
Finally, the registration day came and we have arrived in the capital the day before and stayed in a hotel. Ron has already sent away my things to HGA and I only have to register my name tomorrow before entering my hostel room.

At first, I planned to come to HGA late like in the novel where 'Ares' registered late but seeing that everyone was so excited, I decided to throw away that plan. The day after tomorrow was the freshman ceremony where the freshman representative would give his speech and that day, I would finally see the main characters along with the protagonist.

"Young master, this is your uniform so please sleep early unless you want to be late tomorrow," Ron said to me before he went into his room next door.

Ran also came along but I was not sure where her room was. Maybe it's still on the same floor as mine.

I stared at the black-coloured uniform that has golden lines on its seams. There's also a long sleeve white shirt to be worn inside the uniform with a navy blue necktie indicating that I'm a freshman. Later I brushed my hair that had almost reached my shoulder before going to bed. Since there's no regulation in HGA forbidding male students from having long hair, I chose to let my hair grow longer even though Ron has asked me to cut it a few times.

Next day.

Nearing the academy, I could see a huge crowd of people and also a long line of limousines with symbols of their noble families crest on it. The crowd seemed to dispersed a bit after seeing the limousine I'm in getting nearer to the entrance gate.

I already told the chaeuffeur to drop me far away from the gate but Ron said that didn't suit my family status and it might tarnished my own status if I did that. After getting off the limousine, I ignored all the stares and just went through the huge entrance gate with Ron chattering like a baby bird beside me.

"Young master~ Are you nervous? This Ron will always be by your side" Ron blabbered excitedly while walking beside me after we got off from the car in front of the HGA gate.

Although it was not yet the middle of the day, there were already a lot of freshmen who have arrived and there were also seniors wearing a white hand band on their forearms helping to coordinate the freshmen from getting lost since the academy ground was quite big.

The smartwatch that I'm wearing, provided by the academy along with my offer letter serves both as the identification and a medium for getting all the information and notification issued by HGA

"Good morning freshman. So tell me what's your full name before I can proceed on giving you your ranks and room number" said the registration staff with a smile.

"My name is Ares Zanuki," I said calmly.

"Ohh wait a minute," he said before making a call to another staff, "Yes he's arrived. Yeah sure. Ok"

"Please follow me to another room since you have another test to do," he said while gesturing for me to follow him. Currently, I was alone after I managed to ditch Ron somewhere since he was acting more nervous than me.

The registration staff brought me into a personal training ground behind the building of the registration area. There was a tall bulky man with dirty blond hair standing there as if waiting for me.

"Here he is Sir," said the registration staff behind he stand aside leaving me with the man alone.

"Take this sword and show me your aura" he ordered.

I just do what he asked without thinking much and started to coat the sword with my golden black aura. He observed me up and down for a few moments before he told me to stop. Later he gave me a wooden sword and asked me to use my aura to smash it into two which I did with ease.

"Can you use mana?" he asked.

"Yeah," I said before using psychokinesis to take the previous wooden sword that I have smashed.

"Hmm, this is fine since you're not planning to be a mage aren't you?"

"No" I answered shortly.

"Ok you pass," he said before he walked away from me.

"Student please follow me to complete your registration," the previous registration staff said to me.

"Sure" I just followed him back to the registration area to take my room's key and other documents.

"Student, you have to wait for your turn. We're currently processing this student's registration" I suddenly heard a commotion at the registration area.

There seems to be a problem with a registration counter beside the one I've been to before.

"I'm a noble so shouldn't you prioritize me first compare to this commoner," a freshman with a face full of freckles and orange hair said to a registration staff while another freshman was standing silently not far from them.

I am just waiting for the previous registration staff name Michael to get my registration done. While waiting, I chose to ignore the commotion not far from me since I didn't want to get involved with any noble that I didn't know.

'He must be one of the unnamed characters since I don't remember there's a character that fit his description.'

I just glanced slightly towards the commotion. The other seniors also chose to ignore the commotion and turn blind eyes may be due to the reason that it's kind of troublesome and annoying to get involved with this kind of noble despite being a noble myself.

"Shut up. You're noisy" suddenly a girl's voice broke the commotion off. A dark green-haired girl wearing spectacles was sitting on a chair not far from the orange-haired guy.

"Hey who are you talking to me like that?" said the orange-haired guy.

"A lowly noble kid like you dare to question me from the Manic Family," she said in a threatening tone. Her bodyguards started to surround the guy which made him pale.

"Hmm I, I'm sorry my lady, It's just that this commoner is taking too long for his registration," he said stuttered.

"So what? There's another registration counter, why not you shut up and go somewhere else"

"I'm sorry my lady so please excuse me," he said in a pleading tone.

"Drag him away. Such a nuisance" she said to her bodyguards who quickly drag him towards the last registration booth on the corner of the area.

The other freshman that might be a commoner seems to want to thank her but she shut him off by saying, "I'm not doing this because I wanted to help you. That guy is noisy, that's it"

That male student just lower his head as a thank you gesture. I just watched the whole scene unfold as a bystander.

"Student Ares Zanuki here is all your documents, student card, and your room card. The building's name and room number are on the card." Michael said to me after the whole commotion ended.

However, the previous male student still standing in front of the registration booth seemingly didn't finish his registration yet so out of curiosity I asked Michael about it.

