

"... What?"

Ursa blinked but Azula didn't answer and quickly wore her clothes before she disappeared from Ursa's view with a thought from Nik, revealing the extent of his control over this space.

"See?" Nik smiled, "I told you to choose a man who can handle both of your children." Of course, he sidestepped the fact that he was balls deep in one of the said children but hey... that's his privilege of being their step-dad!

Ursa blinked... not knowing what to say. She half-expected Nik to force her into the fray with him and Azula and that's what Nik had in mind until he saw the deeply conflicted look on Ursa's face.

And knowing that her situation did not entertain... asshats, Nik decided against being one just for his entertainment... for now, and easily promised Azula the next night to her.

Still, she realized the position she was in and gradually covered her breasts with her arms crossed over them while taking furtive glances at the youth... and then the bulge straining against his trousers as she whispered softly, "Um... you know, we should discuss a few things beforehand..."

Nik didn't lose his smile. Instead, he grew closer to Ursa silently, his gaze... enamoring hers as her lips quivered while she felt captivated, "Seriously... I mean, this is an unusual situation... there are just so many women... you are young but your health... is..." her breathing turned shallow and rapid as Nik did not intend to stop. Oh, Ursa was genuinely worried that Nik might... be 'tapped out' completely... and there would be nothing left for her.

Yet, she decidedly shut her mouth when it was evident that the man in front of her, despite his easygoing nature... had set his sight on her. The sheer confidence and desire that exuded from the very pores of his body made Ursa's breath hitch slightly and she gulped to relieve her dried throat. He had indeed set his sight on her... and she felt her body and heart giving out as he slowly but surely pecked her lips tenderly. Her arms crossed over her breasts shuddered and if it was hard to control herself at the time... then when Nik leaned forward, pressing Ursa down, her hands slipped around his neck. Her lips parted further as her and his tongues came to a sloppy agreement.

Truly... Ursa was quite like Azula.

Apple really didn't fall far from the tree in this regard.


Shoutout to Jjstone, Umbreon, Caleb Zimmerman, Raju Logeshwar, MiSCLiCK and Devilisinus!!

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