Stop dreaming

Varunya is put in the car, and her hands and legs are tied up. Huo Chan is the one who drives. Ye Wanwan opened the passenger door and was about to use it when he stopped her...

You know I don't like any women besides me if you want to come you can use your car... He said with a cold voice.

Why have you always had such a cold face? Now when we are working together, don't you think you should talk with me nicely... She said and move closer to him.

She always wants to be with him but before that, it was her who snatch this chance from her, that's why she hate her the most. But now, when she is no longer between them...

She tried to get close to him but as usual, he pushed her away and said... Don't try to test my limits there is nothing like I don't hit women. 

You can live until now, just because Boss but if you do something like this again, then I don't think you are lucky next time... He looked at her and his eyes filled with disgust.