Masquerade Ball

Catherine was left thinking of what her brother said. Countless scenarios ran through her head making her confused. The tea in her hand had long grown cold and not until the sun sets and the study becomes pitch black that she came back to her senses. She placed the cup on the coffee table before standing up heading to the bedroom.

As she walked past the hallway, the butler reminded her of dinner and she just dismisses him saying she has no appetite. The butler just nods and left. Even until she arrived at her bedroom, her mind was still stuck on the conversation she had with her brother. Rather than that, she was, since a long time ago, have been thinking of pursuing what she wanted to do. Just as what had her brother described 'Helping the poor'.

'Do I have the courage?'

Stressed out by the thoughts, Catherine falls asleep without even eating and care for dinner.

It was 5:30 in the morning when Catherine woke up, just in time the Tailor shop delivered the dress to the manor. She then slowly went to her personal bath chamber. After doing the morning routine for the day, she went to the dining room faster than usual, probably haven't eaten anything for dinner. As she entered the dining, it was only Hendrix she saw. Remembering that her parents are away on a trip, she didn't mind and proceeded to sit in her chair. The maids then serve her breakfast and the butler gave her a wet towel. Saying thanks and nodded, she returns the towel to the butler who's waiting.

As she was eating, she suddenly remembered something and asked.

"By the way, Brother, will we be going as a pair you do you have another date to bring?"

"Hmm?" Hendrix side-eyed her.

"I meant, for the ball later, will you bring me in as your date? or do you have someone in mind already?" Catherine repeated.

"I'll bring you as my date."

"I see."

And silence prevailed in the room once more. They both eat in silence. After eating breakfast, Catherine heads out for the garden a moment to think and clear her mind. The petals danced along with her as the wind guides them.

She plucks a flower near her and smelled it. Infected by the scent of the flowers, she came back inside the manor in ecstatic happiness. She then proceeded back to her chambers to get ready for the ball held on the night.

It was nighttime, and the ball would start in an hour. After making sure everything is in its place, Catherine walks out in her room wearing the green dress, stunning hers brother who's sitting at the receiving areas' chair.

"Do I look bad?" Catherine was getting nervous about their reaction, having received no comments for a long time, Catherine decided to change dress. After making one step up the stairs, she was stopped by Hendrix, holding her wrist and asked.

"Where are you going?"

"Changing clothes."

"And why is that?"

"I look awful"

"Says who?"

"By you."



It took Hendrix a good five minutes to figure out what's going on.

"Stop overreacting. You don't look awful, in fact, you look perfect, it made everyone sees you stunned. have more confidence, Cathy. Sigh, Let's go, we'll be late. Cheer up, you look gorgeous. Trust me, sister."

Catherine only nodded and followed her brother to the carriage. The two of them both sat in silence as the carriage runs toward Buckingham palace. Catherine was a bit nervous, but with the words of her brother, she calmed down a bit. The ride took twenty minutes. As she sees they are nearing the gates, she hurriedly puts on her mask. After checking herself one last time in the mirror, she climbs down the carriage, accepting his brother's outstretched hand. Both of them walked side by side until they reach the entrance.

The attendee asked for their invitation and after checking it through, they were brought to the hall. Without even stepping inside the hall, they could hear the chatters of the crowds and the orchestra playing. Making it inside, Hendrix excuse himself and told Catherine that he would chat with the House of Lords. After being left to tend herself alone, Catherine decides to roam the hall, hoping to see familiar faces.

Having been walking for a few minutes without seeing an acquaintance, Catherine went to the balcony. It was a chilly night. But the vie on the deck of the hall was astounding. Catherine was so immersed in looking at the view that she didn't notice a man walked down beside her. It was only that the man spoke that Catherine was brought back to consciousness.

"Is it really that beautiful of a view for you to be this stunned?"

A cold baritone voice spoke up from Catherine's left side. When she turned to look at the person, she was stunned. Not because of the man's physical appearance or whatsoever, but she recognized the man as a friend to her. Way back when they were kids.

"Mycroft? It's been a while."

"Yes, it is. How are you, Catherine? The last time we saw each other was when we were 17 or 18 years old."

Catherine chuckles at the thought and responded.

"Yeah. I'm fine. Still the same as before, nothing changed. What about you? You seem pretty exhausted. Was work too hard on you?"

