Combat Class(2)

[POV: Cedric Hel]

"Shino, don't recklessly attack him" I advised him out of concern since I knew Shino tends to act recklessly most of the time.

"Yes I know" He replied while watching the red hair guy getting lectured by Sir Danim, who looked furious.

"Alright, Cedric is fine. Now next student number 9"

Shino calmly walked towards the arena after helping Cedric walk to their previous seats. He stared at the red hair guy opposite him while he also stared at Shino seemingly uninterested.

Then Shino took the Kiba's clan combat style stance where he was on his four like a tiger ready to pounce. There were also long black nails that started to come out from his fingers.

"This a special combat style developed by the Kiba clan for those who are curious," said Sir Danim before blowing his whistle.

Shino quickly sprinted towards the red hair guy and then leapt high in the air to pounce on his head. The guy quickly used his thick arm as a shield. Shino's sharp fingers only left a few scratches on his arms.

After that Shino started to jump and kick the red hair guy's right side. However, the red hair guy just moved his right arm to brush off his kick as if brushing off flies. Shino continued attacking aggressively and the red hair guy just being on defensive mode without any attention to attacking until the last minute.


"Shino's turn is over so I want to give comments again. Shino's way of attacking is the most decisive until now other than Cedric. However, that kind of attack is difficult to switch into defensive mode thus when the opponent counter-attacked, Shino can't defend but he can easily evade the attack. Unfortunately your senior doesn't counter-attack Shino even once so you can't see how easy it is to evade using this kind of combat style. Good work Shino" Sir Danim explained before smiling slightly at Shino.

It seems he was really satisfied with Shino's fight. Cedric clenched his hands tightly while seemingly lost in thoughts.

"Now student number 10"

Later I saw Selina Senjun coming into the arena and the other students suddenly become focus on the spar that have yet started.

Everyone felt excited since Selina is the only female student that volunteers to spar with that guy. Some of the male students in the class focused on Selina because of her beauty but after seeing her demeanour for a few months, I didn't think she is just a pretty face.


The whistle rang and the spar between Selina Senjun and the red hair guy started. I just hope he goes easy on our female classmate.

I could see Selina closing their gaps and started by kicking his side which he just defended with his arm. Then Selina continued punching and pounding on him.

After a while, suddenly the red hair guy swung his arm to counter attacked Selina's attack. Selina was shocked but she leapt on time to avoid the attack by a mere gap.

The other students were shocked since it was the first time someone managed to avoid his attack even just barely. It seemed he didn't want to go easy on Selina. He didn't look like someone that would go easy just because you're a female. He looked like someone that would arbitrarily do whatever he wanted to without having to worry about the consequences.

After that, Selina continue the same attack as before but the red hair guy just kept on defending without any more counterattacks even though the instructors gave him three opportunities to counterattack in each spar.


The five minutes ended and the students were still awed with the last spar between Selina and the red-haired guy.

'It seems I will have a hard time if I have to face Selina later,' I thought.

"Alright. You've already seen 10 of your classmates sparring with your dear senior. So the task that you gonna do is write an observation report about today's spar and you will discuss them in your next class with Professor Ferdenski in Combat Theory class. All the sparrings have all been recorded using the mana camera at every corner of this arena so after this go get the recording for your reference on completing the task" said Sir Mayulu

Suddenly Selina raised her hand and asked, "Sir what's your comment about my fight?"

"You are doing better than both Shino and Cedric. Your stance also indicates that you're not only attacking but you also put a bit of your focus on defence. You even can evade Adrian's attack. By the way that is your dear senior's name" Sir Mayulu said.

Hearing his name was mentioned, for the first time since the class started, the red hair guy called Adrian smiled while waving his hand lightly to us. A few of the girls started blushing since Adrian has quite a charming face especially when two huge dimples appeared on his cheeks when he smiled.

"For Cedric, he can do better but he was too careful every time he attacks which makes those attacks slightly delayed or flawed which your opponent could take an opportunity to counterattack. It's not wrong to be careful but you have to be more decisive since it could cost you your life one day," Sir Mayulu continued after slightly glancing at me.

"Ehem. Since we still have time, how about one last match," suddenly Sir Danim suggested. At this moment I could see Adrian's eyes shining.

"Oh I think you can play more huh Adrian," said Sir Mayulu while looking at Adrian before continuing saying, "Come, Ares, you will be the last one today."

Seeing that one of his hope for today's class suddenly come true, Shino felt inexplicably excited. I just shook his head seeing him grinning widely like he just won a lottery.

"So for this last match, Adrian will use his aura and Ares will also use his aura. I saw before that only Selina and Shino have used their aura but it's almost unnoticeable. So both of you have to show clearly how you use your aura," said Sir Danim while gesturing the two of them to get ready.

Ares calmly walked towards the stage like he was taking a stroll while Adrian's smile got wider when he saw Ares.

Adrian's arm started to glow bright orange before his palms were complete engulfed in something that look like fire but wasn't. Meanwhile, nothing seems noticeable on Ares except for a thin black mist swirling all over his body but it was so thin that you have to focus in order to notice it.



For the first few seconds, Ares and Adrian just looked at each other before Ares sprinted toward Adrian and kick his head on while Adrian defended with both of his arms. After realizing a gap in Adrian's defence, he attacked the area of Adrian's right knee which Adrian have to evade.

