Kingdom Hierarchies


King (Holds authority over all citizens of his domain)

The House of the current King becomes the defacto Royal House of the Kingdom.


Major Lords

(Lords of Major Houses)

(Holds authority over their own Territories)

Major Lords are direct Vassals to the King, and govern their own territories and armies. Any House associated with a Major Lord, is designated as a Major House of the Kingdom. The Major Houses of the Kingdom, are often the richest and most prestigious families, vying to retain their power in the Kingdom. Only Major Houses are allowed to contest in the Trials of Leventis, and earn the right to challenge for the Throne.

Lesser Lords

(Lords of Minor Houses)

(Holds authority over smaller territories/estates)

Lesser Lords, derogatorily referred to; a reminder of their position in the Kingdom. While being a Lesser Lord is a sought after achievement, few Lesser Lords feel sufficed by their positions in society. They control very little to no land. Often found in charge of estates and merchant houses in the Capital City. Some Lesser Lords choose to serve under the well renowned Major Lords in hope to be promoted under the prospect of a new King & Royal House.


A general term used to designate a conditional binding between an individual and a Lord. The individual gains perks, based on their capabilities to serve, and strength to fight. While every Lord in the Kingdom have their own Vassals, in the end, all lords act as Vassals to the reigning King.

Higher Vassals (Upper Echelon of the Serving House)

A highly sought after position for the common folk. Higher Vassals are deemed to be some of the strongest individuals serving under a Lord, or even directly under a King. These individuals may one day claim their right to Lordship, and progress to become Lesser Lords. Higher Vassals usually comprise of Expert Knights, and High Bone-Refiners to Low Muscle-Refiners.

Lower Vassals (Lower Echelon of the Serving House)

A high status position for the peasants of the Kingdom. Many attempt to breach the barrier to becoming a noble, by first attaining their grant to become a Lower Vassal. Usual requirements find skill in swordsmanship, or at least Low-Bone Refining to be necessary.

Many individuals specialising in the field of research and development, as well as various forms of craftsmanship are awarded the right to exclusively work under Major or Minor Houses, as Lower Vassals. Unfortunately so, very few academics are ever deemed useful enough to be awarded the status of Higher Vassals.