
I try to inhale some air after the fight with Isabella.

...I used quite a lot of stamina and demonic-power. In terms of demonic-power, I used my potential energy within me, so the stronger the attack the more exhausted I will get.

I guess it will be good if I can release two more shots of demonic-power which has the same strength is the one I just shot. No, after my second shot, there's a threat that my demonic-power will run out and I may faint due to it. I need to think that I only have one more shot left.

Raiser's [Knight], Carlamaine, smirks after losing Isabella.

"Apparently both Isabella and I have been taking that [Pawn] and the Boosted Gear lightly. Just like I thought, I shouldn't take him as an ordinary [Pawn]."

The enemy praises me. This doesn't feel bad at all. I feel a bit happy.

"But it's an awful attack. No, I should say it's a scary attack. B-Blowing away a woman's clothes..."

"Yeah, I'm truly sorry. I will apologise as well. I'm sorry for our Ise-kun being a lecher."

Like that, Kiba apologises to Carlamaine. ...Why are you apologising? I feel complicated.

Carlamaine says it while holding the short sword with the other hand.

"But a demonic sword wielder...what fortune. I may have a destiny of meeting swordsmen who wield special swords."

Kiba seems quite interested after hearing that.

"Hmm, so there is someone besides me who uses demonic swords?"

"No, it wasn't a demonic sword. It was a holy sword."


Everyone here realises how Kiba's expression changes after hearing that.

Instantly there is a load of killing intent coming out from Kiba.

Wow. What killing intent! It feels really cold. My whole body feels cold.

Kiba asks with a low voice while having cold eyes.

"Tell me about that holy sword wielder."

...What intense force. He has the same level of hostility as Buchou when she's pissed.

Holy sword? What does that have to do with Kiba?

"Hmm, seems like that swordsman has some connection to you. But since we are swordsmen, talking would be rude. I will answer you with my sword!"

"...Is that right. ...If your mouth can move, then it won't be a problem even if you turn into a state where you are on the verge of death."


There is killing intent between the two. The killing intents are so strong that it is making me shake as well.

Kiba! What happened to you!? Your usual refreshing smile is gone!?

Someone approaches me while I'm feeling nervous at Kiba's change.

"So it's here."

"Huh? Where's Isabella-neesan?"

"Don't tell me she was defeated?"

Lots of Raiser's servant girls starts to gather.

I remember their faces. There are two [Pawns], one [Bishop], and one [Knight] here...hey, it's the gathering of the remaining servants!

What the. Are they trying to pull off a massive battle here!? There are only me and Kiba from our group!?

Akeno-san is probably still fighting the enemy [Queen]. There are still lightning in the sky.

Buchou and Asia are... Yeah, what happened to those two? They should be moving ahead from the base according to the plan...

"Hey, the [Pawn]-kun over there."

Raiser's girl calls me. What is it?

"Raiser-sama said he's going to fight your princess one-on-one. See there."

The girl points very high at the sky. When I look in that direction, there is a shadow with fire wings and a shadow with black wings above the rooftop of the new school building.

No matter how I look at it, the person with black wings clearly has a crimson hair! That is Buchou!

[Ise-san! Can you hear me, Ise-san!?]

Asia's voice comes out from the transceiver.

"Asia! What happened? Is it about Buchou?"

[Yes. Right now I'm with Buchou-san on the school rooftop. The opponent, Raiser-san, challenged Buchou to a duel and Buchou-san accepted it! Thanks to that we were able to get into the school building without any problem...]

...What kind of thing is happening?

I'm making a clueless face, and Raiser's sister comes to talk to me with a slim grin.

"Seems like Onii-sama made a challenge since Rias-sama was doing well in the battle unexpectedly. It would have been our win if we fought normally, so he gave her pity. At this rate, she will be defeated before you fight him."

His sister starts laughing by putting her hand on her mouth where the sound of her laughter went as "Hohoho". I'm starting to get pissed!

"Buchou is strong! Akeno-san will also come here as soon as she defeats the [Queen]! Kiba will also defeat all of the servants here with his demonic swords combo! I will also use my Boosted Gear and..."

