

I raise my spirit in front of the old school building.

Next to me is Koneko-chan. She will be my partner for the next plan.

"Okay then, Ise, Koneko. You won't be able to avoid the battle once you get into the gym. Move accordingly like we discussed. That location will be an important place."

Buchou sent us off at the entrance. Koneko-chan nods at Buchou.

"Yes, I will."

Our target is the gym. We need to win the battle that will be awaits us. The ones that will be heading there is me and Koneko-chan. We are not allowed to fail. Yeah, we can't lose. I can't retire without even using "promotion"!

"Then I will be going as well."

Kiba is getting ready to go by placing his sword to his hip.

"Yuuto, move accordingly like we discussed."

"Roger that."

"Asia will be on standby with me. But we will be going after we get a signal from Ise and the others. You definitely cannot be taken down. It will be over if we lose our healer."


Asia also replies energetically even though she is nervous.

Asia's ability to heal is our lifeline. Because of that ability of hers, we are capable of doing things that is a bit recklessly for our strategy.

Our winning factor is to protect Buchou who is our [King] and also Asia.

"Akeno, I trust you to move when you think it's the right time."

"Yes, Buchou."

The strongest servant, Akeno-san. According to Buchou, the outcome will be decided with her move.

I will be relying on your ultimate move that is hidden behind that smiling face of yours!

Buchou steps forward after she checks everyone.

"Now then, my adorable servants. Are you ready? We can't turn back now. Our enemy is Raiser, who is said to be a genius from the immortal House of the Phoenix with a promised career. Now then! Let's go and blow them away!"


All of us replies together and heads off!

Me, Koneko-chan, and Kiba leaves the old school building!

"Ise-san! Everyone! Please do your best!"

I can hear Asia cheering for us from behind. We raise our hand and wave at her.

Now, there's no more turning back Hyoudou Issei! I will have to be resolved and move straight ahead!

We run towards the gym. During our way towards the gym, Kiba leaves us to head to a different direction. It's in our plan for Kiba to leave us at a certain point.

"Then I will be waiting for you ahead!"

"Yeah, you just do that!"

We split up after saying our good byes. He will do his job, and I will do mine!

I went towards the gym along with Koneko-chan.

Since the main entrance is connected to the new school building, we can't enter from there. That's because our intrusion will be caught by them.

We need to go in from the other door located on the opposite side of the gym. We went there and turn the door knob. It's opened. It's not locked.

But this gym, even the appearance of it looks like the actual thing. It's the same with the old school building where it looks like the real thing. I will believe it if they tell me afterwards that "the stage took place at the real Kuou academy".

We come into the back platform from the back door. Since the curtain isn't down, the inside is visible.

I try to look at the court from the corner of the platform, but then Koneko-chan mutters.

"...Presence. Enemy."

—! Even before I can get shocked at hearing that, a loud voice echoes within the gymnasium.

"We know you are there, servants of Gremory! We watched you coming inside."

The voice of a woman. Raiser's servants! So they saw us coming inside!

Then there is no need for us to hide ourselves.

Koneko-chan and I show ourselves to them by appearing at the platform boldly. There are four female Devils standing at the court.

The woman with a china dress, the twins and also—

There is the loli girl who knocked me down with a stick. I never thought I will meet her this quickly...

If I remember right, the woman with the china dress is the [Rook]. The twins are the [Pawns]. And the small girl is also a [Pawn]. I know it because we were explained about the enemies while having the photo of them shown to us at the clubroom before we came here.

Three [Pawns] and one [Rook]... We are also a [Pawn] and a [Rook], though their numbers are double of ours.

Though due to our plan, we can't avoid this battle.

"Boosted Gear, standby."


The Boost begins. Yeah! I'm going to do it!

"...I will leave the [Pawns] to you, Ise-senpai. I will take care of the [Rook]."


Both Koneko-chan and I stand in front of our opponent. The china dress woman makes a kung fu stance and the small girl makes a stance with her stick.

Lastly, the twin girls grabs their chainsaws with a smile –hey, a chainsaw!?


The chainsaws starts while making a dangerous sound.

Wow! Are you serious!? Girls aren't allowed to carry dangerous things like that!

"Disassembling time♪"

Both of the twins say that happily!

Hey! You can't say things like that with a bright voice!

