The Council of Lords

Kai awoke with a wide gasp, he immediately felt the pain rush into his body. But the panic of being late made him more anxious, diverting all his attention away from the pain.


The young boy finally observed his surroundings, only to realise he was in bed instead of the pastures, there were ointments rubbed over his body, and a few bandages neatly wrapped around his limbs.

"How'd I get here… This is my room, but I-I"

The door to Kai's room suddenly swung open, Tressa stood at the entrance with a worried look on her face.

"Ahhh you're finally awake!"

She rushed to her son and hugged him tightly, after a few moments, she finally let go of the suffocated boy.

Her expression turned from concern to anger, she stared at Kai for a while before finally speaking.

"What the hell happened to you? To be passed out in pastures, do you not realise how dangerous it was… If not for your father, and a few kind people from the village setting out to search for you… you'd still be lost there!"

Tressa spoke in a harsh tone, but her words carried an emotion of worry as well. Her eyes had become watery as she continued to look at her son's pitiful state.

She eventually turned her gaze away from Kai, but still remained sitting on his slightly crooked bed, unwilling to move away.

"Mother… I-I'm… sorry. I'll be more careful next time, I promise."

"Your father was too conflicted to make this decision, that man sometimes fails to understand what's best for him or his family… But I'm different, I've seen what this training and the likes have done to you… And I'm not having it, none of it… No more Kai, no more training, no more refining, no more going to the Keep to help your father."

Kai's eyes trembled, he raised his head and spoke in protest, "But mother, I can't stop now, I'm finally making progress…"

"Just look at what it's doing to you son!" Tressa replied with a raised voice, her tears finally began to stream down her cheeks.

Kai stopped speaking when he noticed his mother's distress.

Tressa finally got up and wiped her face, she was still sniffling, but she nonetheless tried to hide her tears from Kai.

"You-You'll stay home till you recover, I don't care how you feel about it… Once you've recovered we'll be focusing on your education instead of your training. Become an official or something, I will not see my child harmed, and I most definitely won't see him die before me." Tressa spoke as she turned to look at her son.

Her tears had been wiped, but new ones were slowly taking their place.

"But mother, I-I want to train, I want to become stronger!" Kai protested before his fate was finalised.

"Kai, your father and I have lost enough in life, your father he never felt love towards most of his family, towards his parents, so he doesn't know what it means to truly loose his loved ones, but I know… After your grandparents passed, you and Damien are the only family I have left. And even if Damien can't get it in that dense head of his, it's final…" Tressa spoke before promptly moving towards the door.

Just before exiting, she turned to her son once more, "For now, just focus on recovering from whatever damage you've done to your body… And maybe later we can think about resuming with your training… but in a limited capacity."

Kai sighed deeply as he remained in bed, he wanted to protest some more, but he could barely even move his body, so how could he even debate against his mother's argument.

'I messed up…' Kai thought with a deep sigh.

For a while the young boy just sat in his bed thinking back to the events of the past few days, however, there was a slight discomfort he felt in the environment around him, which kept distracting him.

It was faint but he felt it for sure, he probably felt it before too, but was too preoccupied to notice it. Sometimes, it would be clear, other times it would entirely disappear.

Kai raised his hand with a bit of struggle, and waived it through the air. After a while of doing so his eyes widened.

"It can't be…I-I've achieved it… I've achieved resonance!"

The City of Aurora was bustling with crowds today. One could easily spot many enthusiastic shop owners entertaining customers.

Many lords and their families had travelled to the capital for the annual convening of the Council of Lords.

Naturally, there was a lot of wealth to be disposed of by the rich nobles, who were exploring the Capital marketplace. Today many higher vassals and lesser lords could also be spotted roaming the wide main street of the Capital.

Within the Keep, the staff had been worked to the bone, chamberlains were rushing through the various corridors carrying fresh towels, drinks, food and more at the requests of the many guests staying for the night.

The marshal was busy in charge of the multitude of horses stationed in the royal stables, while the undercooks were constantly preparing meals.

Damien stood in the middle of the kitchen as usual, voicing his orders, he wasn't panicked or anxious, but there was a subtle stress to his expression as well.

