Blood Purity

"Hey, I think they are the Blood Supremacist Club members. Look at the small button badge on the corner of their sleeves" Prince Theo whispered to Ares.

"Oh no wonder," Ares now knew why they seem enraged with him out of the sudden.

He had insulted Jered Johnson, their club advisor in front of the whole class so of course, they have to do something.

"Don't you think they looked stupid? Like a group of toddlers acting uselessly stubborn when an adult told them not to play with dog shits on the ground," Ares said to Prince Theo but his voice was clear enough that most of the students there heard it.

"You, Ares Zanuki let's have a duel. I will prove that you are not worthy of the name Zanuki" one of them suggested with a tone full of justice.

"Why do you care so much about my family name? My grandparents were the ones who gave me to use that name so can't you just ask them?" It was Ares's first time being blatantly hated like this and he kind of curious how far he could push and anger them as he did to Jered.

Plus he never thought he would feel kind of excited seeing Jered's red face. Usually he would ignore these kind of people since it was a waste of time interacting with them.

But looking at their angry faces, an idea popped out in his head.

"Ares, no one can easily meet with Zanuki council member let alone meet with the matriarch especially with a childish reason like this," Prince Theo reminded him with the underlying meaning not to respond to their bullshit anymore.

"No don't worry, just mention my name and my grandpa will definitely spend his time for them because he said it's been a long time since he last broke someone's neck," Ares said nonchalantly.

Prince Theo was speechless with Ares's rare antic. He had met with Zanuki council member, Zen Zanuki himself and he decided that he didn't want to meet that old man ever again.

Currently, Ares was acting exactly like what his grandpa did, which is toying with others.

"You, you bastard! This is why blood purity is important. So that a rude bastard like you wouldn't be born"

"Maybe we can test that out," after saying that, all the chairs and tables in the class suddenly floated in the air as if gravity didn't affect them.


"Isn't this magic?"

The students were all stunned and amused.

"I'm curious how pure blood looks like since mine is not. We start with you guys. Stay still when I smashed the tables on you, alright," Ares started to throw a few floating tables at them out of nowhere.

Prince Theo was also amused because he thought Ares might just punch those guys until they fainted but it seems he wanted to play more.

The four male students started running away after one of them had almost been smashed by a table. But other students wouldn't let them go easily, especially Cedric and Shino.

"Hey, is the instruction I gave you that hard to follow? I just asked you not to move," Ares sounded a bit annoyed.

Golden chains started coming out from his back and plunged toward the four male students, restricting them completely.

"Now be a good boy and let me see your pure blood. I'm not a doctor so beating you guys into a bloody mess is the only way I can think of," Ares said and a dozen of tables and chairs quickly shot towards them.

"Argh! No, let us go!!!!"

"Stop!! Stop!!"

"Please! Please stop! Let us go!"

"Arghhh!! No! No! Stop!"

The four male students started shouting and begging.

However, out of nowhere, a huge defensive shield appeared in front of the four students' faces. They still could feel the portion of the impact of the tables and chairs on the defensive shield.

The four male students have pale faces with wide-open eyes as if they almost died. Two of them even peed themselves.

"You guys are boring," Ares muttered.

The four of them were instantly released and they flopped to the ground. The students were dumbfounded by what they saw.

"Hey, why did you guys look like that? He even use one of the Zanuki sealing techniques on you. Shouldn't you feel grateful? Even a prince like me don't have that opportunity," Prince Theo said gleefully.

It was his first time seeing Ares being so active, unlike his usual lazy self and he liked it even more.

The other students started murmuring among themselves after the shocking scene ended.

'As expected of a Zanuki,' is what most of them thought.

'We have to shut our mouth shut about this. I don't want to be like them,' some of them even decided to not act carelessly around Ares.

Some even felt grateful that Ares seemed a bit docile if compared to other Zanuki rumours they have heard from their seniors.

Cedric who heard everything they said thought, 'This is considered docile? Wait, if compared to Lady Zerisa, this is indeed docile, right?'

