
The boy woke up once again, except he was already awake. It was like he was left in a fog and just now found his way out. He looked around, trying to find the Blue haired man. Then it hit him, he wasn't tied up anymore. He was free. He didn't even know where he was. His hands were drenched in blood. More blood than he had experienced since this hell had began. There was also the scent of something metallic in the air, but he couldn't quite pin point it.

Andreas looked around, searching for anything to assist him in his escape. All he could see were a few puddles of blood. He didn't even see a sign of the Blue haired man.

He slowly crept up to the only door within his torture cell, listening for any footsteps, voices, or anything else. There was only an eerie silence.

The boy slowly opened the door, accidentally allowing a long creaking sound to escape.

He froze. He listened. Nothing. Only the sound of his heart beating out of his chest could be heard. It all felt too good to be true.

The boy continued on. His heart beating faster and faster.

The voice in his said spoke. "Take a left at the end of the hall. Then swing a right. That's your escape."

The boy remained silent, but he decided to followed the voices instructions.

He headed to the end of the hall. It was a long and brown hall. Everything was brown, but the walls appeared to have some rust stains.

The boy kept walking.

Once he reached the corner he took a left, as he was told. He could smell blood in the air.

He continued on. The bloody smell got stronger the closer he got to the next turn. He was both excited and scared. Excited for his escape, Scared of what sort of mess he was about to see.

He took the right turn to be greeted by a gruesome sight.

What the boy saw what he assumed was once the Blue haired man. There was a rather large puddle of blood under the man's body, more blood seemed to be dripping down the man's arms and legs. He was hung upon a large silver cross, the letters E-R-E-B-U-S were carved into his forehead and an exit sign drawn out of blood sat several feet away. A silver knife was piercing the man's chest and some stairs made of silver lead up to him.

The boy climbed the stairs in an attempt to grab the weapon, fearing for whatever did this to his former assailant. The boy gave a long stare at the man. He oddly felt nothing while watching the corpse. He slashed at the man's chest. Still nothing. The voice in his head cackled. "Erebus, Erebus what?!?"

The boy started, "Is Erebus the name of the mon-"

The voice interrupted, "Hurry to the exit boy and if he's Erebus, you can call me Fenris!" Another cackle shook the boys head.

The boy obeyed the voice. He slowly opened the door, peaking out ever so slightly. But it wasn't a sight he had wanted to see. He was halfway up a mountain, several black sedans were pulling up at the same time as he peaked out. The boy gripped his dagger.

"Andreas?!?" Came the familiar voice of The bald man.

"Andreas are you ok?!?" He shouted while exiting one of the sedans.