I got into the building from the back door and am running through the corridor. My goal is the rooftop! To Buchou's side!
HEARTBEAT. There is a change of "trait" inside me. I have met the criteria since I got into the enemy base!
"Promotion! [Queen]!"
I can feel power within my body. I run thorough the corridor! But—.
I fell violently in the corridor. I have lost the sense of feeling in my legs. I know the reason for it. My stamina hit the limit, right? Even if I gained a new ability, I don't have the stamina to use it.
Even so, I still have to stand. I have to go to the rooftop even if I have to crawl.
Akeno-san's gone. Koneko-chan's gone. Kiba's gone.
All of my comrades disappeared from this field. I'm the only member left that can protect Buchou! I have to persistently go to the rooftop!
I don't want to lose! I can't lose! Buchou! I will make you win, Buchou!
I stand and fall. I stand and fall again... I continue to move up as I keep on repeating that.
I'm heading towards Buchou while I shed tears, drool, and blood—.
I then come to see the door to the rooftop! I open the door vigorously without taking a breath!
Buchou and Raiser are confronting each other. Asia is looking at them nervously from a distance. Good. They are both safe.
But Buchou is inhaling her breath painfully. Her beautiful crimson hair is messed up and her uniform is torn. I then inhale a large amount of air and,
"Buchoooooooou! Hyoudou Issei, here at your seeeeeervice!"
I say it out loudly so everyone on the rooftop can hear me. Everyone's gazes are directed at me.
Buchou and Asia makes a shout of joy.
Hehehe, now I'm here! I can't let the girls wait!
"The Dragon-brat, huh. That Ravel, she let him pass huh."
Raiser makes a sound with his tongue. It seems like his sister is going through a rebellious age. Thanks to that I got here safely.
Then Raiser's [Queen] comes down next to him.
"Raiser-sama. Should I take care of the [Pawn] boy and the [Bishop] girl? Also, the power of the [Pawn] boy could be troublesome. His ability to get rid of what his opponents wear—"
Raiser stops his [Queen] who stepped forward with his hand.
"It would be troublesome if he gets rid of the flame that covers my body? I wonder about that. From that ability and from Rias's [Pawn]'s personality, it probably only has an effect on women. I will be their opponent. Then they will also be convinced."
...What the hell is that? "It's the last part so I will let them do what they want" , is that what he's trying to say?
He also understands the ability of my "Dress break" completely. Yeah, it only has an effect on girls. I made it by imaging it like that. I don't want to see a guy's naked body nor do I want to touch it.
Well, it does have the power to peel off fruits and vegetables skins, but it doesn't show any effect besides girls.
"Don't mess around Raiser!"
The angered Buchou shoots her demonic-power ball at Raiser's face! He doesn't even dodge it and receives it on his face.
Ah, his face is blown away! Yes! While I was making a sign of joy, fire appears from the part of his blown face and starts to form a shape.
Raiser's face returns to its original shape since the flame turns into his face and hair. Raiser starts to twitch his neck as if nothing happened.
This is the regeneration ability of the fire bird, Phoenix...
"Rias, resign. You will make your Otou-sama and Sirzechs-sama who are watching from another place look bad. You have no more choices. Everyone already has foreseen the outcome. —It's checkmate, Rias."
Raiser says it as if he can see the outcome. But Buchou just glares at him.
"Shut your mouth, Raiser. I won't give up! They knew the outcome? I have no more choices? Me, the [King], is still active you know?"
Buchou laughs fearlessly.
Yeah! If Buchou says that then I can continue to fight! It's not over yet! We are going to turn the table now! I went to Buchou's side and stand between Raiser and her.
When I called Asia, she looks at Raiser and his [Queen] nervously, and then she comes to me.
Both Raiser and his [Queen] don't even try to shoot Asia who is moving towards me.
I kind of imagined they wouldn't, but for them to have this much confidence!
Asia starts to heal mine and Buchou's wounds. When Asia's hand touches me and Buchou, our body starts to get surrounded by a shade of green light.
...The pain disappears from my body as if the earlier pain was just my imagination. My swollen face starts to heal and my numb legs returns back to normal slowly.
But my stamina doesn't return. Even if the wounds healed, the stamina hasn't...huh...
"Asia, stay back after you heal us."
Asia puts on a shocked face. Her expression tells me that she didn't imagine for me to say that to her.
"If Asia stays, then you can heal me and Buchou. You are like our lifeline."
Asia has a sad face and it seems like she wants to say something. But she closes her lips and steps back. This is right. If Asia is safe—.
What!? I hear Asia's scream. What comes into my eyes is the unfamiliar magic-circle below Asia's foot. It seems like it is restricting Asia from moving.
"Sorry about that. It would make you guys seem pathetic if it takes too long. I could have taken that girl down but... I just made sure you guys can't heal any more. That magic-circle can only be unsealed if my [Queen] is defeated."
Raiser says that plainly. The opponent's [Queen] is putting her hand forward and her fingers are glowing.
I see, so that [Queen] is restricting Asia...
Shit! Asia is one of our last trump cards!
But I don't have the time to complain! The last battle!
"Buchou. The battle continues right?"
"Yes it does!"
Buchou sounds as if she hasn't given up yet! Yeah! We can still do it!
"But only me, Buchou and Asia are left. And Asia is captured. He on the other hand is immortal. He also has two servants as well. The situation is the worst."
I make a grin and say it out loudly.
"But I won't give up. I'm dumb so I don't know anything about "foreseen" or "checkmate". But I can still fight. I can continue fighting as long as I can crunch my fist!"
"Well said! Ise, let's defeat Raiser together!"
"Yes Buchou!"
Buchou orders me proudly like usual.
You heard right, Boosted Gear!? My Master gave me an order! It's simple. I just need to beat the guy in front of me.
Yeah, just that!
"Let's go!"
That is the sound that I shouldn't have listened to.
When the jewel makes that sound, my body feels heavy instantly and it feels like my body stopped working—. My consciousness is fading! No! Anything but that!
I fall to the ground and vomit what is coming out of my mouth.
—It's a vomit of blood.
I realise it when I see that. I realise that my insides are at their limit as well.
The light disappears from the jewel. That's because, me, the possessor, has reached the limit and so it has stopped functioning.
...I don't have any injuries... I can still fight...
Raiser says it to me who am on the ground:
"The Boosted Gear's ability exhausts the possessor more than you can imagine. Doubling your power is something very abnormal. The burden it puts on the body is several times higher than the ordinary Sacred Gear. You have been running around the battlefield fighting my servants and continued using the Boosted Gear. —Rias's [Pawn], you already reached your limit a long time ago."
...Not yet. Even if you say that, even if that is true, I can still...
Buchou who is next to me makes a sad face. I'm sorry for making you worry. It's not a problem. I will stand up now. I will.
I put strength in my legs and got up. How many times have I fell down and got up now?
"Buchou let's go!"
I went running towards Raiser.