Life.2 I Start as a Devil

Part 1


It's midnight and I'm pedalling my bicycle at full throttle.

The reason is simple.

I'm handing out the leaflets. They have an easy to use magic-circle on them.

When humans with strong greed take these in their hands and wish for what they want, then we, the Devils, will be summoned before of them.

I then look at the portable machine in my hand. The monitor is displaying the map of the town I'm currently in and there are red lights flashing on it.

I'm heading to those areas pedalling my bicycle.

When I arrive at the flashing point which is the house belonging to someone, I put the leaflet inside their mailbox.

Then I move towards the other flashing points nearby.

I keep on repeating this procedure.

Over and over again.

"Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck! It can't be helped! This can't be helped! After all, I'm a Devil!"

I'm pedalling my bicycle while screaming out loud.

I think back to the day I found out I was a Devil.

The day I found out I was a Sacred Gear possessor, when I found out that Yuuma-chan is a Fallen Angel, and when I found out that Rias-senpai is a Devil.

By the way, my Devil wings disappeared immediately after that. After all, they're something that will become a hindrance to my daily life. Apparently, the wings can be used to fly if I get used to them. The feeling of having wings is really gross...

It was a bit of a shocking experience to have wings grow out from my back.

"If you work under me, your new life might become very bright you know?"

Rias-senpai says this to me with a wink while I'm looking down after learning I'm a Devil. Apparently, in exchange for being reincarnated as a Devil by Rias-senpai, I have to live on as her servant.

It seems like that's how it is.

Those who get reincarnated as a Devil from being human have to become the servant of the Devil who reincarnated them. More like, this is the rule of the Devils.

What? I'm her servant...? It might not be that bad to become the servant of a beauty, but still, I can't agree with it.

"But you know, there are ranks among Devils. It's something called peerage. I also have one. The place of your birth and your family background plays a big role in it, but there are also Devils who have risen up. Everyone starts off as a novice first."

"Could you please stop talking like this is a recruiting commercial!? But are you serious? I still can't believe it."

Senpai starts whispering into my ears while I'm complaining.

Her crimson hair smells so nice. It feels like my brain will paralysed. Oh, is this also demonic power?

"By the way, you might be able to start a life where you can become popular with girls you know?"


Those words started going around my mind.


Words came out of my mouth before I tried to think about it.

My perverted guts, it's quite remarkable if it's this bad.

Wait, this may be the work of the demonic-power Senpai cast onto me. Even I think I have a high tension than I usually do.

"Majority of the pure Devils were killed in the war that took place long time ago. Because of that, Devils started to desperately gather servants. Well, Devils don't have the strength or the influence they originally had when they leaded their armies. Even so, we need to keep on increasing the number of the Devils. Just like humans, the Devils split in genders of male and female and are able to give birth. But even with normal birth, it will take a lot of time to get back to the same population as before. After all, Devils have a very low birth rate. Then we won't be able to stand up against the Fallen Angels. So we find humans who seem to have potentials and make them into Devils. As our servant, that is."

"So, I'm servant after all."

"Oh, don't make a face like that. Now, I will get to the point. Since this only increases the number of servants, it doesn't increase the number of powerful Devils. So the Devils decided to give chances for power to reincarnated Devils— those who were reincarnated from a human. They decided to give peerage to reincarnated Devils as well, as long as they are powerful. Because of that, there are many Devils in humans' society. There are also numbers of Devils like myself who came to humans' society as well. Ise, even though you haven't realised it, I'm sure you have passed through some Devils in this town."

"So Devils were always nearby then!?"

"Yes. Though there are humans who can distinguish which ones are Devils and those who can't. A person with a strong greed or a person who wants to get help from Devils usually can distinguish us strongly. We are usually summoned by the ones who can distinguish between them, through the leaflet with magic-circle that we give out. There are people like you, Ise, who can distinguish Devils but don't believe in our existence, but majority of them usually believe it if they see our demonic-powers."

