"Ah, we played a lot today."
"Y-Yes...I'm a bit tired..."
We are walking on the street while laughing.
It's already evening.
Hahaha, I've skipped school today and had fun till dusk.
We are lucky that we didn't get caught by the police. If we did, then I will have been taken into custody right away.
I ended up being tired. Both Asia and I.
It was fun to see Asia's reaction when we went to the game centre and other shops.
Rather, I feel the dating plan that I had made for Yuuma-chan has proven to be of good use. You really can't tell what will happen in life since I never expected to become useful.
I almost tripped over because of the uncomfortable feeling on my leg.
Then I felt a bit of pain as well.
It's the wound from yesterday. The place where I was shot by that shitty priest still hurts.
Looks like the day when it gets healed will be quite far from now.
"...Ise-san, are you injured? Is it from yesterday..."
Asia's expression gets cloudy.
I think I messed up. We were having a good time, but I made her remember something painful. But Asia bends down and starts to check my injuries.
"Can you please lift your trouser up?"
I lift my trousers to have my calf exposed. The bullet mark is still there.
Asia then places her palm there.
A warm and gentle light shines on my calf.
It really is a warm light. It's a green light. It's like Asia's eyes and it looks so beautiful.
It feels like her kindness is inside her light.
"How is it?"
Asia stops her light, and she urges me to move.
I move my leg a bit.
Oh? Wow. This is amazing!
"This is amazing Asia. I don't feel uncomfortable anymore! I don't feel any pain at all!"
I run around a bit.
Asia smiles happily when she sees me.
"You are amazing, Asia. The healing power, it's an incredible power. ...This is a Sacred Gear, right?"
"Yes, it is."
Just like I thought.
"To tell you the truth, I also have a Sacred Gear. Though, it's not much of a use. Right now, that is."
Asia puts on a shocked face after hearing my confession.
"Ise-san, you also have a Sacred Gear? I didn't realise it at all."
"Hahaha, I don't even know its effect. And to compare it, Asia, your power is amazing. This can heal humans, animals, and also Devils like me, right?"
She put on a complicated expression, then a sad face.
Soon after, a single drop of tear falls from her eyes.
Then, more tears starts flowing out from her eyes.
She then got down and starts to cry.
I don't know what to do, so I took her to a spot where we can sit.
We sit on the bench on the roadside.
Then, she told me a story about the girl who was once called the "Holy Maiden".
In a certain region in Europe, there was a girl who was discarded by her parents.
She was raised in a Church nearby by a nun along with other orphans.
The girl who was a strong follower of the Church received a special power at the age of 8.
She healed a wounded puppy, and a person from the Catholic Church witnessed it by chance.
From there on, her life changed.
The girl was taken to the main Catholic Church and she was symbolised by many as a "Holy Maiden" because of her healing power.
She used her power to heal many believers and they were told it was a power of divine protection.
Rumours brought rumours and she was respected as a "Holy Maiden".
Even without her approval.
She had no dissatisfaction for how she was treated. People from the Church were kind and she didn't hate healing people.
She instead was happy that her power was of use.
The girl was thankful to her power which was bestowed to her by God.
But she was a bit lonely.
She didn't have any friends she could open up to.
Everyone treated her nicely and was nice to her. But there were no one willing to become her friend.
She understood why.
She knew that they were looking at her power as something irregular.
They didn't look at her as a human but as a creature that could heal humans.
But one day, it changed.
By coincidence, there was a Devil nearby and she healed it.
A wounded Devil. The girl couldn't ignore it.
She thought that even if it was a Devil, she had to heal it if it was injured.
It was her kindness that made her take such an action.
But that changed her life forever.
One of the people from the Church saw that incident and notified others of the Church.
The ministers of the Church were shocked about it.
"A power that can heal Devils!?"
"Something absurd like that cannot happen!"
"The power of healing can only heal the followers of God!"
Yes, there were several people who had the power to heal.
But the power to heal the Devil was out of the question. The people of the Church thought it was common sense that the power of healing doesn't work on Fallen Angels and Devils.
Apparently, a similar incident had happened in the past.
The power to heal Fallen Angels and Devils that were not protected by God. But that was feared as the power of a "Witch".
So the people saw her as a heretic.
"Damn witch that heals Devils!"
The girl who was respected as a Holy Maiden was then feared as a "Witch" and the Catholic Church abandoned her.
She didn't have anywhere to go and the organisation of "Stray Exorcists" picked her up.
In other words, she had to get divine protection from the Fallen Angels.
But the girl never forgot to pray to God. She also never forgot to thank God.
Even so, the girl was abandoned.
God didn't save her.
