Women must be strong

After he finished speaking, he move his hand it's turned into a blade, after that in a one strike he cut his neck....The leader of the gang didn't even has the chance to think, before he died...

The other members look at him with horer in their eyes. They all quickly wanted to retreat but how can he let them go like this....You know I most hate when strong try to bully the weak and let women....

You all must have their punishment, after he finished speaking a sword appread in his hand and with one move their hands are cut off....After he finished speaking, he said you can leave now.... if I find out again that you are again try to do like this, I will not spare your life....

When those people hear that they can leave, they are very happy. Yes, their is a loss that they loose their arms but, at leat they are not dead....Everyone left in a sorry state.

After everyone left, only he and Yun Siya left alone.Thank you... Yun Siya said with the bottom of her heart...He look at her and said.... this time I will come, so you are safe but if anything happens like this again, what will you do...?

Women should not be weak but strong, who can easily protact herself and other.I am already practing, it's just that my spead is little slow... she replied.

He look at her from top to bottom, like he is seazing her...Yun Siya saw that he is looking her and she feel embarrassed.... Her face turn red.He take out the jade pendant from his pocket and give to her... take this. Inside this, their is a lot of cultivation techniques... if you do this you will able to learn everything more quickly.

Yun Siya herself don't know why she believes him so much... she take this and said... I don't know how can I thank you...Their is no need for all this. if you learn quickly and able to protect yourself, it would be great thanks to me... He said.

As he was about to leave, she asked again... why are you helping me?Because I don't like weak women.... After he finished speaking, he left in the air. Yun Siya look at the jade pendant in her hand and smile.

After that day she start to cultivate herself according to the method inside the jade pendant. In just few months she became very strong and powerful....

After that she tried to find him but their is no clue. She herself don't know that he already occupied a place in her heart. When her parents asked her to get married she refused. But because her parents forcing, she said...

ok give me ten years, after that I will marry the man you find for me. on the other side she also make a promise to herself that she will find him in these years...

But... Their is a only six months left in her time but she still don't able to find him. Xaibao know that how much effort she do to search for him.....But after she don't find him, she give up. But her heart is still not ready to go with anyone else....

Xaibao look at the sleeping Yun Siya and said..I hope you are able to find him... Actually he himself don't know that how can someone whom she only met at once, affact her so much.

In these years, she had meet with different people, warrior and Kings but she is not interested in anyone.Next day Yun Siya quickly get up and get ready for the office....

Lin Rouxi and Mrs. Qin already left, Yun Siya also eat her breakfast and quickly left. Today she is going to report in main office, she hear that the rules are very strict...

No one is allowed to late, not even for second. She quickly take the taxi and went their.After she arrives at the company, she quickly enter the elevator....When she reached at her office, Assistant Su is already waiting for her...

Miss Yun... Welcome, I am here to personally tell you about your work...Ohhh thanks... she replied.Miss Yun, as you know your work is related to the CEO office so have to extra take care...

After that he said... Miss Yun, your main work is to assist the CEO and if he needs to go out for the work you will also go with us.We have only hire you because, their is a lot of work recently, so if you work properly you can also get stablety in your job and salary....

Yun Siya only smile... After that he led her to her seat...Miss Yun, this is your table, you can sit here, my office is exactly infront of you, if you don't understand anything, feel free to ask...

After he finished speaking, he left to his work. Yun Siya also sat properly and get herself to bussy with work arrange by assistant Su.Su Yan who is in his office looking her seriously....

Last night, Boss told him to first check out the possibility if she is someone who is sent by our enemy on the earth.... That's why he gives her some files related to company to check her....

Yun Siya don't know about this. She is really bussy in her work. But as she is doing her work, his office phone rang and cold voice come from the other side....Bring me a coffee... as he said he hung up.

Yun Siya didn't mind, she quickly stood up and went to the tea room to make a coffee for him. Assistant Su already told her Which type of coffee he likes and how to make it....

After she finished making the coffee, she knock on the door gently...Come in...A cold voice come from the inside.She gentle push the door and enter. She look inside the office...

It's is so big and suspicious. whole office is decorated with the golden and black colour. Suddenly her eyes landed on the person sitting on the main chair...

His back is facing towards her.Why are you still standing their...? He asked again....Yun Siya quickly realised and walk towards the table. She don't know why but when she hear his voice, her heart beat little fast...