
On the other hand, Catherine hailed a cab to take her to the market. It wasn't easy to hail one. While inside the cab, she remembered her brother's antics about her apartment and felt gloom. To divert her attention, she grabbed her pad and started reading the contents. while checking the list and such, all of a sudden, she suddenly thought about her encounter with Albert in the tea shop.

Forgetting where she was, she smiled crazily as she reminisces with the memories of that night, and it was only when the cab driver knocked hard on the window that she came back to reality. Embarrassed by how she acted, she hurriedly paid the driver and ran to the building without looking back.

Forgetting what just happened, she hurriedly went to the section where the things she need was. The rest of the shopping was peaceful, not until she reached the tea section. Seeing Catherine walking near the counter, the Tea sommelier smiled and greeted her. "A pleasant evening miss. What kind of tea would you like?"

Catherine greeted the man back. "Thanks, Can I have a set of Roselle tea?"

"Of course Miss." the man hurriedly went to a shelf and grab a box, coming back in an enthusiastic manner, he handed the box to Catherine.

Catherine took the box and was to put it in the cart when she remembers that it was the same tea that Albert ordered that day. It brought another smile to her face. Lost in thoughts, the sommelier called her a few times before she came back.

"It must be a man if you'd fall in a trance like that. Lover?" the sommelier teased.

"What lover? He's a friend. A friend." Catherine hurriedly retorted.

"So it is a man." the sommelier chuckled as a response.

At one point, Catherine couldn't understand what she was feeling the moment. There was no reason to be defensive about the topics of lover and man. Yet, when things are discussed, especially along those lines, the first thing that pops up in Catherine's mind is Albert. She felt that by thinking of him in such a situation, she was harbouring evil thoughts. After settling the things needed, she hurriedly walks over to the cashier, yet after taking a few steps, she bumped into a person in the corner aisles of the shop. Some of the things in her cart fell off and as she was picking them up, she apologized.

"Oh my, I'm so sorry. I'm really sorry, I didn't me- Louis?" Catherine was shocked to see it was Albert's younger brother.

Louis, who also help gathered the things she dropped, was also shocked to hear her voice. "Miss Catherine, It's been a while."

"Ah.. yes. It really has been a long time." Catherine replied after checking everything.

"How has Milady been these days?" Louis inquired after helping Catherine with her things. Catherine, in turn, assisted in bringing the other foods before replying.

"Well… everything has been alright so far. And I hope, it would stay the same." Catherine meaningfully said.

"What about you, Louis? How are you?"

Louis chuckled first before replying. "Everything is fine Milady."

The two chatted more until they finished their own task. Louis bid farewell to Catherine and left, Catherine then started to hail a cab going back to the apartment. Thinking of her brother and his poor stomach, she fastened her pace. The ride only took twenty minutes. After paying the driver, she hurriedly went back upstairs.

After opening the door, all she saw was her brother reading a book and looking rather in a vacation. She put her wallet on a corner table at her left and went to the kitchen to started cooking. Hendrix, who was reading a book, slightly raised his head to look at Catherine for a second before lowering it again and continued reading. In all honesty, Catherine really didn't bother if her brother did not greet her. It was a habit they develop together when they were young. It did not matter if they didn't greet each other, it was understood from their sense that the other party is present.

The cooking time took half an hour before a fragrant smell of boiled beef waffled through the air. Hendrix, who was immersed in reading, raised up his head to look towards the kitchen. Curious to the amazing smell, he put down the book to the coffee table to go and look.

Catherine, who just finished putting the dish in a bowl turned around just in time to see her brother walked closer before stopping in her front while looking at the bowl in her hands.

"Not bad. You could actually cook a meal. Amazing." Hendrix complimented while taking the bowl to her and putting it on the table.

Catherine pays no heed to his sarcastic remarks and start putting plates and utensils on the table. Hendrix, out of courtesy, helped her by serving up some lukewarm water to each of them. Both siblings each took a seat at the small dining table and started eating in silence.

It was a peaceful meal. Hendrix complimented her cooking while she enjoys eating the dishes. after finishing up the meal, Catherine cleaned up and washed the dishes. She didn't wait for her brother to offer to do household chores. She did not expect him to be able to do chores considering he's been living a royalty like life back in the mansion. It was already a saving grace of him living in this place, which he previously quoted as a shabby and run-down place.

After cleaning up the kitchen and dining place, Catherine went to the bathroom to take a quick bath and change into sleeping clothes. She then proceeded to arrange the bed for her brother to sleep in. And as for her, she would sleep on the sofa in the living room.

"Brother, it's late, you should get some rest. You can use my bed for the time being."

"What about you? Where will you sleep?" Hendrix inquired while putting away the book he read.

"I'll just sleep on the sofa. Don't mind me. Go ahead." Catherine responded while walking towards the sofa with a pillow in one hand. Hendrix nodded as an acknowledgement before heading to the bedroom. He closed the door after taking a pensive look at Catherine.

Catherine, on the other hand, sighed after the door closed. She did not expect this kind of development. Who would have thought that her prince of brother would really sleep in this kind of place? She only shakes her head in amusement, fixed up the sofa which is now her current bed, laid down while staring into the ceiling.

That night, Catherine wasn't able to sleep a wink. It isn't that she did not want to, but rather, she can't sleep peacefully. Too much thought ran in her head. Grumpy from the lack of sleep, Catherine slowly dragged her body to the kitchen to cook. While preparing for the condiments and ingredients needing to cook breakfast, an idea entered her brain. She looked at the bedroom door and contemplated for a moment. In actuality, she already did this countless times in the past, yet she wasn't sure if her brother's reaction to it would be the same as before. But with the thought of him sleeping comfortably while she was miserable, it actually comforted her the idea that it is okay to bring her brother together with her in this misery.

With a sneaky smile planted on her face, she grabs two metal pans, walked to the bedroom slowly, making sure she wouldn't wake up the person inside. After reaching the side of the bed, she slowly raised her hands, each holding a pan and with a clap, a loud noise of a bang echoed throughout the room, jolting the man awake.

Hendrix, who was shocked awake from the noise, looks up to the culprit in annoyance with glares that could kill and spew out profanities, and for censorship reasons, it would not be stated. Catherine only laughed at him for a full five minutes before saying.

"Get up now, and help me cook. Don't be a useless person."