"Nah. I'm always like this." Mycroft avoided Catherine's stare and drank his champagne. With no thoughts to say out loud, the two felt the awkward atmosphere.

"Uh... It was nice seeing you again Catherine, If fate allows, let's have tea sometime in the future, it'll be my treat" Mycroft gave his farewell and left.

Being alone again on a cold balcony, Catherine decided to go back inside and roam around. As she was walking up the stairs while watching the others dancing, she missed a step and falls down. She closed her eyes waiting for the pain to come, but after a few minutes, instead of a cold hard cement floor, it was warm and sturdy arms hugging her so close, she could practically smell the man's body scent.

Catherine slowly opened her eyes only to see a man with an exquisite jaw and eyes shining brightly with the colour of Emerald. Still, in his arms, Catherine was being hoisted to stand up, checking if she has any injuries and after confirming that there is none, the man called her a few times...

"Miss... Miss? Are you okay? Do you feel pain somewhere?" Having not received a reply, much less a reaction, the man held up Catherine's left cheek to gently tap it bringing her back to reality.

"Huh?" Catherine blinked, her doe-eyes sparkling with beauty.

The man just chuckled before answering. "I said, Were you hurt somewhere? Do you need to see a doctor?"

"Ah no. No, thanks. I'm fine. Thank you Sir…?" Catherine could vaguely recognize the man, but she could not pinpoint where or when.

"Oh, where are my manners, My name is Albert. Albert James Moriarty. Head of the Moriarty Household. May I know the name of this beautiful lady?"

"Catherine. I'm Catherine Faucigny, Youngest daughter of Duke Frederick Faucigny."

"Ahhh, You're Druex's younger sister. Nice to meet you. I've had a few conversations with your brother."

"I see. Thank you once again for saving me, Lord Albert. I owe you my life." Catherine was about to bow but Albert stopped her.

"I did what should have been done. Not a bother. But if milady still feels indebted, would you mind if I take you for a round of dance?" Albert offered his hand to Catherine.

"Of course. How could I say no to Lord Albert."

Albert just chuckled and brought Catherine to the centre of the hall. As the music starts, both of them glided along with the rhythm, Albert places his hand and on Catherine's waist as she holds his arm, both their other hands clasp together in a tight hold. Both of them gazed towards the other as a feeling of glee and comfort rush through them. Time seems to stop by as they felt everything around them blur and only the person standing in front existed.

'What is this feeling? It feels nice. Overwhelming, but not in a bad way'

The Music then stops. It was an indication that the dance has ended, but neither of them wanted to stop. Reluctantly, it was Catherine who broke the positions first. Albert felt a sense of unexplainable disappointment. There were a few minutes of awkward silence between the two of them. And it was Albert who initiated the conversation to break the silence.

"Would you like a drink? Or would you like to rest for a moment?"

"I'm not that tired… A glass of champagne will do, thanks"

"Not a problem."

Albert went to a bar on the side to get some drinks and came back with two glasses of champagne. He handed one to Catherine and smiled. They chatted as they drink. One topic to another, until a story caught Catherine's attention.

"Also, my younger brother told me his encounter the other day. He said he met a woman. A Lady in her 20's. he met her, unexpectedly, because she accidentally bumped him with a door. He also said that the lady helped him pick up his grocery as an apology.. chuckle.. when you think about it, her name is also Catherine."

Albert looked at Catherine with mirth. As if she was the most interesting person on the planet. However, Catherine is in a state of doubt. She finds the story all too familiar. Due to her undying curiosity, she asked Albert in a nonchalant manner.

"Lord Albert, Is Louis the name of your younger brother?"

"Ah Yes. How did you know?" it was only a while that Albert connects the dots.

"You're that Catherine?" Albert asked with a smile.

"Yes. It was an accident though, I didn't mean it." Catherine hurriedly explained. Albert only laughs seeing her predicament which caused Catherine to pout and huffed. Trying so hard not to laugh out loud, Albert unsuccessfully humoured Catherine. It even causes more reason for Catherine to sulk. It was only when Albert told Catherine seriously that Louis doesn't mind what happened that Catherine sighed in relief. Albert, who was watching her action all the time, chuckled and said in an amused manner.

"You're so cute, milady"