Part 5


When I woke up, it was morning.

What is the meaning of this?

...Did I have a bad dream again?

That has to be a dream. But it looks too real.

Now I'm here, sleeping in my bed.

I was woken up by the alarm clock with a yandere voice. Looks like I was dreaming after all.

This time, it wasn't Yuuma-chan, but a weird guy who was chasing after me. But they both had black wings.

I shook my head.

Pull yourself together, me. Why do I keep on seeing those kinds of dreams?

If I remember correctly, I went to school yesterday as usual and it was normal as usual. After school I went to Matsuda's house and had a porno marathon with him and Motohama.

Then I returned home. On my way home, I was attacked by a weird person with wings—

Then I realised the unusual state I was in.

—I'm naked.

I didn't have anything on me.

What the heck is this? I don't even have my underwear on!

I'm fully naked!

I don't remember it. I don't remember coming home. Am I losing my memory at this age?

I also don't have a habit of sleeping naked either.



I heard a sweet voice.

Then I carefully looked beside me.


There is a crimson haired girl sleeping beside me.

And she's naked... Her snow-like white skin is too bright for my eyes.

Her skin looks very smooth and it's very bad for my eyes.


No matter how you look at her, it's Senpai. Our academy's Idol. Her crimson hair scattered over the pillow looks extremely beautiful.

Rias Gremory-senpai.


Huh? Huh, Huh?

Calm down, me. Oh yeah, at times like this it's good to count prime numbers to calm down.

2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23...


I can't! I can't calm down!

Why am I sleeping with Rias-senpai!?

What happened!? What happened!?

No, what did I do!? Did I do something!?

I don't remember! I don't remember one bit!

Why!? I have to remember what I did! No! Why am I in this situation!?

Did I have sex with Senpai!?

Eh? Do people lose their virginity like this!?

Impossible! That's impossible!

Remember, me! Try to remember valuable memories, me!

What did I do!? What kind of stuff was I able to do!?

My head is about to explode because my head is getting confused, but I get cornered in the next moment.

"Ise! Wake-up! It's already time for school!"

"Okaa-san, is Ise still in his room?"[2]

"Otou-san, his shoes are in the entrance so he came home. Geez! Staying at a friend's house so late! On top of that, being late for school! That, I won't forgive!"[3]

The conversation between my parents on the first floor can even be heard up here.

Then it was followed by footsteps coming up the stairs. The footsteps carried the sound of anger. It's different from her usual footsteps.

Mum's on her way!

Wait! Hold on a sec!

If she sees this situation, then it will be really bad!

"Wait! I'm already awake! I will get up now!"

"Geez! I won't forgive you any more! We need to have a little talk about this!"

Mum's pissed!

She's coming! Mum is coming to my room!

There is no way I let her see the situation I am in!

"Unn... Is it morning?"


Senpai is wiping her eyes beside me!

She woke up! She woke up!


The door bursts open. At the same time Senpai also lifts her upper body up.

My eyes and mum's eyes meet each other. She looks mad. She looks very mad!

"Good morning."

Senpai greets my mum with a smile.

Mum's eyes moves from me to Senpai.

Then, mum's face froze. She moves her eyes to me again.

I avoid eye contact.


While using a machine like voice, she closes the door slowly.

After a moment, I heard the loud noise of her feet heading down the stairs.

"O,O,O,O,Oooooo! Otou-san!"

"What's wrong Okaa-san? You look like you just saw a ghost? Was Ise doing something perverted in the morning again?"

"Seeeeeeee, sexxxxxxxxxx!! Ise did~! With a foreigner~!!"

"—!? O-Okaa-san!? Okaa-san, what happened!?"

"Internationaaaal~! Ise did!!"

"Okaa-san!? Okaa-san!? Calm down!! Okaa-saaaaan!"

I can only cover my face with both my hands.

It's easy to imagine what's going on downstairs.

How can this happen? There's definitely going to be a family discussion after this!

What kind of excuse can I use to explain the current situation I am in!?

"Your family is quite lively in the morning."

Senpai got up from my bed and went to pick up her uniform from my desk.

A naked Senpai. The naked body of a beautiful girl.

...Ummm, you know I can see a lot of things...

Her small hips. Her long white legs. Her thighs. Her nicely shaped butt.

And her oppai which are quite enormous...

I can even see her nipples clearly!

Why aren't you hiding them!? Why aren't you showing any sign of hiding them!?

If I had Motohama's "Three-size Scouter", I could have easily gotten her measurements accurately.

Right now, I'm regretting the fact that I don't have that ability.

But I know one thing. I have seen lots of women's naked bodies from magazines and videos, but the beauty of Senpai's body is much greater than them.

How should I put it? Art? A body with a perfect shape and curves. It looks like one of those nude body paintings or statues shown at the museum.

Perfect. The only thing I can say is that "the beauty was still amazing after she stripped her clothes".

But staring at her is making me feel bad.

I can't become a complete pervert.


I can't help but say it.

"What is it?"

"O-Oppai...I can see everything!"

I said it while looking away from her. I want to see it, but that's that. I have to endure it.

"If you want to see it, then go ahead."

Senpai says that daringly while putting on her uniform. She's putting on a smirk.


Japanese words like that exist!?

An electric shock went through my body!

Tears are falling from my eyes because of the phrases you can never learn about at school.

I'm deeply moved by the beautiful phrase.

"Is your stomach all right?"

Senpai asks me.


I touch my stomach while watching Senpai get dressed.

"You were stabbed yesterday."


With that statement, I was fully alert.

...That's right, I was stabbed by a guy with wings at the park yesterday.

I was stabbed by a spear that looked like it was made up of light.

But there aren't any marks left on my stomach. I was sure there was a hole... It's not a kind of wound that will heal in a day. There was so much blood coming out of it.

That wasn't a dream? Or was it a dream?

"By the way, the incident from yesterday wasn't a dream."

...Senpai says it as if she read my mind.

"I-I was sure I was wounded..."

"I healed it. It was critical, but thanks to your tough body, it was healable with my power in a night. I shared some of my demonic powers with you by embracing you while we were naked. I was able to do it because we are from the same clan."

What is...this person saying?

Huh? Hugged each other while naked?



Wait, does that mean...!

"It's all right, because I'm still a virgin."

She says it as if she read my mind again.

Ah, is that so. For some reason I was relieved.

Or should I be relieved?

"Don't make such a weird face. This world is surrounded by more mysterious things than you can imagine."

Senpai approaches me while in her underwear. She starts to pat my cheek with her slim fingers.

My face gets red. It can't be helped if my face gets red since a beauty like her is doing it.

"I am Rias Gremory. I am a Devil."


Huh? A joke? I'm not really sure...

"And I am your Master. Nice to meet you, Hyoudou Issei-kun. Can I call you Ise?"

...but her devilish smile looks real.