Intermission part 3

The trio walked out of a rift into a futuristic like place. Everyone wore a piece of fabric of a different color somewhere on their bodies here. Everyone also oddly looked similar.

"So Silver," The child started with both voices ringing out, "How's Erebus?"

Silver gazed at the child. His right eye, the glowing red one, began to flicker.

Crimson let out a sigh and glared at the child before stating, "Yuh don't have Subere under your control, yuh've got no right to ask our half dead friend how his split is."

Silver gave a sigh of relief that echoed a metallic sound.

Then came the over joyed voice of a more feminine person, wearing an all green outfit with a pink headband, "Hey shin! Who's the newbie? He looks hurt. Is he hurt? Does he need my help?" Midway thru talking he gave Silver a slight tap on the forehead.

After which a green light enveloped the man. His recent injuries began to mend at a rapid rate. After his injuries were all healed his scars began to glow an almost lime green, and soon they too were gone. Then his eyes began to glow a silver like color, at which point the glowing and metallic eyes were replaces with the most mesmerizing grey eyes the human mind could perceive.

The feminine man continued while Silver was healing, "Is he better? Is he? Is he? Is he like you Shin? Or is he like Nihs? What's his name? Has he eaten any souls? Does he like pin-"

Crimson Interrupted, "Obviously he would be better after yuh've used your ability Kun, or rather Pinky would be what yuh'd refer to him," Crimson said while glancing at Silver, "Pinky here has the ability to reset anything to its prime condition, in yuhr case, yuh seem to be of the prime age, but obviously yuh physical condition was subpar."

"What can he do? What can he do?!?" exclaimed Pinky.

Shadow sighed and glanced at Silver. "We apologize," Both of his voices rang out, "You must be very confused as to why we brought you here and why everyone here is like us."

Crimson chimed in, "We are what remains of our world's. Yuh see me and Shadow here, have the abilities to travel between planes of existence. Dimensions if you will."

"But we are the opposite of Crimson." Shadows voices stated.

"Yes. Shadow and I are polar opposites in power. I rely on speed, he relies on strength. I open rifts to where I want to go, he opens rifts to where he needs to go." Crimson spoke.

"We found you because of my rift." Shadow said.

Crimson began, "Yes, he did find you. But regardless, this place is a collection of those like us, known by the name of 'J', the versions of us from different worlds who were unfortunate enough to be given that name. It's our curse, in everyone single time-line, every single world, every possible form of existence, there exists one of us. They may differ in appearance," he said while glancing at Shadow, "Personality," he glanced at Pinky, "Or ability." He glanced at Silver. "When our worlds are destroyed or most of the entities of our world are overtaken by demons or monsters, we offer this world to the survivors, and in return, the new occupants of my former world assist me in our battle with the entities who orchestrated all of this." Crimson continued