Maze Surgery

Operating Room

Catherine was all ready when Doctor Luke entered the operating room, seeing that they have been waiting for him, he quickly get himself ready. After making sure he was all sanitized and completely dressed in surgical uniform, he said. "Let's get started."

Walking towards where Catherine was, he readied himself before speaking. "I'm opening her up." extending his hands, he spoke "Scalpel". Catherine handed him a knife with a small, sharp blade. The operating room was in total silence as the operation commence. The occasional commands of things are the only sound to be heard in the room.

"Catherine, The upper right, hold it," Luke ordered. Catherine went to get a forceps to follow the instruction. As Catherine tried to clasp the forceps in her hand to take hold of the organ, a gush of blood flowed out causing them to be covered in a red liquid. "Sorry Doctor, I think I touched the wrong vessel."

Luke Immediately comforted Catherine. "Don't worry about it, I got it." he went to touch the vessel and remedy it. Catherine apologized once again before proceeding to assist him. This time she finally clasps the correct vessel and hands Doctor Luke the curette to help him clean several tissues in the artery. "Catherine, use the Artery forceps."

"Yes sir." Catherine used the artery forceps to halt the bleeding in the vessels. The operation lasted for an hour and a half. When it was done, both Luke and Catherine went out of the room soaked in sweat.

They both went together to the sanitation room to change and discarded the coats that had blood on them. Luke excused himself to report back to the Leaders which Catherine just nodded. She started to walk outside where Claire's mother anxiously waiting while sitting on a stool near the nurse station.

Seeing that Catherine came out, Claire's mom hurriedly walked in her direction and asked while a pale face. "How's my daughter, Doctor?" Catherine gave Claire's mother a big smile before saying happily, "Congratulations, Ma'am. Claire's Operation was a success. All we have to do now is to assist Claire in her recovery and she'll be discharged in no time. Rest assured, she's all right now."

"Really, Doctor? That's a relief." Catherine nodded. She excused herself before proceeding to the doctors' pantry. After entering the room, she hurriedly went and grab a glass of water from the counter. "Ahh! Water is really sweet when you have it after a good day's work." there was a chuckle behind Catherine as she said that. She immediately looks back only to see Luke with a cup in his hands.

"Sorry Doctor Luke, I didn't see you there." Luke only shakes his head in acknowledgment and said nothing. Catherine blushed in embarrassment before turning back to put the glass in the wash basin. There was an awkward silence between the two of them. "Are you tired? You can take the rest of the day off, I can swap for you." It was Luke who broke the silence with a suggestion.

"Are you sure? Aren't you also tired from the operation?"Catherine inquired while putting the glass back on the rack. "It's alright, don't worry about me. You should rest, you look pale." Luke stands up from his chair and went to the wash basin to put the cup. Similar to Catherine, he also washed the cup before putting it on the dry rack.

"Okay. You should rest too. We are both tired from today's ordeal. Excuse me, I'll just gonna do some things." Catherine bid her goodbye before walking away. She went to the nurse station to instruct them to monitor the child since the 24 hours after surgery is the crucial part. After doing the necessary, she went back to the dormitory and changed into plain clothes.

Looking at the time, Catherine decided to volunteer for dinner since she was on a break. With that in mind, she went looking for the Head Mistress of the dorm. She stated her intention and the Head Mistress gladly agreed and offered an assistant. Catherine happily accepted since she would be purchasing many groceries that could feed a battalion.

Both she and the assistant went to the market to buy some vegetables and meat. They also went to buy some snacks for those who pulled all-nighters. After making sure that they have bought all the necessary ingredients for today's dinner, they went and hailed a cab to the hospital. The ride was only a few minutes long, so it wasn't long when they arrived.

Luke who decided to go back after completing his share of work, saw Catherine and a woman getting down on a carriage with a bunch of stuff. "Did you go and do marketing?" he ask, he help the assistant bring down the groceries from the carriage. "Yes. I volunteered to cook for today's dinner. Are you coming back from the camp? You should rest then. We won't disturb you. " Catherine smilingly said while taking some of the groceries to the kitchen. But before she can lift the bag up, Luke already got them in his sturdy arms. "Let me help you then."

Catherine was speechless for a moment before catching up to Luke who had already gone inside the building. Catherine went up to the kitchen only to see Luke putting on an apron and getting ready to help cook. All the girls in the kitchen squeal in happiness while commenting on how sexy Luke looked at the moment. Catherine was unfazed by the sight and thought 'Luke does look sexy, but nothing could beat Albert's perfectness.'

Catherine was stunned for a moment. She didn't expect that she would think about Albert so randomly today. She hurriedly went to drink a glass of water while clutching her chest. 'Calm down, heart… Calm down…'

"Catherine, Are you okay? Are you in pain?" Luke worriedly approach Catherine while touching her forehead to make sure that she didn't have a fever. Catherine smiled to dismiss him saying that she was fine. Catherine then went to the counter to start preparing for dinner, forgetting the drama earlier and trying to dispel the unexplained feeling she felt.

Luke was a bit sad when his hand was whisked away by Catherine, but nevertheless, he went and accompanied Catherine in preparing dinner. The two of them didn't talk even until dinnertime. Everyone just thought that they are just tired and didn't disturb them further.

Durham, Moriarty Manor

"Brother William, Brother Albert sent a letter saying that he will be back in the next two days." Louis who poured a cup of tea served it to William who is sitting in a chair near the fireplace.

"I see. Is there any other matter that he mentioned?" William smiled as he slowly drank the newly-brewed tea. "None. It seems like he only came back to take a break." Louis replied while pouring himself a cup of tea and sat down on a chair across from William.

"I noticed that brother Albert seems to fall into a trance once in a while. Sometimes, he would mention a girl's name. I think it was Catherine. Is she the same as the woman I met back at central London?" he added.

"Really? A woman named Catherine you say…?" William smilingly said, sipping the tea while his eyes gleam interestingly.