But the most important event was being held in the Throne Room. Most, if not all of the major lords were seated around the room as they patiently discussed the matters of the Kingdom.

Besides the Lords stood the Higher Vassals of the house, many of them were the heirs to the lordships they represented.

In a certain corner of the room, Lord Ulysses Grier was sitting leisurely. He was an old man, whose hair had receded over time, yet he'd grown them long and kept them tied at the back of his head.

He had calm eyes, a small nose and a mid-sized grey beard. One could notice wrinkles around his eyes, and lips. He sat there calmly with his eyes closed and his fingers interlocked.

Behind Lord Ulysses stood Anton Grier, who was visibly nervous standing among all the reputable lords of the Kingdom.

Even Lord Ceres Vestar was present with his fairly young son standing behind him, it was odd to bring a youngling to the Council meeting, but Vestar didn't care, he was born in a proud House and lived by his own rules.

His son, Eren Vestar stood behind with an arrogant expression, he was clearly proud of himself to be here at such a young age.

The King was still missing, as the throne remained empty, and as usual the Lords awaited patiently for their ruler to arrive. Only Lord Vestar had a hint of annoyance on his face, but he made sure not to show it.

Eris Lambros was exiting his chambers in his usual velvet, black gown with silver embroidering. Along him strode a young sickly youth.

"Father, I assure you my progress has been swift. I am yet to master the first layer, but I hope to achieve it within the coming month." Theodan spoke as he kept his head down, refusing to look up.

King Eris stopped after hearing his son's words.

"Do you really believe that will be enough boy? Do you plan to make a fool out of us at the Trials?"

Theodan's expression strained but he immediately replied.

"Even if I am unable to meet expectations in this year's Trials… I assure you, I will meet the requirements by next year, at the very least… Nonetheless, as long as my performance is satisfactory would it not be enough?"

King Eris immediately turned to his son, who still refused to look back at him.

"Do you think of this as some kind of joke? The opportunity that has been bestowed on you comes with a great risk, if even one individual realises you have gained such an advantage over the rest of the participants the consequences can be dire.

Only if you can prove yourself to be powerful enough at the time of the reveal, will it not make a difference to those who doubt you! It's a wretched system boy, but it's also the reason we stand where we are, the reason I am King and not Ceres."

"I understand father…" Theodan replied with a dejected expression.

"Good, now take your leave and cultivate some more… No more leaving your room. I have enough troubles to deal with as it is."

King Eris walked further out as he made his way to the Throne room. The steward, Abernathy, who had been quietly following after the two, stopped for a moment and glanced at the young prince with a concerned expression.

The doors to the Throne room finally parted and King Eris Lambros entered in a grandiose fashion, with Abernathy closely following behind.

"Welcome Lords of Leventis… You all know why we're here, so let us not waste time and begin."

Eris seated himself on the throne as he spoke. Most of the Lords were indiscernibly nervous under the King's presence. But Ceres remained calm.

The proceedings began swiftly, and issue of the Kingdom and its various cities were being raised and debated.

Each issue would have various selected resolutions, and most of them would be voted on, the King's presence was mostly customary, and he didn't involve himself unless necessary.

"We've been receiving more and more reports of the bandits operating on the outskirts of the cities, targeting travellers, merchant carriages, blacksmiths even farmers…

Some cities have increased the patrol around the perimeter, but the outcome still remains the same, the bandits simply expand further out to avoid the patrol." Lady Freya, the famed representative and warrior of the Major House of Lier, reported as she read from an official parchment.

"Moreover, reports state, scouts from Leon have been spotted by the border, it seems the Leonese haven't yet learned their lesson." Another Major Lord added.

"Ahem, it would be much appreciated if you'd wait your turn, this is a more pressing matter to address… What does the Council suggest we do about this?" Lady Freya spoke with a hint of annoyance.

Silence followed Freya's question, no one had a reasonable solution.

"I believe we can commission strong individuals under the disguise of merchants and blacksmiths to bait the bandits on course." Lord Ceres finally suggested.

"An elegant solution Lord Ceres." A Minor Lord remarked.

