Part 4



I've skipped school today, and I'm currently sitting on a bench in a children's park while making a sigh.

The wounds I received from the priest on my leg yesterday haven't completely healed.

According to Buchou, "The Fallen Angel who gave its power to that priest must have a dense power of light", so it seems like they will be troublesome for us Devils since light is poisonous to us.

With this leg, I can't do the Devils' job for a while, so I was told to take a break by Buchou.

Buchou probably has already talked to the teacher so it should be fine. That's because Buchou controls the school from the shadows.


My stomach rumbles. Now that I think about it, I haven't eaten since morning.

I have been thinking about Asia and my career as a Devil the whole time.

How can I save Asia? Before that, does Asia even like her current situation?

That, I don't know.

But I have made my own assumption that she won't enjoy working in the same place as a psycho priest who will hit her.


If I do things on my own, it will cause a lot of trouble to Buchou and the others.

...I want to get stronger.

That's the only thing in my mind right now.

There are many things that are possible to do only if you are strong. In my short life as a Devil, that is the only thing I'm sure of.

It seems like I have to be stronger in order to achieve my dream.

Since then, I've learned how to make my Sacred Gear appear whenever I feel like. But since I don't know how to use it, it's a waste. But maybe relying on the Sacred Gear makes me a weakling.

All right. Once my wounds heal, I'm going to start building muscles! I'm also going to ask Buchou and Akeno-san how to use demonic-powers.

...I'm not happy, but I'm might ask Kiba to teach me how to use sword.

Anyway, I have my plans now.

I'm going to get stronger than that shitty priest. No, I need to be strong enough to run away from the Fallen Angel on my own.

I'm a [Pawn], but I can do it as long as I work hard. I want to believe that.

Yeah, since I have a new plan, I'll buy lunch somewhere and go home!

When I got up from the bench, the colour gold appears to my eyes.

When I look carefully, there is a blond haired girl that I'm familiar with.

She also notices me. Both of us are shocked at this meeting.

