An Old Wish From The Heart

"You've spoken to the wrong person. I don't care what you wish to do nor what your ambitions are. Aren't you supposed to be saying it to father?" Hendrix's expression also turned serious.

"I know you've always put your interests before others, appearing indifferent to the things happening to the society, but for once, would you listen and lend me an arm to lean on? As a brother of mine?" Catherine smiled silently.

Hendrix didn't answer immediately. Both of them knew of his real persona. He might be portrayed as kind and approachable outside, but Catherine fully understands her brother. He would not help if there's no benefit to it. Even to her. True, they might be on good terms, chatting and teasing each other from time to time, but only because the interests are aligned.

It took Hendrix a good five minutes to respond. "Okay. Just this once. What is it?"

After receiving a reply contrary to what she expects, Catherine didn't know what to feel. She only smiled solemnly before stating a sentence which made her brother stand up in shock. "I will abandon my aristocracy. I also wish to move out and live a simple life."

"ARE YOU CRAZY??? ARE YOU MAD???" Hendrix chastised her angrily. He never would have thought it was that kind of idea Catherine would have after pushing her to her wish. True, he might be heartless, but he cares a little about his sister.

"Are you thinking things through? Do you even know the consequences of your action? Can you even survive out of this society? Where would you live? What would you eat?" Hendrix angrily drank his tea. Chest humping from speaking too hastily just now. Catherine only watched him and didn't speak. It was only when she saw her brother had calm down that she respond.

"I'll look for ways. I'll work at the hospital and use that money to rent a place to stay in London. I'll be fine."

Hendrix just sighed before asking. "Have you made a decision already?"

"Yes, I have. You don't have to be angry. I'll take care of myself. Like I said. I'll be fine."

"Fine, it's your choice. Good luck." Hendrix stand up and started walking away yet after five steps, he stopped. He didn't turn around and Catherine only waited patiently.

"Do take care and don't get yourself killed." he then continued and left.

Catherine looked at the stars in the sky before saying thank you. It was a message for her brother. Unable to hold back her tears, she cried silently. After composing herself, she went back to her room after cleaning the dishes. She lay on her bed, exhausted and went to sleep with a heavy heart.

It wasn't the rays of sunshine that woke Catherine up from her slumber, rather, it was her brother. He looked prim and proper, different to his usual laid back attitude. Catherine raised a brow to asked what he was up to.

"Look, Yes, I don't care what will happen to you, but something is bothering me about what you said. Goddamn it! I drank wine to help me sleep, and yet, you wrack up my thoughts leaving me unable to sleep." Hendrix cursed loudly. It was only a while that Catherine realized her brother's true intention.

"You know, you're really not good at hiding your emotions. Thank you."

"Tsk. Dress up. Hurry." He then leaves.

Catherine sighed and nervousness started to crawl up her nerves. She didn't know what would be the outcome of her decision. All she wanted to do is to help the poor. She could not deny that she hated the society she belonged. She went to the bathroom and took a quick bath. She then hurriedly pack some necessities. She was so sure that after this conversation with her parents, she would be kicked out. She nervously went outside and saw Hendrix standing outside looking impatient. When he saw her, he urges her to move faster. It was only one step that he was stopped with Catherine's hand.

"Do we have to do this now? I mean, yeah, I do have plans to move out and whatnot, but to do it fast like this, can I just calm myself first and prepare?"

"What is there to prepare? The outcome would still be the same, you'll just prolong it." Hendrix dragged her towards the dining room.

"Wait… Let me think about it… Just a day."

"Fine. Tsk. Why am I even doing this?" He then started to walk leaving Catherine standing alone in the corridor.

It was a good while when Catherine went back to her room to put the bag down. She calms herself and went to the dining room as if nothing happened. Her parents seem to notice nothing. Her brother, on the other hand, is unusually eerily quiet. He really couldn't understand her brother's thought process. Sometimes, he would care for her like a loving brother who would die for her sake, then he would act like he was irritated and disgusted by her. As she could not cope up with how he acts, she just leaves him be. But she was thankful for him sometimes. He may not be good with words, but when he speaks, he would say the words she likes to hear the most.

It was a tense breakfast for Catherine. Her parents went out and her brother was scheduled for an activity in the circle, so she was left in the house, all alone. She starter to think about things thoroughly. Yet, her mind was blank as a canvas. She couldn't ever decide what to think first… she lay helpless in her bed till night time. She didn't have the courage to face her parents whom she would leave later on, specifically tomorrow, so she asked the maids to serve her some food in her bed with the excuse that she's not feeling well.

