
Part 2

"Uoooo! It's delicioooous! It's really delicious!"

We are having our dinner after finishing a day of training.

We have an extravagance of food on the table. The herbs that Kiba collected earlier was used for spices.

The meat dish. Apparently its the boar Buchou hunted. It's my first time eating boar meat, however it tastes good because it doesn't have any strange tastes to it!

The fish dish. It seems like Buchou was also the one that caught these fish. The simply cooked fish with salts sprinkled on them taste good as well!

There are also different types of food on the table.

"Ara ara. We still have more food left so eat as much as you want."

The one who refills my rice is Akeno-san. Rather, these foods are handmade by Akeno-san!

Kaaaa! It's good! It's really good!

Everyone's digging into the food. We are all seriously tired from the training after all and that's why I can fill my stomach with lots of food.

Most of the things inside the luggage were equipment used for cooking. It was worth carrying all that luggage desperately from that hard mountain path if I got to eat delicious food like this!

I probably shouldn't say it out loud about how Koneko-chan is eating a lot of food quickly.

"Akeno-san, you are the best! I even want you as my wife!"

"Ufufu, you are embarrassing me."

Akeno-san smiles while she puts her hand on her cheek. You look so good in that Japanese apron.

"...I also made this soup."

Huh! The one who is looking sad beside me is Asia. She looks so sulky.

The onion soup that is on the table. Apparently Asia was the one who made it.

She probably feels down because I only praised Akeno-san's food.

I get the bowl and drink the soup with one sip. Yup, it's good!

"It's good Asia! It's the best! Give me another one!"

"It is!? I'm so glad... Then now I can become Ise-san's..."

"Hmmm? I couldn't hear the last part. What was that?"

"N-No, it's nothing!"

Asia waves her hand while her face becomes red. Huh? What was she trying to say?

"Now, Ise. From today's training what have you found out?"

Buchou asks me after drinking green tea.

I put my chopsticks down and give her my honest answer.

"...I am the weakest among us."

"Yes. That's for sure."

I feel like crying after she answers plainly.

"Akeno, Yuuto, and Koneko have lots of battle experience even though they have not participated in the game, so they can fight if they get used to it. But you and Asia basically don't have any experience yet. Even so, Asia's healing ability and your Boosted Gear is something that can't be ignored. Even the enemy knows that. I want you to have at least the power to run away from the enemy."

"Run...? Is it that hard?"

Buchou nods at my question.

"Running away is also a part of the strategy. Retreating to form a new formation is also a professional way of battling. There are ways to win a match like that. However, running away with your back facing an enemy is something quite hard. If it's an enemy with roughly the same strength as you, it is easy, but showing your back to an enemy who is far superior to you is basically asking them to kill you. So being able to run away from such enemy will also be the part of your strength. So I have to teach you and Asia the time you have to run away. Of course, I will also teach you how to fight the enemy head on."

"Roger that."


Asia and I reply to Buchou at the same time.

It's unavoidable that Asia got involved in this fight since she became a member of the Gremory group.

...I also need to have the power to protect Asia as well. In the worst case I will have to become Asia's shield. That is the resolution I need to have.

"Let's take a bath after the meal. It's an outdoor bath so it's wonderful."

--! With Buchou's words I started to think about naughty stuff!

Bath!? Outdoor bath!? The open air bath!?

If it's an outdoor bath, then it's a place to peek! Peeking is the right way for an outdoor bath! Yeah, it's a sin not to peek if you are born as a man!

"I'm not going to peek, Ise-kun."

Kiba says that beforehand with a smile.

"Idiot! D-Don't blurt it out!"

"Oh, Ise. Do you want to peek at us while we are taking a bath?"

Everyone looks at me after Buchou's question.

Uwa. I feel awkward. ...I feel like apologising for being a perv.

But Buchou chuckles.

"Then how about you bath with us? I don't mind."


I can feel electricity running through my body! Ku! Buchou Japanese is stunning like always! I feel like crying all the time because of it!

"How about you, Akeno?"

"I don't mind if it's Ise-kun. Ufufu. I might want to wash a gentleman's back."

Akeno-san gives her approval with a smile! I totally want her to wash my baaaaaack!

Absurd! It's okay then!? It's really okay!?

How unguarded can the girls from this club get!?

"How about you, Asia? You should be all right if it's your beloved Ise, right?"

Asia got red and became quiet after Buchou's question, but she eventually makes a small nod with her head.

Uwah! I never thought a situation like this would happen to me!? W-WWWWWWW-What should I do!? I! I! I'm confident that I will have to bend my body forward the whole time!

"Lastly Koneko? How about it?"


She rejects me!? N-No, my sensation paralysed for a moment, but this is a natural response from an ordinary girl!

"Then, it's a no. Too bad, Ise."

Buchou chuckles with a naughty expression.

What... I feel as though they raised my hopes up, then dropped me to the depths of abyss.

Because of the shocking conclusion, my view becomes black.

Sob, I was so close... So having a situation which is like an dream is hard to make it into a reality after all. Then it looks like I have to peek--.

"...If you peek, then I will hold a grudge against you forever."

Guha! Koneko-chan says that to me first! Shit! It's a no after all! I had my hopes up!

"Ise-kun, let's have a naked bath together. I will wash your back."

"Shuuuuuut up! I'll seriously kill you, Kibaaaa!"

My shout of anger echoes throughout the mansion.