Aren't I Already Dead?

Chirp chirp chirp swish rustle

'Hmm, is that the sound of heaven or am I in the afterlife?'

Suddenly, I felt something warm on my skin. It feels like a warm, wet towel with a young man's hand holding my right arm and using the towel on my skin. It feels comfortable, but my body feels heavy as if I have not been moving for a long time.

'Do I still have the same sensory ability after I die? I thought, when people die, they can't feel anything anymore.'

Later, I felt something sharp prick my hand and a cold liquid started to enter my body. I didn't sense any killing intent from whoever was doing this to me at the moment. After struggling for quite a while, I opened my eyes.

"Ughh...." an almost inaudible groan escaped my mouth. I squinted my eyes the moment I opened them, and after a moment, I could already adjust to the lighting around me.

Slowly blinking, what came into his line of sight was a blank white ceiling and a young man standing beside him.

The window were huge but it was covered with metal bars like those windows in prisons. Bright sunlight shone into the room through the window.


A loud sound suddenly came from my side where I could see a metal tray had fallen to the ground with a white wet towel. A young man, presumably in his mid-20s, wearing something that looked like a butler suit, looked at me with a shocked expression before he regained his calm and smiled at me. While looking at his smiling face, I noticed that he pushed one of the buttons on my bedside.

"Are you feeling pain or discomfort, young master?" he asked politely.

Since I still can't move much and my voice doesn't seem to work either, I just have to use my facial expressions to try to express myself. I move my head and make a confused expression since I hope this kind-looking guy can explain something to me.

"You cannot talk, young master?"

This time, I shook my head slightly and then stared at the young man as if demanding him to explain why my condition is like this. I just died due to poison, but suddenly I was here at a place that looked like a hospital room. I don't think those bastard siblings of mine who poisoned me to death while I've done nothing to them will kindly let anyone send me to the hospital since it will be useless for them to poison me if I'm not dead.

Sensing that I had a lot of questions and might be confused, he explained to me, "You have been in a coma for three years, young master, and this is the first time you wake up." I have already notified the doctor and healers. They will arrive as quickly as they can.

A few moments later, a middle-aged man wearing a white coat comes in with four other people wearing something that looks like a mixture of priest's clothes and nurse's clothes while wearing masks where only their eyes are visible.

The young man, Vince Moran, said to the middle-aged man, who I assume is a doctor, and the other four could be his assistants, younger doctors, or medical students doing housemanship.

Young master, I need to ask you a few questions to determine your conditions, so you just have to nod or shake your head. Can you do that much, young master?" He asked me carefully while the other four people were already ready to jot down everything. I just nod my head slightly in response.

"Do you feel uncomfortable?" he asked, and I shook my head.

"Do you feel something weird in your body?" he asked, and I suddenly realized that this body does feel weird.

I had long black straight hair before, but I don't see any of my hair while lying here as if it has been cut short. I also realize that this body seems younger, thinner, and weaker than the body I remember.

If I was in a coma for three years, it could become weaker and thinner, but how come it also becomes younger? Since I do feel weird about so many things, I just nodded my head.

"Can you move your body?" I quickly shook my head.

"Later, we will give you a muscle relaxation potion and a few healers will massage your muscles, especially your arms and legs. We will also come up with a rehabilitation plan for you later on after discussing it with your family."

Hearing the word 'family' I automatically shook my head.

'My family, I already killed all of them before I fled and I felt no regret or remorse because that's what they truly deserved.'

"What's wrong, young master? Do you want to discuss it with your family yourself? Some of the staff already reported your condition to your grandparents," Ron explained it to me.

'Wait a minute? Did I somehow.....'

Looking at my face which looked confused the more the people talked, the doctor decided to let me rest, "I think that is enough for today. We will give the potion later, and we'll do the massage tomorrow. The young master should rest more. The food for lunch will also be given later, and some healers might monitor the young master during every meal to make sure his digestive system is fine. Ron, please take care of the young master. "

They quickly went out of the room after they finished checking my pulse and taking my blood samples, and now it's just me and Ron left in the room. Ron then adjusted the bed height, and now instead of lying, I was leaning on the bed. It feels more comfortable this way, and I smile slightly to thank him.

"You're welcome, young master," he said happily.

Knock knock

"Sir Ron, this is the potion. Give it to young master Ares as prescribed in the note, "said the healer before quickly leaving."

I looked at it with interest because it didn't look like any other medicine I'd seen before. Ron was currently holding something that looked like a glass test tube containing a bluish liquid. I could see a small sticky note stuck to it. Seeing my curious gaze, Ron showed the potion to me, including the note.

'What language is this writing? Wait, what language did these people speak just now? It's not English, Korean, Mandarin, or any language that I've ever heard of before. Their faces appeared to be European, but I'm not sure because Ron appears to be a mix of Chinese and European descent.'

Seeing my confused expression, Ron quickly explained, "The prescription said that you have to take this after waking up in the morning and before going to sleep at night, thus two times a day. You have to relax for an hour upon consuming it, and heavy movement is not recommended during this one hour. "

'It seems like I can understand the language perfectly. Have I transmigrated or reincarnated into another body?'

I decided to think about everything later because after consuming the potion, my body felt lighter and a warm and refreshing feeling started enveloping my whole body, starting from my stomach area. It might be the effect of the potion. I fall asleep within seconds while enjoying the pleasant sensation.

Knock knock


"Slow down your voice, Vince. So how is he?"

"He looks fine, but he seems confused when the doctor is here. However, he still cooperated with the doctor and consumed everything that was given to him," Vince reported it.

"I heard that he can't talk and that it might take some time for him to be able to move."

"The doctor estimated that the young master would be able to talk tomorrow since nothing is wrong with his vocal cords. He will also be able to move his upper body tomorrow, but it might take around two weeks for him to be able to walk and run normally. The doctor has already prepared a rehabilitation plan for two weeks for young master Ares and he is waiting for you to confirm it as the legal guardian of the patient."

"That's good then. I will go now and meet the doctor. Make sure you don't leave his side at all."

"I will protect the young master to my best ability," Ron said, bowing 90 degrees.

"Let's go Garan."


The door was closed again and the silence continued to envelop the room.

"Ran, are there any rats lurking around?"


"Make sure no information about the young master leaks out. Kill any rats that you identify. "


"Young master, you should rest comfortably," Ron said while tucking the blanket neatly

At that moment, a few shadowy figures can be seen lurking around the hospital grounds, and behind them, a few people can be seen pleading for their lives.

"Please, let us live. We can sign a mana contract stating that we won't leak anything related to the Zanuki, "a skinny guy begging while his other two colleagues were shivering, not due to the cold of the night but due to being scared.

"Late. You shouldn't intend to do this kind of thing in the first place. "


The head of the skinny man that was begging just now rolled on the ground while his face seemed shocked and in despair. The other two people were also quickly handled and the calm night continued as if nothing had happened.