Part 3

It's midnight and I was peddling my bicycle at maximum speed.

My eyes are covered with tears. I'm crying. Yeah, I'm crying.

A Devil who can't get summoned through a magic-circle. That will be me. Apparently this is the first case ever, ladies.

Thanks to that, my tears aren't stopping.

What does she mean that I don't have demonic-powers!? Dammit! Will I actually be able to get a peerage at this rate!?

Using the Devil's portable device, I'm peddling my bicycle towards the person who called me.

It's an apartment located 20 minutes away from the school. The client is in one of those rooms.

If it's a delivery service, customers will get mad because of the late delivery.

It's usually instant teleportation. But I made the client wait for 20 minutes. If you are working in a store, then your manager will be mad at you.

My manager was troubled when I did that. Did I leave a bad impression on him?

Hmm, living as a Devil sure is hard.

I knock on the door.

"Good Evening! I'm an errand from the Devil Gremory-sama! Excuse me, but this is the house that summoned us right?"

It should be okay with this.

Devils can only be sensed by humans who want to make contracts. Even if I do something like this at middle of the night, the neighbours won't know what's going on.

It seems like only the client can hear what I just said. During the time when we are doing our job as a Devil, a special demonic-power gets activated and it won't cause trouble to those who isn't involved in it. That's what Buchou told me.

"W-Who's there!?"

What I heard is a voice of panicked man.

"Umm, I'm a Devil. I'm a newbie and I came here because I was called by you."

"D-Don't lie! There isn't any Devil that knocks on doors! Devils come out from this leaflet! That's how it was for the past summoning! And the one I called for is Koneko-chan!"

Yeah, he's right.

I will apologise for that. I'm sorry.

It's also an unexpected incident for me and the others.

"Ah, I'm sorry. It seems like I don't have enough demonic-powers, so I can't appear from the magic-circle."

"You might just be a pervert!"

I got pissed off as soon as he said that.

"I'm not a pervert! And how should I know! If I could, I also wanted to appear through the magic-circle! What kind of loner would peddle their bicycle through the town in middle of the night!?"

"Why are you the one getting pissed, you super pervert!"

"Super pervert!? Fuck you! I'm telling you that I'm a Devil!"

"Go home!"

The client opens his door. The client complains.

He's a skinny man. He looks unhealthy.

He looks angry but as soon as he looks at my face, his expression softens.

"...Are you crying?"

"Eh? Me?"

When I put my hand on my cheek, tears is on my hand.

I'm crying.

"Is that so? So you were shocked to find out that you can't teleport through the magic-circle..."

"Looks like it."

I was allowed to come into his room.

He even made tea for me.

The incident about the teleportation and the argument earlier crushed my heart more than I expected, and unconsciously I was crying.

Of course I want to cry.

The client, Morisawa-san, who saw that allowed me to come inside his room after feeling sorry for me.

His room looks clean. It's a tidy room for a single guy like him to live in.

He told me that he works for the government during the day.

Morisawa-san does his job seriously, but he was craving to get in touch with other people, so he ended up summoning Devils from that leaflet.

"So it's not Koneko-chan..."

He fell in love with Koneko-chan at first sight who was the first Devil he made contract with, and since then he has been summoning her.

"I'm sorry, but apparently that girl is popular with other clients as well. It seems like she is in charge of the "cuteness" department."

When you summon a Devil, you can wish for which Devil to summon by calling out that Devil's name.

Well, that's how it was explained to me.

And today Koneko-chan's job was passed to me.

There are cases when the Devil they chose can't be summoned, so another Devil goes as their substitute.

"I wished for a Devil from the cuteness category when I used the leaflet..."

"I'm a cute newbie, so can you be okay with that?"

"Hahaha! You talk of something impossible! If I had a silver sword with me, I would have stabbed you!"

Onii-san, you are laughing but your eyes looks serious.

"By the way, what were you going to wish for when you tried to summon Koneko-chan?"

That is my question. Maybe I can also grant that wish of his.

But that is instantly shattered when Morisawa-san took out a certain thing from the corner of his room.

"I wanted her to wear this."

Which girl's school uniform is that from? I think I have seen it somewhere before. Or maybe, I haven't.

"It's the uniform of Nagato Yuki."[10]

"Nagato...ah! From Suzumiya Haruhi."

Even I know it. Suzumiya Haruhi series. It was a popular anime last year.[11]

"Devil-kun, do you also like Nagato?"

"No, I'm more of an Asakura Ryouko fan."[12]

"And your reason?"

"Her breasts."


Morisawa-san lost his word when he heard me reply without a second thought.

Asakura Ryouko, a regular character from Suzumiya Haruhi series, and a beautiful girl with a glamorous body.

"So you are a big breasts lover?"

"Yes, oppai are packed with dreams. That, I am very sure of."

I then imagine Buchou's naked breasts bouncing.

Buchou, I've fallen in love with your oppai at first sight. I was too embarrassed to say it in front of you, but I will definitely protect your oppai, Buchou.

Morisawa-san makes a lecherous expression while smirking.

"You have good eyes. Seems like you have an extremely high passion towards oppai. I see, so you have an opposite fetish as me. I like small breasted girls."

"I can understand that. I have a friend with the same taste."

The guy that appears to my mind is my evil buddy who wears glasses, Motohama. He is a genuine pervert. That, I am very sure of.

"Yes. Don't you think she, Koneko-chan, looks similar to Nagato? For example her atmosphere. Though she's a bit short."

