0.2 Goodbye (Tubbo)

One war.

Two kids in love.

Two teams.

One family.

Five friends.

Three dead.

Two in pain.

Y/ninnit was left, which she though of as alone. Tubbo was also left, which he thought of as alone. Two teenagers running, and fighting while running past the dead bodies of all their friends. Tubbo was bleeding, he was bleeding a lot. So was Y/n, but neither of them cared. They thought the other person was dead, they thought they had nothing else to live for. But they both knew they couldn't let themselves end there, they both knew that deep down, they don't want to go this way. They both know that they want to wait, they want to help, but they don't know how.

After twenty minutes of running and ducking from shots of arrows from the opposite army, they ran into a tall tree. They both hid on either side, not seeing each other or hearing. They slumped against the tree. Both sobbing quietly yet uncontrollably. They just wanted each other. They wanted to old the other in their arms, hold them until they no longer could. Tubbo was losing a lot of blood. He had been shot with an arrow, right in his upper right arm. He had his sword, but it wasn't very useful right now, as his hitting arm was impaled. He was running out of time, but he didn't care. He just wanted to see her. Only her. She wanted to see him. But to each other- they were both dead. They didn't know they were right behind each other, until Tubbo let out a loud sob. Y/n heard it, she recognized it, and she immediately shot her head up. Looking for him. She groaned as she sat up, still looking. She thought about moving, she thought she was just imagining things because she was sure he had died. But she heard it again, the loud, familiar cries coming from the boy who she had loved.

"Tubbo?" She called out quietly. She had completely forgotten about the war going on around them. She just wanted to make sure he was okay, she needed to know he was okay.

When Tubbo heard her voice, he stopped crying. He wiped his tears with his okay hand, and tried to sit up. But he couldn't move. He tried to call out her name, but he couldn't talk loud enough. His voice- his time- was all running out so very quickly. He tried to move his legs, but they had gone numb. He moved his right arm, and banged on the tree behind him, trying to signal the girl he heard behind him. He banged the tree and groaned in pain. It was a loud groan, loud enough that she heard it. She turned, she looked on the other side of the tree and gasped almost immediately. She saw him. She saw who she thought was gone. She saw the person, that she thought she'd never see again. She dropped down beside him, and noticed the big bloody gash on his left arm. She gasped once again and tried to find something to cover up the wound.

"Tubbo...you're losing a lot of blood. I'm so happy I found you. I- I- I thought you were gone" She stuttered, her eyes filling up with happy, yet very sad tears. He smiled and she helped him sit up more.

"I'll be gone soon, I can't feel my legs. My arm is going number by the minute. I am so sorry my love" he spoke softly, still very quiet. Her happy spirit dropped almost just as quickly as her arm from his.

"Don't- don't say that" she sniffled. "We'll get help, I promise you. You will b-be okay" she nodded her head at him. "I promise you will be okay" she said trying to get him to stop. She needed to distract him, but she knew he was right. She knew he wouldn't last much longer. She just needed to distract him from everything going on, as selfish as it may sound, she wanted to be with him till his final breath. And if it meant her dying too- she didn't care. She ripped a piece of her shirt off from the bottom and wrapped it around his wound, trying her very best to stop the bleeding. She pressed on it slightly, trying to slow it down. He groaned in response, but she kept going. Causing him to groan even more.

"I know it hurts, I'm so so sorry- but I need the bleeding to stop." She said, stopping herself from pressing on it even more. He nodded and grabbed her chin with his vacant hand, as numb as it was, touching her had always made him happy. Being with her had always made him happy. He was happier than ever right now, even if he was dying. He pulled her in and gave her one last kiss. Everything in him told him not to pull away, just like with her. But they had no choice, he pulled back after a few seconds of contact. They we're both crying again. He pressed his forehead to hers, and closed his eyes. He was tired, so tired. He just wanted everything to stop. She notice his eyes closed and did everything she could to keep them open, she didn't want to risk anything.

"No- please keep your eyes open baby. I know it hurts, but please keep them open. We will find help." She spoke, with countless of tears falling from her cheek to his. After no response she looked at him, and noticed his eyes still closed. His face so pale, and his breath...his breath had stopped. He had stopped breathing and she didn't know what to do. The first thing she did was cry, and cry so hard she couldn't stop. She needed him, and she couldn't live without him, but she still did. She laid him down and cried, she cried and cried until no more tears came. She wiped her eyes and spoke; "please don't leave me. I love you so much Tubbo even though I never told you, I never got to and now I never will. I am so glad you aren't in anymore pain, I feel so selfish that I didn't run to get you help. I love you, and I miss you so much already and I don't know what to do. Please- please just take another breath. Please Tubbo." Her tears came back, this time they came back harder and stronger. She hugged the corps laying in front of her, she should have got help, it's all she could think of. Everyone she had was gone now and there was nothing she could do.

She looked beside her, and saw his sword. She picked it up, it was covered in blood. She wanted to go, she couldn't handle this anymore. She stood up and raised the sword to herself.

"I'll see you soon" she whispered before shoving the sword into her chest, straight through. And collapsing as the sword left her hands. All life had left her body. She was gone.

But somewhere- somewhere in the world. Those two people who were in love, had each other once again.