For the first time, Adrian had to move from his stance. If before, he didn't move even an inch but after a few seconds of Ares's attacks, he had to move. I could sense my classmates becoming more interested in the spar. Every time they attacked or were in contact with each other, there would be something like sparks produced.

After that Ares continued kicking and punching Adrian at a fast pace which Adrian had to evade while being in defensive mode at the same time. A few moments later, Adrian swung his arm to punch Ares which Ares easily evaded by leaping backwards.

After that, Adrian continued attacking Ares while Ares evaded by jumping or kneeling and then rolled on the ground to distance himself from Adrian.

What is interesting about Ares's combat style is that he showed impressive agility and body flexibility despite having strong strength. Everyone could see each of Ares's attacks have a different impact on Adrian compared to the previous sparring sessions. Adrian's aura that coated his arms looked like it will explode every time he attacked.


The whistle rang and the students were still awed with what they saw.


Sir Mayulu clapped his hand before saying, "It seems it's worth it calling Adrian here. You see that is what most of your seniors are capable of. You can also achieve that level if you practice hard enough. Is anyone here want to give an opinion or ask questions about today's class?"

"Sir do we need to report on Ares's spar session," one male student asked.

"No need. That is just a special performance Adrian wants to show you guys" said Sir Mayulu. Adrian just smiled and then winked when the students looked at him. Ares is standing beside him. Even though Ares tall is already around 180cm tall but he still looked small beside Adrian.

Later the class dispersed with the students busy talking about the spar session. I could see Adrian greeting the second prince before he walked away.

"Damn, today's class was fun" Shino commented.

"Why didn't Ares and Adrian's fight using mana instead of aura?" I asked curiously since I was confident Shino knew the answer.

"Because they were more proficient in aura despite having a large mana pool. Furthermore, did you forget Adrian wore a mana restriction bracelet?"

"He could just take it off during his fight with Ares right?"

"Maybe our instructors don't want Adrian to destroy our first year training ground?" Shino answered nonchalantly.

We went to the cafeteria for dinner. There we met Arman and his best friend Jeremy.

"Yo kids are you from combat class? You guys looked awful especially you Cedric" Arman came and greeted us at our table.

"I'm fine," I said.

"Today's class was fun. It's our first real combat" Shino said excitedly.

"Woo Shino you looked excited. Did you spar with the instructors?" Arman asked while Jeremy also looked curious.

"The instructors brought Adrian Zanuki from the second year to spar with us" I answered

"That Adrian who's tall around 2 meters?" Jeremy seemed shocked.

"I see that's why you guys looked like this. You spar with a monster" Aman said while chuckling

"You guys know him?" I asked curiously.

"Of course, we know him. The instructors asked us to spar with him last year as his punishment because his written tests were so bad." Arman answered.

"But I don't think it's a punishment though. He seems like he's enjoying it even though we beat the out of him, he still could stand and attack us head-on," Jeremy added on.

"Yeah that's true but only he was injured while none of us become tattered like you guys," said Aman while pointing at me.

"But just now, he was the one who beat the shit out of us" Shino complained.

"Except one person," he added on.

"Ohh yeah. Only Ares was able to fight him properly," I said in agreement

"Ares, that Ares Zanuki who wear mask?" Jeremy asked excitedly.

"Oho, there's a lot of people talking about him in the academy forum" Arman commented before he look towards the cafeteria entrance where three people had just come in. Currently, there were not many people in the cafeteria since many of them choose to eat dinner in their room.

"Do you know them?" I asked curiously when the other students also gazing at the three of them.

"No one in HGA didn't know them. You've seen that blue hair guy, the Student Council President, Carion Heizt. The two red-haired girls beside him are Karin Zanuki and Zerisa Zanuki" Jeremy explained to me.

"So are they staring at Carion?" I asked confusedly since there doesn't seem anything wrong with him.

"No, not just him but all three of them. Their nickname is HGA Monster Trios and that nickname is given by other foreign academies during International Specialize Academy Competition which is held once every four years. They won first place in every event that they joined and the gaps between first place and second place are too big which makes people call them monsters" Jeremy excitedly explained.

"They also the top rankers of the fourth year with Carion on the first rank, Zerisa is second and Karin is 10th" Arman added on.

"Huh, I thought she will be on the third rank?" Shino asked confusedly.

"She's strong but she's bad at theoretical subjects so that's why," Jeremy replied.

"God is fair sometimes," Arman said joking.

"Are all Zanuki strong?" I asked.

"Yeah obviously since no one dared to even poke them including the royal family," Arman answered calmly.

"We've seen Ares's fight with Adrian so that's why Ceddie seemed a bit curious about them" Shino explained.

"Don't worry. You'll get used to it. From what I could see, Ares is not as chaotic as his sister or cousins thus as long as no one disturbs him, nothing will happen" Arman said.

"Ares has a sister?"

"Oh, I forgot to tell you Zerisa Zanuki is Ares's sister" Shino quickly said while pointing towards a red hair lady with bun styled hair and two black sticks inserted into it.

Looking at her serious emotionless face, she seemed to give the same cold vibe as Ares.

Later we chatted until the cafe was almost empty before we went back to our rooms.