More like, I don't want to be disassembled! It will be bad if I get hit by those chainsaws!


Koneko-chan and the china dress woman have already begun their fight a bit further away from us.

It looks like a martial arts match because of all the punches they are throwing at each other! Each hit looks powerful since both of them are [Rooks]. I think Koneko-chan is at an advantage because of her small build, which allows her to move more freely. But the china dress woman is also moving swiftly while doing tricky attacks.


The [Pawn] girl spins the stick professionally while making a sound. If my memory is right, I think her name is Mira.

Then I get a nasty flashback. I acted all mighty and ended up getting hit by that stick without doing anything. ...I don't want to lose ever again!

"Split, split, split, split, split!"

The twins come right at me while grinding their chainsaws to the floor! The chainsaws are making sparkles and they swing them at me!


I can hear a nasty sound near my ear. Wow! That's dangerous! I was just able to dodge it!

I tackle one of the twins with my shoulder and put some distance between us. If it's a simple move like this, then the Boosted Gear won't reset. If I get too carried away and attack them, the power will return to the original state!


A sound of something being pointed at me from behind.


I also dodge this attack by a margin as well. The stick passes through my armpit sharply! It's an attack from the girl called Mira! I dodged it this time!

My body can move more than I thought! It was because of the training and also because Buchou unsealed some of the power of the [Pawn] pieces inside me!

I can do this! I can actually do this! I have confidence in my own power.

When I showed some confidence, the chainsaw grazes my cheek! From the pain I felt, it's certainly bleeding. When I look carefully, my uniform is cut in different places. Ugh, looks like I'm in a pretty dangerous situation.


The second power up!

The girls still doesn't hesitate to attack me during the boost! But—.

Yo! Haa!

I dodge the attacks that are coming from above me by moving my body to the side, and I dodge the attacks coming from the side by jumping and ducking down! I guard the attacks of the stick that is coming from the front by crossing my arms!

Yeah! I overcame all of their attacks! How's that, dammit!?

"Ah, geez! This is so frustrating~!"

"Why isn't it hitting him!?"

The chainsaw twins seem pissed so they start to step on the floor violently.

"...I can't break through his guard."

Looks like the stick girl is also irritated that her attacks aren't hitting me effectively.

Too bad. I also trained like hell as well. I won't be able to face Buchou and the others if I lose instantly!


Here it is! My third boost! It's here!

"Let's do it, my Sacred Gear-kun!"


I will fight them in this state! My whole body is getting overflowed with power! A powered-up state for a temporarily time! I won't waste it even for a bit!

"I will take care of you two first!"

I run towards one of the twins. Fast! It may be weird coming from me but that's a good dash!

The opponents can't react to my movements for a slight moment. She swings her chainsaw after she realises the situation she is in, but my fist has already reached her!


One of the twin [Pawns] went flying with my hit.

"You! How dare you hit my Onee-chan!"

The little sister of the girl I just hit aims her chainsaw towards me, but I twist my body and hit the girl! The younger sister of the chainsaw twin falls down to the floor.


The stick girl with a childish face thrust her stick towards me! I will make sure it works this time!



I cut down her stick with my karate chop. Ouch! The stick is harder than I thought!

I hit away the girl who just lost her weapon without a moment to spare!


The young girl rolls on the floor while making a scream.


The sound of the china dress woman. When I look, the china dress woman has her hands on the floor and Koneko-chan is still maintaining her fighting stance.

Wow. I can tell that Koneko-chan is at an advantage by the looks of it.

"Geez! If we lose to a guy like him, Raiser-sama will get mad at us!"

One of the chainsaw girls fixes her position and makes a negative comment.

"We will definitely dissemble you into pieces!"

The twin turns on their chainsaws once again.

Fufufu, you won't be able to act in such way any longer. I already accomplished the necessary conditions for activating my ultimate technique.

"Take this! My new ultimate technique! Dress Break!"

Click! At the same time I click my fingers, the chainsaw twins and the stick girl's clothes gets blown away.

Yes, even their underclothes are blown to pieces! The white curvy bodies of the girls are exposed right in front of me.

Wow, all three of them still need some growth, but this is also wonderful in its own way!

Bubah! Lots of blood bursts out of my nose while I make a laugh loudly.


