The whole exam is tiring and my brain cells are already drained. I was on the second floor stepping down the stairs, as my eyes catch face.

He was standing in the field and was looking at the sky like there is no tomorrow. Wondering that what is he doing in there at these hours.

Students on this campus should be going home. It's already 5 PM and yet he was in here standing like he's waiting for someone.

"What is he doing in there," Other girls were asking but didn't have the right answers.

I ignored the scene and just walk slowly towards the canteen area. Dad called and I want to buy some snacks for the trip back to our house.

It's way far, so in case I'll get hungry I bought chicken and rice also bought some biscuits to prevent my hunger.

"Jesus sorry!" The anonymous man apologized as he kneels in front of me.

I was at the gate when someone bumped into my back causing me to fall to the floor.

He offered his hands and gently I took them ignoring the wrong feeling. He's the guy in the field, what is he doing in front of me.

"Idiot! he got bumped in your back," My mind scolded me.

"Are you okay?" He asks and takes a survey into my body.

"Yea thanks, excuse me," I uttered and was about to walk away when he suddenly held my hands.

"Heart right?" He asked as a smile plastered on his face.

"Huh?" I confusingly muttered.

"I was asking if your name is Heart," The boy repeated his question.

My eyes widen after hearing those words. I'm confused, why did he know my name and why is he asking if that's my name.

"Why do you ask?"

"Just assuming that it was your name, I was the man who put stains on your clothes. Thought that I could give you a ride for a peace offering," He uttered and smiled shyly.

"It's fine, and no you don't need to give me a ride to me. I'm all fine," I decline and accept his sorry.

"No, I meant to drive you home. It's also dangerous if you grabbed a taxi alone," The boy pursue his offer.

"Alright, but our house is way far from the city. I don't think that you can handle driving on the road too far,"

"No it's fine, I insist." He smiled.

We walked together in the parking lot and saw his car parked in the middle part. He opened the front seat for me before he went to the driving side.

"Put on your seatbelt," He reminded and so I did what he said.

My eyes were just looking at the vast road while he played old pieces of music. That gives me thrilled and relaxed too, music 90's hits are different.

"You take the entrance exams?" He asked suddenly.

"Yea," I shortly answered.

"You're way different to other girls I know," The boy chuckled a bit.

"Stop talking, just focused on driving." I scolded him and pointed to the road.

Slowly, my eyes were closed feeling the sweet and cold music. From when this man shows up in front of me because he just wanted to offer help.

I don't believe this man.

He stops the car and that made me shocked too. Quickly, my eyes opened, and face him with angry eyes.

"Wait," He laughed and raised both hands.

My brows were raised in anger and furious.

"I was just going to pee,"

"Oh, alright go ahead." In my embarrassment, I look away and just shut my mouth so as my eyes.

The nerve of me asking those questions to him. Didn't even bother to know the reason first, idiot.

"Wait, can I eat? I'm hungry and if you want to eat too. I bought two foods in the canteen and here we can share this food," I offered and show him the two peace of chicken and rice.

He smiled and nodded his head before going out in his car. I waited for him for a couple of seconds until he returned already.

The food is prepared already before he went back in the car. I saw him shocked and that didn't ut malicious reactions to me.

"Here, this yours, and that doesn't have any poison," I uttered to assure him that the food is all clean.

"I didn't say anything," He muttered and laughed.

"Just telling,"

We eat the food together in a quiet way. No one started to talk or open up a topic for a long-term conversation.

After that, he started the car and I was in my seat continuing to eat my food. Guys, I'm so slow to eat but didn't like to eat a lot of food.

When I remember that I didn't take breakfast but eat lunch together with our snacks. That wasn't enough so I buy these foods in case I got hungry. And so I am in the middle of the trip.

"Turn in this way and when you see FLOWER SHOP OF MUIS written in the large tarpaulin. Then you'll stop the car in there, I'll be the one who'll hike our house." I guide him and teach him some of the directions.

"Wait what? you'll hike in that dark forest?" He uttered in shock.

"Yep, that's not new to me anymore. Ever since we live in this place, we used to hike our house alone."

"What if someone murders you in that forest, what will you do? nothing right." The shutters in a worried voice.

"No one will, do you see that light?" I asked him as I pointed to the lightning tower.

"Yes, why?" He asked in confusion.

"That's our house. Now you can go, that isn't way far from here. It's nearer so have a good night and thanks for the ride,"

After uttering those words I left his car and run to the rough road as fast as I can.

I didn't even know him, didn't even have a chance to ask his name. At least I thank him for sending me home safely.