"The "Crimson-hair Ruin-princess", "Priestess of Lightning", "Sword Birth", and "Boosted Gear". Just hearing the names gives me chills. But your opponent is the "immortal bird". No matter what kind of power you have, it means nothing against the immortal bird."

"But the "Phoenix" also has weak points!"

His sister laughs at my argument with her nose.

"Are you going to beat him until he loses the will to fight? Or are you going to defeat him with a strike that rivals God? Are you trying to win this match? That's a laugh."

"Why is it!?"

"That's because there was no chance for Rias-sama to win from the beginning. That's how much despair the thing "immortal" is to you."

Raiser's sister makes a click with her fingers.

The servant Devils surrounds me.

"Carlamaine. I will leave that [Knight] boy to you, but if you lose we won't fight in one-on-one. We will defeat him together. Or are you trying to lower the name of Phoenix?"

Carlamaine agrees to Raiser's sisters words reluctantly.



The one who steps forward is a woman with a wild appearance. She is carrying a sword on her back.

"She is Onii-sama's other [Knight]. Unlike Carlamaine over there, she doesn't have any of that "honour of a knight". She will defeat her opponent. Just like that."

The woman called Sieris draws her sword from her back... It's a big sword. It's really wide. Will I die if I get cut by that thing?

"But she can do the finishing. Ni and Li."



The one who responds to her words are two girls with beast ears. I think they are [Pawns].

"They are female beast warriors. Their hand to hand combat is remarkable you know."


The two beast girls disappear from my sight! Then I receive a blow on my stomach and head!


Without a time to whine, I start to receive blows in my legs, arms, shoulders, back. Everywhere in my body!

I-I can't see their fists! What speed!

"B-Boosted Gear!"


The boost starts! But the enemy's attack increases more.

"Ni! Li! Boosted Gear is a Sacred Gear that doubles the power every ten seconds! From how the chainsaw twins, Eel and Nel, were defeated, you won't be able to take him after he gets his third boost! Finish the fight within twenty seconds. Due to his Sacred Gear ability, he can't fight when he increases his boosts! He will just run away! Aim for his legs! Also don't touch his hands! It seems like that person has a shameless move that blows away clothes by touching his opponents!"

After hearing that, the twins make an expression of fear.

"That's low!"


Shut up! What's wrong with it!? What's wrong with obtaining a move that strips down girls naked!?

"It's vulgar to think with your lower body!"

"What's wrong with thinking with my lower body!? I'm a guy!!"

Well it may be pointless talking back at them.

But Raiser's sister, she understands my weakness very well!


Ouch! Shit! They are aiming for my legs now! They low kicked me in my calves!

Does a beast girl's kick hurt this much!? Are their basic physical bodies high because they are beasts!?

I can't attack recklessly while the Boosted Gear is doubling my power! Starting from one where I don't have any time to spare will be the worst scenario! I have to run and evade...



Another low kick! It hurts! It's not only that! My legs are shaking because of the pain! With this, I can't run away—.


I receive a heavy punch in my face. My blood comes out. Blood. Blood! From my mouth and nose!

Tears starts to come out because of the pain!

"Ise-kun! Shit!"

When Kiba sees my situation, he holds the sword with two hands and starts slashing so he can defeat Carlamaine quickly!

"Carlamaine! Hold it for another ten seconds! I know that you can't win against that [Knight]! But we will be able to defeat the Dragon-user shortly! Keep that [Knight] busy!"

Raiser's sister laughs with enjoyment. Are you just observing like a king!? She truly is a bitch!


Finally, my legs can't move anymore. My knee hit the ground. ...Crap. I don't have any strength left in my legs. My head starts to get heavy as well. I take too much damage...

Shit! If I faint now, I will retire! I don't want that! I don't want to lose while not being of help to Buchou!


A shock-wave shakes the whole field! I look up because I thought it might be, and it was Buchou and Raiser fighting. They are clashing against each other by using their crimson demonic-power and fire demonic-power up in the air.

Raiser doesn't even have a scratch. Even his clothes aren't ripped.

And Buchou on the other hand has some parts of her uniform burnt. I think she is breathing heavily as well.

—That's because there is no chance for Rias-sama to win from the beginning. That's how much despair the thing "immortal" is to you.

The thing that Raiser's sister said earlier crosses my mind.

...Lose? Us? Buchou is?