"Ohh he requested to pay for the academy fee in instalment since his sponsor didn't give him money yet but I heard in the office that his instalment amount is too little thus they were still discussing it in the office since that student have a good result when he was in the Intermediary Academy" he explained to me.

"What is his name?"

"Fredrick Augustus"

"Ok that's all," I said before walking away.


[POV: Fredrick Augustus]

Half an hour later, the previous female registration staff came back with my documents. I looked at her nervously since I know my request is too much but I didn't have a choice.

"Frederick Augustus, sorry for making you wait too long. Here are your student card, room card, and documents. You can enter your room directly after this. The name of the building and room number is on the card" she said clearly without mentioning my registration fee.

"Hmm miss, what about my fee? I might be able to pay it in a lump sum by the end of the year" I asked her.

"Ohh your fee for the whole year has already been paid. All the fees including accommodation, required textbooks, tuition, and insurance are all have been paid" she replied happily.

"Huh, who's paying it?" I asked.

"We will send you the receipt later. The name of the payer is on the receipt"

I walked away bringing two pieces of luggage with me to my room's building that was situated at the corner back of the academy ground.

HGA students' accommodations were divided into four buildings which are from the lowest tier Onyx, Agate, Amethysts, and Rose Quartz. I was assigned to the Onyx building like most commoner students.

Even if HGA prioritizes talent above everything, money and family prestige still play a big role here. I aimed that I would at least manage to get to the Amethyst building before I graduated since the high-ranking students would be assigned to better accommodation and Onyx was the most basic.

Onyx residents have a room complete with a bathroom and study table for each student. However, facilities like gym, training ground and recovering chamber have to be shared with all the other residents thus you couldn't have a personal training when in Onyx building.

Agate building was better than Onyx where the public facilities were double those in Onyx so the residents would be a little bit more comfortable compared to the residents of Onyx. Their rooms and cafe were also bigger than Onyx.

Amethyst was where it started to look different where the room would have a personal training room and there's also a personal trainer on standby to train the residents. The facilities also were way more advanced and bigger than those at Agate. The personal training room was their biggest attraction.

Lastly is Rose Quartz where you would have a room that was as big as a basic house complete with a kitchen. You could also request to hire a butler or bring your butler and maid to stay there. There was a personal training room and gym for you to use on top of a one-time privilege to book a recovery capsule for you to use personally how many times you want to since they have a lot of that capsules in Rose Quartz.

Usually, the top rank of each year would stay there and even the richest noble would not be able to bribe the academy authority to let their kid stay there since that was HGA's pride.

"At least Amethyst" I mumbled to myself after I settled down in my room. The room was bigger than my bedroom at home.


Suddenly a message came in and it was sent to the HGA admin office. I quickly opened the message to see who was the one paying my fee.

"Is it that lady? She looks rich and even that orange guy seems intimidated by her" I tried to guess while scrolling through the message before I found the receipt attached at the bottom of it.

"Huh, who's this. Is he a student?" I feel confused seeing a name I have never seen before but the family name sounds familiar.

Seemingly curious, I opened my Star account and type the name 'Ares Zanuki' hoping to find something. There's a high chance he has a Star account since most noble that I know have.

"Ohhh it's this guy" I exclaimed, seemingly remembering the red-haired guy I saw at the entrance gate and the guy who stood quietly at the registration area.

"Ohh he doesn't look like a normal noble since the way he dressed look more laid back and less formality" I commented while looking through his account which only has a few pictures. Later I stalked all his family members' accounts to get a gist of what kind of noble they are.

"They-how should I describe this, hmm isn't this family one of the prominent noble family? Why is he paying for my fee? Is it because he feels like throwing money or maybe he wanted to recruit me to work with his family" I started asking myself and later decided to just go with the flow.

"There's nothing they can take from me since I have nothing to lose. Maybe I can directly ask him later" I decided.


I was assigned to the Rose Quartz building since all the other Zanuki are here. But if my rank was below 15, I would be kicked from this building and assigned somewhere else as befitted with my rank.

The freshmen rooms were located on the first and second floors and my room was on the corner area of the second floor.

Ron and Ran's rooms were beside mine and connected. They have their rooms since that was the benefit of staying in Rose Quartz. I also have my own training room and a personal gym.

There was an area where they put a study table there which I assumed was not really spacious for me since I already used it with the size of my study room in Grand's mansion but it was still fine.

"Ron is everything settled?" I asked during dinner where I cooked for the first time in a while for the three of us.

"Yes young master"

"Now focus on that personal task that I gave you. Ran will fill your role in the meantime" I ordered since Ran no longer wore a maid outfit and instead office-like attire. Ron also changed his outfit to look more like a bodyguard rather than a butler.

"Yes, young master. I might not be around for the next few days"

"Sure" I replied before telling them to go to their room while I wash the dishes.

I later posted my dinner meals on the star account where it only shows my body from the shoulder and below along with food on the table with Ran's and Ron's hands includes in the frame.

A few minutes later, Ron reposted that picture with a caption, "Young master's home cook meal [excited. gif][excited. gif]"

Ring! Ring!

"Hmm yes, Eris?" I quickly pick up the call without much thought.

"Hey, do you still have leftovers from dinner?" Eris asked.

"No, but I can cook for you this weekend if you want to come to my room" I offered her.

"Ok I see you on weekend" she decided and ended the call.

Before I went to sleep, Karin and Adrian also asked about dinner and I just invited them to come on the weekend since all of them are in the same building.