What!? So the reason I summoned Senpai was because I had a strong greed!

Looks like there is change in the Devils society as well!

It must be a difficult thing, but that doesn't matter now.

The important thing is that there is also a chance for me as well!

"T-Then! That means I can also get a peerage with how I do things!?"

"Yes. It's not impossible. Of course, it would take a lot of time and effort to achieve though."


I shout. Inside this clubroom.

"Are you serious!? Me!? I'm able to make my own harem!? I-I can have sex with them as well, right!?"

"Yes. I think it's fine if it's with your servants."

A thunder strikes my body.


Something like that is actually possible!?

In the real world and also as a human, it's really hard to build your own harem.

There's no way you can gather herds of girls if you are just an ordinary human.

That's because the situation I am currently in is bad.

I don't even have a single girlfriend. Well, I did, but I was killed by my ex-girlfriend.

It's different now! Now I can...!

"Uooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh!! Being a Devil rocks! Hell yeah! I can't calm myself any more! I can probably throw away my porn magazine that I am secretly hiding—"

I stopped what I was about to say, and then started thinking about the decision I'm about to make.

"No. Not the porno magazine. Not that. I can't throw that away. That's my treasure. I could still use that until my mum finds out about it! This and that is a different issue. Yeah. It's a different issue!"

"Fufu. This boy really is funny."

Rias-senpai is laughing as if she finds me really amusing.

"Ara ara. It's just like you said Buchou. He does make me feel like, "I think I have a very idiotic brother now"."

Even Himejima-senpai is laughing while saying "Ufufu".

Ahaha, she is kind of saying bad things about me.

"Anyway, Ise. You are all right with being my servant, right? If you have potential, then you will eventually stand out. And then, you might be able to receive a peerage."

"Yes, Rias-senpai!"

"Wrong. You will have to call me 'Buchou'."

"Buchou? Can't I call you Onee-sama?"

I got carried away and ask her.

I always wanted a "Onee-sama". It's not even a yuri situation, but all of the guys have a desire to call an older beauty a "Onee-sama".

Rias-senpai thought about it seriously for a while, and then shook her head.

"Hmm. That also sounds wonderful, but since I operate mainly in the school, being called Buchou has a better ring to it. This is Occult Research Club after all, and everyone here also calls me that."

"Okay! Then, Buchou! Teach me how to be a Devil!"

At my words—Buchou puts on a devilish smile. It seems like she is truly happy.

"Fufufu, good reply. Good boy, Ise. Okay, I will change you into a man."

Buchou starts to touch my chin with her fingers.

O-Onee-sama! It's my Onee-sama!

I will awaken as a Devil while serving under her from now on! No, I will rise up!

This should be fine!

After all, I can't revert back to being a human any more right? Then, I will just have to walk straight ahead!

I've already accepted the situation I am in.

It might sound stupid, but its fine I guess. I have already convinced myself.

It's more like my perverted guts are functioning to the MAX! It's also because my tension is high too.

I'm relieved that I'm a guy who works for his ambition towards sex!

Rather than thinking about the new world I stepped my foot in, I will just enjoy my current life.

"I'm going to become a Harem-King!"

If I think back calmly about that day, I may have been tricked into this situation by Buchou's demonic-power.

Well, that's okay, I guess.

We are talking about a harem here. Being able to create a harem is amazing.

With this, I became a member of the Occult Research Club.

Few days have passed since I became a Devil.

I'm just peddling my bicycle like crazy in the middle of the night.

Since that day, I've become Rias-buchou's servant and I have been working a lot.

First, we gather at the old school building at night.

This is because we Devils can use our power more sufficiently at night.

The unknown phenomenon that happens to me is the power of a Devil.

Since I'm a Devil, my power increases during night time. It's such a wonderful thing.

But the reason why I feel weak in the morning is also due to me being a Devil. Devil hates light. It seems the stronger the power of light is, the more lethal it becomes to our bodies.