Their scream echoes within the gym. All three of them ducks down to the floor and are trying to hide their private parts.

"Ahahahahaha! How's that!? This is my technique! And the name of it is "Dress Break"! I just kept on imaging the girl's clothing getting blown away into pieces! I spent all of the talent I have in making a technique that will make all of the girls naked!"

Yes, you can say I spent all of my talent I have in using my demonic-power for this reason! I don't have talent at using demonic-power in the first place. So I just turned what I'm good at imagining into reality by using up all of the talent I have.

This was all for this scenery I am seeing! Hahaha! Look, I stripped down the girls naked!

That's why I peeled all of the fruits and vegetables with not my hands or a knife, but with my demonic-powers only! I peeled the vegetables and fruits till I would lose my mind.

The activation requirement is that I have to touch my opponents. Then I send them my demonic-power that is filled with strong imagination. And this is the result.

"You are the worst! You are the enemy of every woman!"

"Beast! You sex fiend!"

The chainsaw twins starts to bad mouth me while having tears in their eyes. I will gladly accept those words.

"...I misjudged you."

STAB. Koneko-chan's muttering I heard from far away impales my heart….. Then I heard a sound from the transceiver I have on my ear.

[Ise, Koneko. Can you hear me? It's me.]

Buchou's voice. It seems like Koneko-chan also heard it.

"Yes! Both Koneko-chan and I are safe! More like we are doing well right now!"

[That's good to hear. But Akeno's preparation is also completed! I want you two to move accordingly with the plan!]

Buchou's order! I nod after exchanging a glance with Koneko-chan.


Koneko-chan and I went to the central entrance while ignoring the girls who are down on the floor.

"Are you running away!? This location is supposed to be a crucial place!"

Raiser's servants become shocked by our actions.

Yeah, you are right. This certainly is a crucial place. A location that connects the old school building with the new school building. In chess, it will be the "centre". It's apparently very important. That's why both sides came here! To obtain this place!

That's why there is a meaning to this! To make this place as our decoy!

Koneko-chan and I leaves from the central entrance.


An instant flash. Then—.


A huge lightning falls down onto the gym with a sound.

When the lightning stops, the gym that is supposed to be in front of us gets wiped out.


Akeno-san's voice.

When I turn around, I can see Akeno-san with a smiley face that is flying through the air with her black wings spread. She has her right hand raised upwards. And her hand is sparkling with electricity.

[Raiser Phoenix-sama's three [Pawns] and one [Rook] retires!]

Grayfia-san's voice who is the arbiter echoes through the battlefield.

Wait, so with that attack just now, the enemies Koneko-chan and I were fighting got defeated!?

Are you serious!? With that one attack!? Oh yeah, I heard this from Kiba before.

"The "Priestess of Lightning", that's Akeno-san's nickname. Since Buchou isn't the age where she can play in the official matches, not many people know about Akeno-san, but she is famous among certain group of people."

P-Priestess of Lightning... That's terrifying. I will definitely die if I get punished with that attack!

...Yup, I will make sure I don't make Akeno-san angry.

"We did it, Koneko-chan."

I try to put my hand on her shoulder, but she avoids me.

"...Please don't touch me..."

She says that with a scorn voice and she's glaring at me.

Ugh, that reaction saddens me. Well, it can't be helped for any girl to be alarmed at me if they saw a technique like that.

"Hahaha, don't worry. I won't use it on my comrades."

"...Even so, it is a very low technique."

Oh my. Looks like she hates me for real now...

[Everyone, can you hear me? Akeno did a perfect attack and finished it. With this, the first phase of our plan is completed.]

I can hear Buchou's voice from the transceiver I have in my ears. She sounds really happy.

Buchou's plan.

That is to destroy the gymnasium that was thought to be a crucial point. Also destroying it along with Raiser's servants.

Koneko-chan and I went through the back door of the gym to enter, but we did this act while knowing that the enemies were watching us. We needed to have them battle us by making the opponent come into the gym as well. We simply needed to flee after we fight them for a certain time.

After that, Akeno-san destroyed the gym with her lightning from the sky.

We were a bait to make the enemy come inside the cage. Then we, the bait, left the cage and destroyed it along with the prey.