What shocked her the most was that there was not even a single person in the Church that was willing to defend her.
There was no one who cared about her.
"...It's because I didn't pray enough. It's because I'm clumsy. I'm so stupid that I can't even eat a burger by myself."
The girl, Asia, wipes her tears while laughing.
I didn't know what to say to her.
I didn't know what to say after finding out her devastating past.
Just like she showed before, she is a Sacred Gear possessor that has the power to heal even Devils.
"This is also a trial that the lord gave me. Since I'm a clumsy nun, the lord gave me this trial. So I have to endure it."
She was laughing as if she was talking to herself.
You don't have to say anything any more...
"I'm sure I will make lots of friends one day. I have a dream. I want to go buy flowers with a friend, buying books and...talk..."
She is full of tears.
I can't look at her any more. She must have been enduring it the whole time.
She has been waiting for God to save her the whole time and has been hiding her feelings all along.
Hey God!
What's the meaning of this!? Why don't you save this girl!
She has been longing for your help!? She has been respecting you more than anyone!
What are you doing!? Why aren't you doing anything!?
I don't know a single thing about you and I also don't believe in any religion. On top of that, I'm a Devil!
But even a Devil like me can talk to her!
Weren't you the one that gave us the Sacred Gears?
This! This is wrong!
Ah, I know. This is what I'm going to do! Watch me, God!
I took her hand. I say it to her while looking directly to her eyes which is wet with her tears.
"Asia, I will become your friend. No, we are already friends."
Asia stands there looking puzzled.
"I'm a D-Devil, but it's all right. I won't take Asia's life, and I won't take any price! You can call me whenever you feel like it! Ah, and I will also give you my mobile number."
I put my hand inside my pocket to get my mobile phone out.
"It's not why! Asia, you played with me for the whole day right? We talked right? We laughed together right? Then you and I are friends! A human, a Devil, or God doesn't matter! We are friends!"
"...Is that a pact with a Devil?"
"It's not! Asia and I are going to become actual friends! We will put other things aside! We will talk when we want to, we will play when we want to, and yeah, I will also go shopping with you! Whether its books or flowers, we will go shopping much as you want! Okay?"
Even I think that I suck at conversation. It's not even romantic. Kiba probably knows the right thing to say at a time like this.
But Asia put her hand on her mouth, and once again starts to shed tears.
Though, this time, her tears didn't seem sad.
"...Ise-san. I have no common sense."
"We could learn by going around the city! If you go around looking at different things, you would learn eventually."
"...I can't speak Japanese. I also don't know about its culture."
"I will teach you! I will even make you speak using a proverb! Leave it to me! We could even go to museum to look at Japanese national treasure! Samurai! Sushi, and geisha!"
"I also don't know what to talk about with a friend."
I hold Asia's hand tightly.
"You talked to me normally for a whole day. That was fine. We were already talking like friends."
"...Will you become my friend?"
"Yeah, so let's get along from now on, Asia."
She nods her head and smiles.
Yeah, with this it's OK.
Asia and I are friends! But this situation sure makes me blush.
I will probably tremble with embarrassment once I go to bed after this.
But it doesn't matter.
If Asia will smile, then it's okay.
The incident from her sad past. I won't know how painful it was.
But I'm positive that I can keep her smiling from now on!
Even a human and a Devil can be friends! I thought it was impossible at first, but I don't care any more.
I am definitely going to see her from now on as her friend. I won't let anyone get in our way!
I will protect Asia!
"It's impossible."
A voice which rejects all my thoughts.
When I look towards the direction of where the voice came from, I become speechless.
That's because the person I am familiar with is standing there.
A slender girl with silky black hair.
Amano Yuuma-chan is standing there.
She laughs of amusement when she hears my trembling voice.
"Heh. You survived. And as a Devil? Seriously, that is the worst."
Her voice isn't the cute voice of Yuuma-chan, and she sounds more like that of a bewitching adult.
Asia calls her by that name.
Raynare? Yeah, that's right. I totally forgot.
Amano Yuuma is a Fallen Angel. That's right. I almost forgot about that.
I see, so it's the Fallen Angel Raynare. So that's her real name.
"...What does a Fallen Angel like you want?"
She sneers when I said that to her.
"I don't want a filthy low-class Devil like you talking to me."
She stares at me as if she is looking at something very disgusting.
"That girl. Asia, is our personal belonging. Can I have her back? Asia, you know it's useless to run away?"
Run? What does she mean?
"...No. I don't want to return to that Church. I don't want to return to the people who kill other people. ...Also, you people did things to me..."
Asia replies back with disgust.
What happened? What happened inside that Church?