Lights are poisonous—

That's what I was told by Buchou.

It seems like the Fallen Angels and the Angels who uses light as their weapon is the natural enemies of Devils. I was told to run away if I ever encounter them. But once you get used to it, it seems like you will be okay under the sun.

The reason why I'm weak in the morning is because I was resurrected as a Devil recently and my body can't stand the morning light.

It seems like I will get used to it after a while.

The reason why I was left alone when I was resurrected as a Devil was because she wanted me to realise the changes in my body by myself.

She was planning to tell me the truth and was waiting for the right time.

That was the day when I was attacked by the guy wearing the suit, so I certainly feel like it was destiny.

Anyway, I'm working hard as Rias Gremory's Servant Devil.

Since I just became a Devil, I was told to study about the Devils' society and how it works.

I was ordered to give out these leaflets at night, so I can get used to it.

I thought my parents will get worried if I was gone every night but Buchou said this to me with a smile.

"That day, I did all the necessary things when I met your parents, so it's fine".

Certainly, my parents didn't get mad when I come home late after finishing my work.

They just say "Welcome home".

Hmm, Buchou's demonic-power is amazing.

Speaking about amazing, I was really amazed how much authority Buchou have in the academy. The academy we go to is Buchou's territory. That's why she is like the controller of the academy behind the scene.

It seems like the person in the highest position in our academy have ties with the Devils and therefore can't oppose the people from the House of Gremory.

In other words, the academy is basically Buchou's personal belonging.

That's also the reason why we are able to enter the school at night.

And now back to my current work.

Every day, I go around on my bicycle, posting a leaflet which can summon Rias Gremory's group inside the mailboxes by using a mysterious device.

It seems like the device I'm holding onto is a secret machine developed by the technology of the Devils.

It has a shape of those current portable game devices.

There's a screen, and it has buttons. It's a touch-pen type device. So it comes with a touch-pen.

And I'm using the device the way I was told to.

The monitor displays the map of the town I live in, – Buchou's territory.

Each Devil is given a certain territory in the human world, and they can only do their job within their territory.

Our job— in other words, we get summoned, we then make contract, and then we grant their wish.

As a price, we receive an award fitting for the particular wish they make. It can be money, an object, and at times even their life.

Well, it seems like there aren't any contractors who will go far to use their life to make a wish.

Even if there was a person like that, it usually gets cancelled since the price doesn't match up with their wish.

According to Buchou, "People's values aren't equal".

Yup, it's harsh.

And the light flashing on the monitor shows the houses where people with a lot of greed live.

So I go to these areas to hand out the leaflet which comes with a magic-circle.

As long as there are lights flashing on the monitor, my work isn't finished.

Because I turned into a Devil, other people and even the police don't pay attention to me. Since I'm already active as a Devil, humans don't realise my presence when I'm working.

I have been pedalling my bicycle every day, but the light displayed on the monitor never disappears.

That's how much humans are being with strong greed.

Once you make a wish, it apparently becomes an addiction to keep on wishing for other ones.

Making a contract is basically limited to occur at night. That's because Devils are only allowed to work at night. The daytime is a time for the Angels and God. That is the part that I still don't understand.

The leaflets can only be used once, so once they use it, then I will have to hand it out again.

In other words, my work will last forever.

Well, thanks to that, Rias-buchou and the others can continue to be active and we never run out of jobs. So we are certainly increasing our point as being a Devil.

It seems like we get acknowledged by the King of Devils if we keep on making contracts and granting the wish of a human.

I see. So if I continue working like this, then I will be able to receive a peerage from the King!

So it's better to take on bigger jobs.

I want it! I also want to make a contract!

"Uoooooooooooooooooooh! I want to be surrounded by girls soon as I caaaaan!"

But right now, I have to be patient and keep on doing these simple tasks!

But how long do I have to continue doing this...