Wait for me

Su Yin and Her other family members also come. When they saw them like this they wanted to stop... Please don't come here... Yin Tain said...

What are you doing?..come down?. How can you do something like this?.. Father Yin said. Yin Brothers are also come and wanted to stop her...

Prince... How can you do this...? I am also coming with you... Su Yin said and wanted to come but Hang Lin stopped him... No, you can't come... 

Why? I will want to be with you... How can you decide to leave me here... He asked. Didn't you promise me that you will never abdomen me and always be with me...

I am sorry, that I am not able to full fill my promise... But if I got a chance again then we will meet again and that time I will never leave you behind...

Yes, I hope you guys can live happily and brothers you have also get married and live happily and give grandson and granddaughter to the father... Yin Taken said...