A New Journey

"Hello ma'am, I would like to rent an apartment. I heard this place from the bartender just a few buildings from here. I would like to inquire if there is still a loft left to be rented?"

The woman nodded and gave Catherine a serene smile. She let her enter and speak. "Oh young lady, I'm so sorry about my state. I am currently making pie in the kitchen when you knock. Room, you need, eh? There is one on the 3rd floor. Do you mind?"

"No. Anything is fine. Can I take a look?" Catherine inquired.

"Of course. Right this way, Miss." as they climb the stairs, the woman, who is called by everyone as Mrs Lin, inquired.

"Are you an immigrant, Miss? Are you married?"

"No, and no. I'm a single lady who found work in St. Mary's Hospital. I am homeless. And looking for a place to stay."

"Ah… I see. Here we are. What do you think?" Mrs Lin asked with a smile.

The place was decent looking. It has a single bedroom, a study and a mini living room that connects to a considered as a micro kitchen with only a small stove, a small sink and enough Island to cook and eat for one person.. Perfect for a single resident like her. With a few decors here and there, it would be comparable to her room in the manor. In actuality, the whole size of the loft is the size of her former bedroom. It was very nice compared to what she expected it to be.

"Mrs Lin, I'll take this room. Where should I pay?"

"Come with me, Miss" Catherine followed Mrs Lin to a study room on the second floor. Papers are scattered along the floor. Mrs Lin went to grab a paper from behind the desk and started writing.

The process of renting a loft is more or less, hectic. After paying the bills and making sure to abide by the rules, the process is basically complete. Now, all Catherine would have to worry about is her things. Once finished. She went back to her loft, cleaned the bedroom first. There is no actual need for deep cleaning, just get some dust here and there and everything is set. Since it was already 6:30 pm. She went to a corner of a living room where the mini kitchen is.

It was a lucky day for Catherine. The place she rented already has some necessities, such as plates and kitchen utensils… etc. So she grabbed a bowl, place the fish and chips from the bar earlier, went to the living room and settled to a chair near the window. The view was nice. Stars are visible in the sky. After finishing the food. Catherine made a quick bath and went to sleep.

The chirping of birds wakes Catherine up. She had a good night's sleep. She then went to take a bath and cooked a simple breakfast. It was a new feeling for her considering the place she could call home was diminished by size and the things are all sub-par to how they used to be. After finishing washing the dishes, she then went out, locked the apartment and went to the Hospital.

It was her first day after all, and having a good first impression is always the best way to start in any career. And as for her, she just made it in time for the ceremony. After entering the employee's room, the head supervisor handed her a uniform and all things needed. She wears it diligently and started her work. Since it was her first day, aside from going as an assistant of the doctors during the visiting period, she was taught about the orders of things and the medicine list.

As the prodigy of medicine in France, Catherine was able to memorize them in one teach while sometimes two. The head doctors in the hospital were impressed by her abilities and wanted to test her. It was like a quick promotion. They were eager to see the potential in Catherine so they assigned her to the emergency department. Catherine's life was basically working at the hospital from early morning up to the late night, then go back home, cook some light meal then sleep. The cycle went on from days up to weeks until months.

It was another fine day at the hospital, still, in the emergency ward, Catherine didn't mind. As long as there are patients who need to serve, she was willing to be stationed. But, it was on this day that she was shocked by her patient. The report says a sword injury to the chest. It was particularly common to see sights of noble having a sword wound, either from sword fighting, up to extreme hobby and fights from outside society. However, none of that was the cost of what shocked Catherine. But because her patient was none other than her brother, Hendrix.

St. Mary's Hospital - Emergency Ward (Wound Section)

Catherine got no time to waste, so she hastily woke up from shock and attended to her brother. She asks the nurse in her left for her brother's statistics.

"Patient statistics, Name, Druex Hendrix Faucigny, Age: 28 years old, Injury: a stab wound in the Midepigastrium that is 2 cm in length." Catherine nodded in acknowledgement then posed another question.

"Did anyone run an EMR on his way here?"

"No Miss. It was too dangerous as it might damage the area of bleeding."

"Okay. Then tell them to prepare for a Retrograde Urethrogram Surgery."

"But, Miss. It's too dangero-"

"I'll perform the surgery." All the nurses present were shocked and wanted to protest but before they could, Hendrix, who was lying on the bed while watching them suddenly spoke up.

"I trust my sister. Let her do it."

Catherine raised an eyebrow while all the other nurses were shocked to hear a piece of explosive news.

'Sister? So she's also a Faucigny?'

'That Lady Catherine? I thought the names were just a coincidence.'

Catherine interrupts them with a cough. "Save the talks for later, let's operate him first."

Catherine operates on Hendrix in the emergency ward. It took an hour and a half, including the suturing of the wounds. After it was over, he was sent to a private ward to be on observation. The surgery takes a toll on Catherine. Not just physically, but emotionally, including the thousand questions of her fellow co-worker about this and that. She decided to take half of the day off to take care of her brother. And since Hendrix would not wake up until tomorrow morning due to the strong anaesthesia, she decided to go to a tea house near the hospital to relax and to unnerve.

Still, on her usual seat, she ordered the same tea from the last time. Roselle tea. Since her order did not arrive yet, she went to the restroom to wash. While she was washing her hands, she saw her reflection on the mirror, she was paler than before. The haggardness from overworking is showing in her eyes. She splashed some water on her face to bring back some colour. After the drama in the restroom, she went back to her seat, only to bumped a familiar person on the way. It was Lord Moriarty.

"Are you okay, Mis-- Lady Catherine?" Albert was taken aback for a moment before recognizing the woman in front of him. It was Lady Catherine with whom he had a conversation.

"Ah, Lord Moriarty? Nice meeting you here. Are you here for an official business?" Catherine fixed herself and bowed to Albert as a greeting.

"No, I'm here on impulse. After talking to someone, I felt like drinking tea. What about you? Are you here with someone?" Albert inquired.

"No, I'm here by myself. Since you've said you're here on impulse, why don't you share a table with me, my lord? I mean, if you want to.." Catherine suggested with a sheepish smile. Albert didn't say anything, that made her nervous.

'It might have been too straightforward. Especially for a woman like me. Gosh, Catherine what are you thinking, you idiot.'

Catherine imaginary smacked her head a couple of times. She was about to apologize about what she said earlier when, Albert, who didn't speak a word, beat her to the bush.

"Okay. I love to."

"Huh?" Catherine stared at him in shock for a few minutes, still couldn't understand what he said. Albert, who just watched her expression was so amused he couldn't help but pinched her nose. It was only when the deed was done that what he did was very inappropriate. The two were in stale silence. Albert decides to break the silence.

"I mean I'd love sharing a seat with you. Let's go." Albert walked off on his own then stopped after a few steps. He turned to Catherine again and asked.

"Which seat?"

"Huh? Ah… table five, west side-corner part."

"Then, let's go, Milady?"

"Uh Okay." the both of them walked to the table, just in time that the tea was served. Seeing that he was in another's company, Albert ordered the same drink as Catherine.

"Are you sure you want the same tea, Lord Albert? Roselle tea is too fruity for a men's taste."

"Your reasoning is true, but how would we know if I would take a liking to it. Right mademoiselle?"

"Lord Albert, do you really have much free time on your hands?"

"And why is that?"

"You seem to be not taking things seriously."

"Believe me Milady, I'm taking things very seriously."