"But wasting such man power, for a bunch of peasants, what a waste of resources…" A Major Lord, Retchie of the House Timble, spoke after noticing the positive reception to the suggestion.

"Do you hold a better suggestion Retchie?" Lady Freya asked, as the annoyance on her face grew stronger. She proceeded to chug her glass of wine to calm herself.

"Ahem… not yet, but that doesn't mean this is any bet-"

"Then shut it, we don't need unnecessary intrusions in the matter of discussions here… Let us simply decide by the votes. All those in favour?"

Lord Retchie stared at Freya in anger, but he swallowed his words and waited. All the lords voted according to their own reasons. Eventually a decision was reached.

"Moving on, the Trials of Leventis are to be held soon, all resources required shall be facilitated by the Kingdom, for both the Minor and Major trials… As usual, Participants may not hail from any particular house, but must need the Support Token of at least one Minor or Major House…

Those who win the Minor Trials shall be awarded benefits and resources by the King, as well as the Preliminary Challenge token, which shall allow the participant to avail a duel for the Kingship after two years of time…

The victor of the Major Trials shall win amenities awarded by the Kingdom, as well as a Primary Challenge Token that can be availed immediately if desired by the victor."

Lady Freya paused and looked up at Eris, a hint of nervousness seeped into her tone.

"Your highness, are the rules to your satisfaction, or would you rather we vote for altercations?"

"Nonsense, our ancestors set these rules in stone, they have not been changed before and will never be changed in the future" A Major Lord interjected before the King could respond. He immediately froze as he belatedly realised his mistake.

He quickly turned to Eris and bowed, "Forgive me your highness, I misspoke, my intention was not of disresp-"

"Enough! The rules are fine, they shall not be meddled with, continue." Eris spoke calmly, but his expression was filled with irritation.

In fear of angering their King, the council quickly continued onwards with their discussions, managing taxes of the Kingdom, as well as discussing the amenities to be awarded relating to the war.

"The Grier's shall be awarded a fief in consideration of Anton Grier's participation and valour in the recent war against Leon… Congratulation Lord Ulysses, keep up your service to this Kingdom, and soon you won't be considered a Lesser Lord of Leventis." Lord Ritchie announced as he tallied the contributions of the various minor houses of the Kingdom.

A faint smile appeared on Ulysses Grier's face, but Anton who was standing behind his father, had a displeased expression. He leaned forward to whisper in Lord Ulysses's ear.

"How dare he refer to you as such. I'll see to it that he's disciplined for it"

Lord Ulysses raised his hand to interrupt his son's outburst. Anton quieted down and stepped back, still displeased, but his fear towards his father left him silenced.

Once the tally ended, and the fiefs and rewards had been allotted, King Eris spoke.

"If there are no matters left to discuss, then shall we end this meeting, and re-convene at the Hall to celebrate." Eris looked around patiently waiting for any prompts.

"Y-your highness, while this may just be a silly rumour floating about, there has been mentions as of late, of a… cultivator manual making its way from the Empire of Drusa to the southern kingdoms… Although it is just a rumour, the presence of such a manual may come to effect the entire continent." A Minor Lord in the backdrop of the room finally mustered the courage to speak.

Many of the lords and ladies in the room looked surprised, some had heard of it and remained silent, while others began discussing the authenticity of the rumour.

Lady Freya held her gaze on the King, who seemed to have no reaction to the mention of the rumour, but on a closer look, even the calm Eris's eyes were trembling ever so slightly.

"Nonsense! There is no way such a manual exists, if it did, it wouldn't be a simple rumour… Cultivators… Immortals… what a bunch of crap." Lord Vestar finally broke the murmuring silence. He wasn't one to speak much, but once he did, all the Lords and Ladies would heed his words.

"Ah, you must be right sire, I merely meant to mention it in case there was any precedence… Please forgive me." The Minor Lord spoke with a trembling voice.

"It's settled then. We shall conclude our meeting for today… I hope to see you all at the Hall for the feast." Eris spoke as he raised himself from the throne and exited first.

There was an unnoticeable rush to his steps, but only Lady Freya seemed to have noticed it.