What will happen if we lose? Then Buchou will...with him...

That! That I won't forgive!

I have to stand. I have to stand even if my body gets turned into meat.

Is it because I like her? That's part of it. Love is a part of it.

But more than that, I have to protect her.

I want to protect that person.

It's not about the contract or constraint.

That person needs to stand strong while wavering her crimson hair.

That's Buchou. That's the person who I came to admire.

Buchou told me she doesn't want him. Buchou told me to fight.

Then I— I just have to fight.

—Hey Red Dragon Emperor-san. Answer me if you can hear me.

"Give me strength! Boosted Gear!"

[Dragon Booster!!]

My Sacred Gear makes a red light.

It's not enough. This isn't enough! I want more strength!

"More! That time it was Asia! Now it's Buchou! Answer my feelings! Boosted Geeeeeear!"

[Dragon Booster second Liberation!!]

The gauntlet makes a sound that I have never heard before, and there is a change to my left arm.

The red aura covers my left arm, and it shapes into something. The gauntlet starts to change its shape and form.

When the aura disappears, the Boosted Gear—

"...It changed?"

The gauntlet, which was said to be a crystallisation of insane power, changed into a new form. The jewel that is on the hand part of the gauntlet also shows up on my arm. Therefore it has changed the overlook of it.

...Huh? What is this—? I'm wondering about it, and the jewel sends the information to my head.


...So that's how I use my new power... A smirk appears on my face, naturally on its own.

I can, we can still get stronger!


I put all my strength to my legs and got up! Haha, I can hear screams from various places in my body! But keep moving for a bit more, my body! And—

I sprint! I sprint towards Kiba!

"Release your Sacred Geeeeeear!"

Kiba seems confused at my shout. But he put his sword on the ground and howls highly!

"Sword Birth!"


The ground glows, and lots of demonic swords appears. It's here!

I thrust my fist on the glowing ground and shout!

"Boosted Gear! The second ability!"

With the power I increased with my Sacred Gear, I send the power to the ground! There is only one target! Kiba's ability to create demonic swords!

"Boosted Gear Gift!"



The sound of metal rumbling violently echoes through the area.

All of the sports court becomes a sea of swords. There are different shapes of swords in various places where the blades are directed towards the sky. The whole area becomes like a display area of demonic swords.

All of them are the demonic swords created by Kiba.

—The second power, "Boosted Gear Gift".

The effect is to send the power that I boosted with the gauntlet to other people or objects and increase its power drastically. I sent my power to Kiba's demonic swords through the ground. And this is the result.

It increased the power of creating demonic swords and the area around us became a field of blades.


"Are you telling me this is also the power of the Dragon...?"

Raiser's servants blurt out their anguish. That can't be helped. Their bodies are penetrated by the many sharp swords that are sticking out from the ground.

Then their body starts to glow and disappear from the battlefield.

—They are retiring!

[Raiser Phoenix-sama's two [Pawns], two [Knights], and one [Bishop], retires.]


I make a victory pose after hearing Grayfia-san's announcement.

With that attack, it took down a large number of their servants!

I can do it! We can do it! With this new power, "Gift", Buchou, Akeno-san and Kiba's power will increase! Oh yeah! We can even enhance Asia's healing ability!

Yes, with this new ability we can defeat Raiser!

"Ise-kun. I'm surprised. This power..."

Kiba looks around at the various demonic swords with an awestruck look. He seems surprised since his ability did more effects than he thought.

"Yeah, Kiba. I used the gauntlet to strengthen your—"

That instant, an announcement which we can't believe is revealed.

[Rias Gremory-sama's [Queen] retires.]



Kiba and I can't believe our ears. Of course! I can't believe it!

A-Akeno-san... That can't be! Akeno-san is the strongest out of us—


The ground vibrateS violently and I hear a familiar noise. The sound came from where Kiba is. When I look in that direction timidly, I lost my words.

Kiba—. Our [Knight] is on the ground with smoke coming out from his body.

There is blood around him. Even without any time reaching him, his body gets covered with light and he disappears.

[Rias Gremory-sama's [Knight] retires.]

Another unbelievable announcement echoes through the field.

I can only stand there in a daze with the continued outcome of unexpected events...