Buchou's plan has succeeded! To throw aside the important location and use it to attack is something to be reckoned with! Defeating one [Rook] and three [Pawns] was a big plus! We still haven't lost any of our members, so we started off with a good start!

[That lightning takes time to charge it to use for the second time after she uses it. So using it continuously is impossible. Though the enemy still has a greater number than us. We will also head out as soon as Akeno's demonic-power recovers, so I will leave the rest to each of you till then. So please move on to the next phase!]


So Buchou and Asia are heading out. Me and Koneko-chan's next move regroup with Kiba and defeat the enemy located at the sports court!

It happens then.


A sudden explosive sound is made nearby. When I look at where the sound came from—.


Koneko-chan is lying on the floor a bit away from me while smokes arise from her. I went to her quickly and hold her!

Koneko-chan's uniform is torn as if she was dragged into a bomb. There are parts of her uniform that are gone. Don't tell me that explosive sound before is...


An unknown voice. When I look up, there is a shadow up in the air flying with its wings spread. It's a woman dressed up as a mage and wearing her hood. It's Raiser's servant! So Raiser's servant did this to Koneko-chan! I'm sure that is Raiser's [Queen]! The sudden appearance of the strongest servant!

"Fufufu. When you hunt a prey, the best time to take them down is when the prey accomplished something because that's the time when the prey is the most vulnerable. It's enough for us to "sacrifice" many of our pieces in order to take down one of you. Your group has a small number of members to begin with. That alone will be enough to give a huge damage to your group, right? Even if you defeat us, you cannot defeat Raiser-sama. It's useless to resist."

The magician woman laughs as if she finds it amusing.

"...Ise-senpai... Akeno-senpai..."

Koneko-chan speaks with a voice that is about to disappear.

"...I'm sorry ...I wanted to be of more use to Buchou and everyone..."

"Y-You don't have to apologise! We were doing our job! It's not a problem! Just wait, once Asia arrives, she can heal you—"

Koneko-chan's body gets enveloped with light. The body starts to fade and then it disappears from here.


[Rias Gremory-sama's [Rook] retries.]

A cruel announcement.

Buchou explained it to me before. When we take a certain amount of damage and get into a condition where we can no longer fight, we retire and get teleported out of the battlefield by force. The destination is a place with medical equipment.

That's why it's alright even if we're hurt badly. It's not like we will die. So Raiser's servants that Akeno-san defeated and Koneko-chan were teleported there.

I know. I know that in my head. This is a match. But still I...I!

I can feel the weight disappear from my arms. ...Damn it. Damn it!

My body shakes with anger.

"Come down heeeeeere! I'll be your opponent!"

I ignored about the next plan and started provoking the enemy who defeated Koneko-chan. Even I know it's a foolish act.

But I still can't forgive her. Koneko-chan was crying just before she disappeared. She was crying because of regrets!

She was still able to fight! Shit! If I had realised it much earlier, I may have been able to save Koneko-chan! I was getting ahead of myself because the first plan succeeded!

"Fufufu. What a noisy [Pawn] boy. Do you want to explode like that girl from before?"

The mage put her hands towards me! I'm going to get shot!

"Ara ara. I will be your opponent. Raiser Phoenix-sama's [Queen], Yubelluna-san. Or should I call you the "Bomb Queen"?"

Akeno-san comes between us as if she is trying to protect me.

"I don't like that name because of its bad taste, "Priestess of Lightning". Though I was hoping I can fight you."

"Ise-kun, meet up with Yuuto-kun. I will take care of here."


I try to convince her but Akeno-san shows a serious face to me for the first time. My heart races. I can feel the extreme pressure from her.

"Ise-kun. You have your own role, correct? Go then. This matter here is my job."

That's right. I might just be a burden to Akeno-san. I need to focus on what I need to accomplish.

Akeno-san smiles at me who am biting down my teeth hard.

"It's okay. I will avenge Koneko-chan. I will defeat this [Queen] with everything I have!"

—! A golden aura covers Akeno-san's body! I can tell how powerful she is just by looking at it. Akeno-san's demonic-power that is. The strongest person in our group, our [Queen]!

"Akeno-san! I will leave this place to you!"

After I say that, I turn around and head towards the sports court where Kiba is waiting for me.

Right after that, a violent roar of lightning and explosions echoes from behind me.

The battle changes from the opening to the mid-game—.