"Please don't say that, Asia. Your Sacred Gear is essential for our plan. So please come back with me? I also took the time to look for you. Don't make trouble for me."
Raynare approaches us. Asia hides behind me. Her body is shaking with fear.
I take a step forward to protect her.
"Wait. Can't you see she doesn't want to? Yu-, no Raynare-san, what are you going to do with her after taking her back?"
"Low-class Devil, don't call me by my name. My name will get filthy. What's between us doesn't have anything to do with you. If you don't go back to your master's place quickly, you will die, you know?"
Raynare gathers light in her hand.
Is it the spear?
I was killed once because of it.
I need to make the first move!
"S-Sacred Gear!"
When I shouted towards the sky loudly, lights cover my left arm and forms into a red gauntlet.
Yeah! It's a success!
Looks like secretly practicing on how to make my Sacred Gear appear without making the posture paid off! Seeing my Sacred Gear, Raynare shows a shocked expression for a moment and then starts to laugh.
"I was told that your Sacred Gear was a dangerous one before from the higher-ups, but it looks like they were totally wrong!"
The Fallen Angel starts to laugh as if she found it amusing.
What? What's so funny?
"Your Sacred Gear is one of the common ones. It's called the [Twice Critical]. It doubles the power of the possessor for a temporally time, but having you double your power is not a threat to me. Truly, a fitting object for a low-class Devil like you."
The ability that doubles the possessor's power? Is that the power of my Sacred Gear?
And she said it's one of the common...
But that's good enough for now.
I need to shake Raynare off somehow, and run away with Asia!
But where to? The school?
I can't. I can't cause trouble for Buchou and others.
My house? How shall I explain it to my parents?
...Damn it. Even though I'm her friend, I don't know where to take Asia!
Damn! I will think about it later! First of all, I need to beat this Fallen Angel in front of me!
Shit! It's the worst case that I have to fight my ex-girlfriend!
Why do I always get into this mess?
"Sacred Gear! Activate! You can double my power, right!? Then activate!"
Then the jewel on the gauntlet starts to glow.
A sound is made. Next moment, I felt power flowing into me.
Is this what it means to double my powers!?
Yeah! With this—!
A nasty sound. Something stabs my stomach.
The spear of light. She threw at me, again.
"Even if your power is doubled, you can't even evade this small spear I made. Even if the power of 1 is doubled, it's only 2. You can't narrow the power gap between us. Do you understand now, low-class Devil-kun?"
I fall down.
This is bad. Light is poisonous. It's poisonous for a Devil. And I was hit in my stomach. This is—
I prepare myself for the intense pain which will be followed by certain death, but I don't feel any pain at all.
That's because a green light is enveloping around my body.
When I look, Asia is healing my wound. She is putting her hand on my stomach and is healing my wound for me.
The spear of light gradually gets smaller, and it eventually disappears.
I don't feel even the slightest pain. Instead, I can feel Asia's warmth.
"Asia. If you don't want that Devil to be killed, come with me. Your Sacred Gear is essential for our plan. Your power, the [Twilight Healing], is a rare Sacred Gear unlike the Sacred Gear of the Devil over there. If you don't come with me, I will have to kill that Devil."
Raynare gives a cruel order.
I'm the hostage!? Like hell I am!
"S-Shut up! I can defeat you—"
"Yes, I understand."
Without hearing me, Asia accepts the Fallen Angel's order.
"Ise-san. Thank you for today. It was really fun."
She makes a big smile. My stomach has completely healed.
After she confirms it, she walks towards Raynare.
"Good girl, Asia. That's it. Problem solved. With today's ritual, you will be freed from your suffering."
Raynare put on a lecherous smile.
Shit! She doesn't look anything like the Yuuma-chan that I know!
Also what does she mean by ritual!? It only sounds like something bad!
I then shout towards Asia.
"Asia! Wait! We're friends, aren't we!?"
"Yes. Thank you for being friends with someone like me."
I promised to protect Asia.
"I-I have to protect Asia!"
She turns around, but she is still smiling at me.
I become fascinated with her smile for a moment.
She says her farewell.
Raynare covers Asia with her black wings.
"Low-class Devil, looks like you were saved because of this girl. If you get in my way again, I will definitely kill you. Goodbye, Ise-kun."
The Fallen Angel who sneers at me flew up high while holding Asia.
They disappear into the sky.
The only thing left is me, black feathers, and Rache-kun that Asia has left behind.
—I couldn't do anything.
"I will protect Asia". What a laugh.
I got on my knees and started punching the ground.
I bite my teeth hard and I cry out with frustration.
Damn it. Damn it.
I cry out the name of my friend towards the sky.
There's no reply.
For the first time in my life, I cursed myself for being weak.