Academy Club(1)

"Fuh I'm dying" I muttered after chugging down a few potions.

"Young master, I've already put the documents on your study table" Ron suddenly showed up after more than a week I've last seen him.

"Good work. Go and take a rest" I said to him while lying on the floor, panting.

I just finished my training with Adrian since he offered to spar with me once a week as thanks for the maths notes I gave him before. Rather than a spar, it's more like I was one-sidedly beaten up by him and we were not even using weapons.

I didn't know what would happen to me if both of us went all out with weapons. The purpose of my spar with him was to help me train my aura control.

Ron also told me, he already found a document describing my aura along with the data of the person I'm searching for, Darius Augustus.

"Young Master, the second prince is calling" Ran said while passing me my communicator.

'Crazy Prince' showed up on the screen and after contemplating for a while, I decided to take the call lest someone would knock on my room's door the next moment I know.

"Yes, your highness," I said flatly.

"I already told you to just call me Theo when it's just the two of us," he said.

"Sure" I replied with an informal tone.

"Yeah, that's how. So have you filled in the form?"

"What form?" I asked confusedly.

"The club registration form. Which club do you choose? I don't think you'll choose Noblesse or Blood Supremacy"

Those two clubs were the apex of how racist humans could be so there was no way I would join them. My family would disagree if I ever joined those clubs.

"No of course not. I chose Adventure Club" I answered honestly.

HGA has dozens of clubs but I chose the club that the protagonist was in since I think that was the most interesting one and not because I wanted to get close to the protagonist. Cedric would be just fine with or without me interfering with his life.

The club called Adventure Club was more like a group of people going to different places like tourists and taking pictures or trying different food before they have to make a post about it on the Adventure Club forum board.

The Adventure Club also have their own Star account and many people follow them just for the sake of seeing beautiful pictures of places and food. A lot of tourist places or restaurants would also sometime invite the Adventure Club to come to their place to help promote those places.

I also chose an extreme sports club called Parkour since it looked interesting. Adventure Club only had their meeting once a month thus I could join more clubs. Even the protagonist joins another club which is the Monster Research club where they went to dungeons and factories processing monsters.

"Hey we can join more than one club right, so let's join one more."

"Huh?" I muttered confusedly.

"So which one do you want? Painting Club? Musical Instrument Club? Acapella Club? Maybe Dance Club" he asked.

"Why are you listing arts and culture like clubs?" I asked curiously.

"Because your style kind of fit with that club, don't you think so," he said straightforwardly.

"....." I started to reflect on myself and remembered my red hair that almost reached my shoulder which I always messily tied up into a half ponytail and my not so neat sleeves rolled up below my elbow and the black earrings on my ears do make me look like a free-spirited art or cultural course student that I've seen in my university before.

"See, you also agree that your image does look like that kind of people. So don't you want to choose a second club?" he asked again.

"I have already done that. Is there any other interesting club?"

"Really? What club?"

"Parkour Club."

"Hmm, not interested."

Prince Theo has an elemental to help him so, of course, he didn't need any other physical skill like parkour.

"I just want to try"

"Hmm what about Student Council?" he suggested.

"No. Too much work"

"Yeah I'm also lazy and it's not my forte to lead people," he said agreeing with me.

After thinking for a while I said, "What about the Volunteering Club?"

"Oho that sounds fun but volunteering activity seems kind of hard for people like us to directly participate isn't it?" he said reminding me that both our family is well-known thus people might recognize us.

"Maybe we just join them when they go to rural places where there's a low possibility of people knowing us. They also send aid to a foreign country" I said trying to convince him since doing volunteering is one of the things I wanted to do before but never had a chance since I'm busy hiding from my siblings.

"Ok then, I have to agree after my only friend try to convince me like this but I think it's fine if people recognized us when we go volunteering. It's not like we're committing a crime isn't it?" he said excitedly.

The students could join as many clubs as they wanted to as long as the meeting time of those clubs didn't clash with each other.

Adventure Club only meets once a month and Volunteering Club was even rare since it stated they only meet up when there's a charity or humanitarian event they could join.

Parkour has to meet every week on Saturday morning and did some activities until lunchtime. Thus I only have one fixed club activity every week.

My schedule was already packed enough but there was still a few free times I could fill up with something else.

"Yeah" I replied trying to suppress my yawn.

"Hey did you get beaten up or something? You should rest early" he said out of blue.

"Huh, what?"

"I saw your cousin coming out from your room wearing training clothes so I just kind of guess the rest"

"Ohh ok"

"Hey, want to practice magic with me?" he suddenly suggested.

"Why?" I asked warily since there's no reason for this quarter dark elf guy to have to practice magic with someone else.

"Just because. I never practised with anyone other than my instructors or bodyguards so maybe I should start practising with a friend now" he answered seemingly honest.

"Why are you making it sound so sad?" I retorted since I kind of understand how he felt since I also didn't have anyone I could call friends until I die.

"Does it sound sad? Then you have to practice with me. We will practice magic once or twice a week depending on both of our schedules that ok?"

"Sure, whatever you want" I agreed easily since elf is more proficient in magic than human. Elves learn magic from spirits and elementals and passed down the knowledge to their descendants while humans learn magic through research and self-learning and then passed the results and experience to their descendants.

"So what can you give me in return?"

"You're eating my breakfast every day, isn't that enough?" I bluntly replied since I feel more comfortable with him as the days passed by.