When you say it like that, Koneko-chan has a small body, she shows no expression, she has a body with no curves, her hair is short, and so they do seem similar. Nagato Yuki is also a character like that.

"That's why I wanted her to wear this. I really wanted her to wear it!"

Morisawa-san shed tears of regret. He sure is regretting it.

He really wanted her to wear it, huh?

"I'm sorry about it. Okay then. Let me wear it—"

"I'll fucking kill you, bastard!"

Morisawa-san turns down my kind offer while shouting. Please don't get mad while crying out that much. It's a joke. I 'm just kidding.

Morisawa-san tries to calm down after whipping off his tears.

He takes a deep breath and calms down.

"Well, never mind. So what is your special skill? You are a Devil so you should be good at something right? Something like using a mysterious power. Just to tell you, Koneko-chan has extreme strength. She carried me like a princess."

Morisawa-san says it with pride. Where has your pride as a man gone off to?

Yeah, there must be people who get all high by being lifted up by a girl.

But, my special trait? Hmm.

I crossed my arm and then say it seriously.

"My special skill is Kamehameha."[13]

"Go kill yourself."

"What! What's with that response! You shouldn't say that right away! And your words had so much killing intent in it!"

"Of course I am! In what kind of world is there a Devil that has Kamehameha as his special skill!?"

"Here! Right h~e~r~e!"

I said it strongly while pointing it myself.

"Then do it!"

"I will!"

"If you can shoot it, then shoot! Don't look down on us, the generation who grew up with Dragon Ball! When we were in junior school, all of us practiced doing Kamehameha during break every Monday. We even tried to collect spirits so we could use the genkidama, though nothing happened! Don't look down on our generation!"[14] [15]

"Shut up! So who cares if you were raised while watching Dragon Ball! I have all of the manga volumes! I even bought the special cover version in first print as well! Me and my mates also played "Hide and seek by using ki"!"

I talked back to all of his argument.

I'm pissed! Yeah, I'm really pissed!

Then, I'll show you! Hyoudou Issei's version of Kamehameha!

I activate my Sacred Gear!

First I close my eyes, and then put my left arm upwards. I then imagine Son Goku in my head...and put my arm down while making a pose of doing a Kamehameha.[16]

I put all my energy in it! Shit! Take this, you Dragon Ball generation! This is my ultimate attack!


Flash! Instantly, my left arm glows!

The Sacred Gear, a red gauntlet, appears while covering my left arm.

How's that! This is my Sacred Gear!


I then look at Morisawa-san, and he is crying hard.

He then grabs volume 1 of Dragon Ball from his bookshelf.

He grabs my hand and we exchanged a passionate handshake.

"Let's talk about it!"


Tears are also flowing out of my eyes.

That's enough to understand what he is trying to say. Any Dragon Ball fan will understand what he is trying to say.

"Yes, let's talk about it!"

So the long night starts.

"Hahaha. Me too. I also think it was good that Wakamoto-san voiced Cell as well."[17] [18]

"Yeah. It sounded just like how I imagined it to be."

After he got his manga, we've been laughing and talking for the past 2 hours.

As we talk, we forgot the age gap between us and have already became friends.

Fufufu. He had a bad first impression, but when we started talking, we realised we can get along.

"Okay! Maybe I should make a contract with you as well?"

"Yeah! President! Thank you for the contract!"

Yes! Yes yes yes yes!

I've gotten my first contract!

My road to getting a peerage has started! My legend starts from here!

"Okay it might be a standard wish, but can I wish to become rich?"

I see. That is indeed a normal but a popular wish people would ask.

"Okay. I'll check."

I turned on the portable device for Devils, and operated it.

When I input his wish, the answer appears.

"Ah, umm, in your case, for you to fulfil that wish, your price would be your life. So you will die."


"Yes, in the Devils' world, they say that "Individuals life isn't equal". I'm sorry. So for you to wish becoming rich, Morisawa-san, you would have to die."

"It feels like I just got my heart ripped out, but that's okay. Anyway, if I make that wish, where will I die?"

"Umm. Ah, you will die as soon as the money starts dropping from the sky. Looks like you can't even touch it. This is awful."

"Guha! So I can't smack the money onto your face then!?"

"Hey, don't try to hit me with it."

Yeah, I just witnessed someone's dream getting crushed.

I see. Like I thought, making a wish like that is basically near impossible for Morisawa-san.

So this is what Buchou means that people's value isn't equal. What an unfair world we live in.

"T-Then how about a harem? How about wishing for lots of girls in a sumptuous feast!?"

Oh. So you will go there, huh!

I'm a bit moved. He's a guy, after all. Of course he will wish for something like that.

"Morisawa-san! I also love harems! It's every man's dream after all! Amazing! I think I can enjoy drinking alcohol with you one day! Even though I'm a minor!"

"I don't care about that, so what does it say?"

I input his wish in the device. Oh my, that's a harsh answer.

"Well, it says that you would die as soon as the beautiful woman and girls come into your sight."

"I'm going to die just by seeing them!?"

"No, it says as soon as they come into your sight, so you won't be able to tell whether they are beautiful or not. That's harsh. Isn't it better to walk past beautiful girls in the city?"


Suddenly Morisawa-san who is an adult, starts to cry.

"So I was a human who didn't have much worth!? Uggh, I can only say I'm sorry for being born..."

I pat softly on Morisawa-san's shoulder.

"Let's continue talking about Dragon Ball till morning. You want to battle-play Dragon Ball? I will be Goku and you can be Freeza. Is that okay?"

Morisawa-san nods his head while crying.

Like this, my first contract became invalid because I have to take care of my client.