She started to pack up another set of things without even thinking about what she's been putting on the duffel bag. She was trying to ease her nervousness a little to no avail until her brother went inside the bedroom. Hendrix only stared at her before heading to the edge of the bed and sit down in a calm manner.

"Here, take this. Consider it as a donation." he then handed Catherine a thick envelope.

"What is this?" Catherine didn't take it.

"Don't ask. Just take it and keep it. You'll need it in the future."

"Also…" Catherine looked up at Hendrix who stands up ready to leave.

"Have courage. And please, are you thinking of selling that clock you stuffed at the bag?" He just laughed and left.

Catherine looked at the bag and it was full of nonsensical things that shouldn't be in there in the first place. She sighed and started to put them back in their places. A clock, A book, a lamp, and one pair of shoes. She shakes her head in disappointment and went to the bathroom to have a quick bath. She then sleeps with a heart and mind full of scrambled thoughts and heavy nervousness.

Catherine woke up late than usual. However, the nervousness she felt from before vanished like she didn't felt it before. She took a quick shower and courageously grab the duffel bag and walked out of the room. The door in the room on the west end is tightly shut, unable to distinguish if the owner is awake and gone or still in slumber and in dreamland.

She walked towards the receiving area and put down the bag. The maids who were cleaning the area saw that scene and was confused, but they didn't dare to ask. She then proceeded to the dining room and saw that her parents are there but Hendrix was nowhere in sight. She sat and did her usual routine. Take a wet towel, sanitize her hands and eat. She didn't dare to utter a word as she would say the things that she would want to say at the wrong time.

In the middle of the meal, Hendrix entered the room in a sombre mood, wearing a black suit and a red tie. He sat in the chair and starts to eat silently. After they finished the desserts, Catherine stand up and looked at both her parents and started to bow. Lord Frederick and Lady Isabella were both shocked and confused at the same time while Hendrix's expression turned grim, his hands that held the cutlery shakes a little yet he pretended that he didn't care and continue to eat, albeit slower than usual.

"Father, Mother, There is something that I want to say to you about." Catherine courageously said. It was Lady Isabella who responded to her and Lord Frederick only looked at her waiting to speak.

"What is it, my dear?"

"The thing is…" but before she could complete her sentence, Hendrix abruptly stand up, grab Catherine's wrist and dragged her to the living room.

"Let go.. it hurts." It was only with Catherine's reminder that Hendrix let go of his hand.

"What is wrong with you? You told me last night to have courage and yet, now that I have it, you'll ruin the mood and timing??" Catherine asked with a tone laced with anger.

"I also don't know. When I heard you say that sentence, I was worried." Hendrix sigh sits down then held his temples as if he was very tired and lacked sleep.

Before Catherine could respond, their parents came to the living room with her mother had a worried look in her eyes while her father only watched silently, waiting for an explanation.

"What is happening, Hendrix? Catherine?" Lady Isabella went to Catherine, holds her hand. Her expression was full of worry.

"Mother, Father, I'm so sorry for the things that I'll say next." Catherine held up her tears and when she felt her brother would gonna act up again, she gave him a hard stare signalling to not interfere. With the threat of his sister, Hendrix didn't say or do anything.

Catherine then faced them both and said the dreading sentence.

"I wish to revoke my Aristocracy. I want to leave the noble life and start with a simple one."

Both of them was so shocked they couldn't speak for a while and Catherine added.

"I also wish to move out."

Hendrix closed his eyes after hearing that sentence. It was after a while that Lord Frederick reacted angrily.

"ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND?!?!?! YOU WISH TO WHAT?? YOU--" The duke lost his thoughts as he was stammered speechless by what he heard and Lady Isabella was crying like she couldn't understand a thing.

"I'm so sorry, I decided to pursue my dreams and I could not achieve it when I'm in this position. To be honest, I feel suffocated with this kind of life. I wish to help the poor, yet I'm being judge like I did some unforgivable things. I don't want this kind of life anymore. Please, let me go." Catherine cried while holding the hands of her mother.

"YOU USELESS OF A DAUGHTER!!! EVER SINCE YOU'VE STARTED THAT STUDY IN MEDICINE, YOU'VE BEEN ACTING LIKE A COMMONER. DISGUSTING!!!" after saying that, Lord Frederick went to Catherine and slapped her hard in the cheek.