Cedric who had been experiencing Zerisa's brute strength slightly nodded his head, agreeing with the other students' statements.

Clara as the reliable class president proceed on calling the academy healers and ordered some of the students to help the four male students to go to the infirmary.

"Hey, do you guys want to grab dinner with us?" Cedric asked politely after the commotion was over.

"No it's ok," Ares answered.

I didn't think I wanted to get too close to the main characters especially the protagonist since I didn't want to change the plot too much. I just wanted to change Ares's ending, that was it.

"Ok, then we have to go," Prince Theo said before he followed me back to the Rose Quartz residency building.

"Hey be careful. That Jered might tell his other students in Blood Supremacy to aim at you and Cedric or maybe just you," Prince Theo said during our dinner.

"That's why I said he's annoying like a fly."

"Haha, there's nothing much he can do so what do you expect. They won't dare to do anything much but still, be on guard."

"Yeah, I know."

Before I went to bed, I ordered Ron to do another special task. I also posted an information request for my dearest Truth Agency employees as a preparation for the near future.

"Dare mess with me. Who said I needed my family to defend myself," I muttered while looking through the list name of Blood Supremacist Club members.

Meanwhile, in another part of the academy, a group of people have gathered inside a room, sitting at a long oval-shaped desk. Each of them had various facial expressions, some looked mad and others looked insulted or annoyed.

"Four bastards but still can't take care of only one Zanuki halfling. Are they stupid or are they that weak?" One of the people spoke.

"Or maybe both" other voices reply with a slightly annoyed tone.

"So what should we do? In Rose Quartz, he was surrounded by his bodyguards. We can't even infiltrate into Rose Quartz."

"Who said we have to go to Rose Quartz just to finish him. Didn't we manage to trick Adrian Zanuki before?"

"But Adrian managed to beat up all of our people into pulps. Even HGA authority just turned a blind eye on that and our club almost got disbanded."

"That's why I said, we can use the same method on Ares. Look at him, if we ambush him, how high is the possibility for him managed to resist like Adrian did"

Some of the people started glancing at each other while the others quickly agreed with the plan due to the anger they felt at the moment. All of them are the members of Blood Supremacist Club and the core objective of the club has been engrained into their bones.

What happened to Jered and four of their club members was an insult to all of them.

"Well then, let's vote who going to carry out the plan or is there any volunteer?"

A few people raised their hands confidently.

"It seems the volunteer is enough to crash an ignorant halfling."


Ron and Ran were currently watching their young master meditating while a young man with grey hair wearing a brown robe and holding a wooden staff was standing beside their young master.

"This is my teacher, Tuah. I met him when I went to Yaro Mountain," that was what Ares told them and that was it. No more explanation.

Worried that their young master might get scammed by a weird guy, Ran quickly attacked Tuah in order to assess Tuah's credibility. Ares on the other hand just sat quietly munching on the potato chips inside the jar Tuah made for him.

He already expect what kind of reaction the Moran twins would have thus he wasn't surprised. Ron on the other hand fixed his stare on Tuah, assessing Tuah's ability from the sideline.

Strings of water started to surround Tuah before they moved at a fast rate and whipped Ran before she managed to inflict any scratch on Tuah.

Ran could feel the stinging sensation on her left arm where she was whipped. Her shirt was also a bit wet due to the water. She still hold onto her two daggers tightly while starting at Tuah.

"Master this is why I asked you to learn how to wield various weapons so your attack can be more versatile and can change accordingly based on your situation," Tuah ignored Ran and Ron who continue to glare at him and instead started teaching Ares who looked like he was watching a movie.

"Ok" Ares answered lightly.

Looking at Ares's response to Tuah and how comfortable he seemed interacting with him, Ron decided to monitor Tuah for the time being. He gestured for Ran to stop attacking since from Tuah's calm demeanour, it could be said that Ran was not Tuah's opponent.

Even Ron wasn't confident if he could subdue Tuah.

Watching Tuah weird way of teaching, none of them said anything since Ares already told them to not do anything without his order.