"Ok, then it's a deal. See you tomorrow" he said before ending the call.

"Ran, reserve a few possible times every week in my schedule for my magic training with Prince Theo. I will ask him which time he is free tomorrow. Next, discuss with Kara's butler for our next appointment" I said to Ran before taking a shower.

"Young master, don't forget to read the documents and fill up the club registration form," Ran said before leaving my room.


"Now let's see what we've got here" I muttered after sitting on the chair by my study desk. I first opened the document containing Darius's information.


'Darius Augustus'

Occupation: Assistant Professor

Working period: 5 years

Work Place Hargan Guardian Academy

House Address: HGA employees quarters.

Family member: none

Disease: none

Debt: 50,000 U


Marriage: Never married

Academic qualification: Hargan Intermedery Academy

Enemy: none

Crime: none


Ron's handwritten note:

The data said that he has no family members but part of his salary seems to be automatically transferred to a personal account. We can't detect who the account owner is but we can confirm that he is a Hargan Empire citizen.


"This is why I like Ron, he's sharper than Ran even though he acts like a puppy in front of me. Since he saw Fredrick's last name, he must've realized there must be some kind of relation between the two since Augustus' last name is not that common. This note is just him saying that he's not digging into Fredrick and just acting like he didn't know who the account owner is" I muttered to myself.

I read the data one more time before using a basic fire spell to burn it. The data is just simple data that even a small basic intelligence group can search up but it's enough for me since I just wanted to confirm that my knowledge is correct.

During Fredrick's 2nd year, he will get framed by a noble student and expelled from HGA. Since he took a loan to pay for his school fee, he was sold by the loan shark as a slave and died in a collapsed mine.

Darius tried to pay for his brother's debt but he couldn't afford it and when Fredrick died, he chose to quit working in HGA and became a hermit hacker where he stole money from banks but not too much; just enough for him to stay alive. The authority just let him be since they couldn't track him and the amount he stole seems like he was just playing around.

However, other than stealing money from banks, he also digs into Manic Intelligence data and stole many nobles' dark secrets. Thus, after that, many noble families were being caught or wiped out after their dark secrets went public.

Some of the professors in HGA were also being convicted due to taking bribes and doing illegal experiments. The Manic clan's credibility also diminished. The emperor started to ignore them and instead chose the Moran to replace them in the intelligence sector.

"But the Moran does not specialize in Intel gathering since their specialization is assassination. But at that time, they were the most suitable choice so the emperor did the right thing"

Even without Darius, the Manic intelligence system will leak out sooner since many of their members were already corrupt so I didn't think, my helping the Augustus siblings would affect them much. And when the Manic collapsed, my intelligence agency would replace them instead.

After that, I continue to open another document that described my aura. The source is from the royal family library and Ron must've gotten this either from my grandpa or Uncle Zenin since the two of them were frequent to the Royal Palace.

The data is written and edited in a form of a report where it also mentioned the fire aura of the Zanuki.


The Zanuki mainly wield fire aura but not all of their descendants will be able to have fire aura since aura doesn't relate to the bloodline. Other than that, each fire aura is different between individuals either from its colour, whether it's red or orange, to its property.

Zanuki family is said to have been blessed by the power of the mythical beast Phoenix thus that's why they mainly have a fire aura. But that statement is a little bit misleading.

Based on ancient writing from one of the Zanuki ancestors, the Phoenix blessed them with powers that share the same characteristics as its power. The phoenix's main power is purifying, sealing, and healing.

Thus, it's kind of logic why Zanuki's sealing technique is considered the strongest ever known until now. Some of the Zanuki ancestors also have a rare aura that is capable of healing like regular healers and the most common trait is purifying where it is confirmed that most of the Zanuki fire aura is capable of purifying demonic energy. That's why the Zanuki were not affected by demonic energy and dark mana since their aura purified everything for them except for poisons.

Extra note: Usually fire aura that has purifying property will have golden glitters around it.


[Mutated Shadow Aura]

It is not known whether this kind of aura exists or not but since it was recorded, it might've had exist in the past.


∆ have a distinct shape, unlike regular aura that doesn't have shape and mainly moves around the wielder's body and weapons. The record says that this aura could take on any shape the wielder wants it to.

∆ Dark colours like black

∆Have glitters in it based on a special property of the aura

¶golden glitter: purifying property

*no other information can be found about this aura


'I like whoever wrote this report since he explained in detail about Zanuki's aura which is something I've never known before since the novel will become an encyclopedia if everything is explained in details like this'

"This description fits with my aura so what shaped should I make my aura look like," I said trying to imagine any possible shape that doesn't look weird.

The Zanuki's main technique is not their martial arts or swordsmanship but sealing technique. Unlike other noble families that have their martial arts or weaponry techniques, the Zanuki just learn any techniques they seem fit but the only thing that is originally theirs is the sealing technique where they used their aura to seal their opponents. They also have a few special artifacts that help them in using the sealing technique.

How do they do it?

I am also not sure since it was never described. Since the sealing technique used aura, should I form the aura to become something that can be tied down my opponent like a rope or maybe a metal chain?

"Ohhh yes, metal chains. A thick metal chain, maybe the size that is just as big as my wrist since if it's too big, it might be hard to move around" I decided while imagining how I can use my aura.

Later, I decided to try practising forming my aura shape started from tomorrow and before I went to sleep, I quickly added the Volunteering Club inside my club registration form before tossing the paper into my school bag.