"Master, did you feel it? What do you feel?" Tuah asked while walking around Ares who was sitting on the ground.

"The ground is damp so does the air" Ares answered.

"Can you differentiate between the air, the earth and the water separately? Feel them one by one, slowly with each breath that you inhale"

At first, the Moran twin already labelled Tuah as a swindler but seeing how their young master just went along with his antics, they also became curious. Their young master might easily get curious about something but it wasn't easy to lie to him.

Watching Ares and Tuah tentatively, Ron was the first to realise that a shallow wind breeze started to form in the area. Small water bubbles started to surround Ares while the ground started to crack around the place he was sitting.

"What do you feel now master?" Tuah asked.

"The hard ground, the sharp wind and the flexible water"

"Correct answer. Now take a deep breath and let it all out at once like you're throwing away something."

When Ares did what he was told, the water bubbles were shot all over the place, making holes into the trees around the area. The previously shallow breeze of the wind became sharp and created cuts on the tree trunks while the ground around him cracked even more.

Both Ron and Ran didn't manage to act accordingly and Tuah was the one who shield them from the wind and water with his water shield.

Ares opened his eyes and looked around him. Tuah already warned him that his real ability was far more powerful than any humans that he ever met thus every training they did might result in a few destructions to the surrounding.

Ares was shocked seeing the Moran twins' shocked faces behind a water shield. The conditions of the trees and ground around them were different from how it was the first time they arrived there.

Currently, they were outside, in a forest area behind HGA main ground.

"That was intense. I expected this much from my master that's why I don't dare to include the fire element along with the other three since it was the most destructive," Tuah commented while flowing his water strings onto the trees and cracked grounds.

The ground started to revert to its former state and the tree also seemed to heal from the cuts and holes on them.

"Is that the Tree of Life water?" Ares asked.

"Yes, you're sharp to even realize that. This water contained healing property, especially towards nature"

"Can I have some?"

"Of course. You can make your favourite tea with it" Tuah agreed excitedly while Ron and Ran were still dumbfounded.

"Young master, you could use all four elements?" Ron asked.

"Yeah, it turned out to be like that. I also just realized about it after I met Tuah"

With that answer, Ares proceeds on enchanting four low-level spells for each element with the fire element being the last.

"Should we update your student's data?" Ron asked since, during the registration, Ron only put fire and wind elements as the element Ares is capable of.

"For the time being, just let it be. Maybe you can ask Grand or grandpa about this and let them decide," Ares's answer was what everyone expected him to say.

If he changed his elements affinity from two to four, the academy would shock and various magic instructors would try to test him for the sake of legitimacy. Ares was too lazy for that.

Both Ron and Ran already knew their young master liked to act not according to how people wanted him to. He just do whatever he wanted no matter what people said thus they never thought of persuading Ares as long as he was fine.

"If that's what you want, I believe even the former matriarch won't say anything" Ron commented while Ran stared at Tuah with clear curiosity in her eyes.

"Oh, I almost forgot to tell you that some students seemed to be stalking you around these past few days. From what I can see, they seemed to have bad intentions. What is your order, young master," Ron asked while giving Ares a few students' pictures which he recognized at first glance.

"Oh, it's them. I think I know what they want so maybe I can just let them have it right?" A rare smile formed on the corner of Ares's mouth.

Seeing the mischievous smile, Ron could only light candles for those students since his young master only smile like that when he wanted to do something bad. On contrary, he would always frown every time he helped people, not because he hated them but because he couldn't just let them be.

"If that is what you want, I will help as much as I can"

"Sounds fun but I don't think you will let me join," Tuah interrupted.

"It's just a quarrel between kids so why would an old man like you joined"

"My heart is still young"

"Still, don't disturb my play. You can watch if you want to"

"So stingy"

Ignoring Tuah, Ares said to Ron to prepare everything that he had asked before and released them on his cue.

"Report to my grandparents and Grand after everything had finished. I already told them I don't need my family to settle small fries like them."

"As you wish young master"