"What's wrong with them?" Clarisse asks while looking at the man who's looking at me intensely.

"Heart, what's wrong?"

Before I could utter some words, someone interrupts causes me to unvoiced my words.

"Wow! Heart... What a pretty name of yours," Anonymous man mumbled.

"Thanks for the compliment, but I think y'all just misunderstand everything," I uttered and was about to pass him by when someone clapped its hands.

Damn! Not again, please... Don't want to be in trouble at this early morning.

(Clapping hands)

"You're leaving already, without talking to me?"

A familiar tone of voice suddenly echoed in my ears.

"It's you again!" I screamed.

"You again?!" The girl in front of the man who's familiar to me repeats my words.

"Ohhhhh this is going to be a good scene for my novel," Someone mumbled and laughed.

"Again? So are you saying that the two of you met each other again and again?!" The girl hysterically asked even though she already answered her questions.

"Hmm, so your name is Heart. No wonder why you were beautiful the first time I met you." Ace. Yea, it was Ace who's talking to me right now.

Like he thinks that we didn't fight last time because of his full of self attitudes.

I may be having a high standard for men, but of course, Ace won't fit any single of it. Not even one pinned of it, he's already eliminated.

"I'm sorry I need to go, excuse me." I apologize and was about to exit myself but someone held my left arm.

"Where are you going?" Ace mumbled.

"I have things to do. Now if you'll respect I'll excuse myself,"

For the last time, I already grabbed back my arm and walk away from them.

The squad who introduced their selves to me is still following me.

It's a bit awkward knowing that someone is following your steps.

"What!... Do y'all need from me?" Gritted teeth as I keep calm myself.

"Oh... We want to be friends with you, but if you don't like it then we will go. Sorry for--,"

"I'm sorry, but are y'all sure you want to be my friends? I mean I'm not rich as all of you here." I muttered to give deprive their wishes to be friends with me.

They don't deserve to have a friend like me. I am not rich nor can afford things that are expensive and unique.

What I can only afford are simple echo bags and some antique old bags. That's all.

I was shocked because of their laughs. I didn't expect that thing to happened and that they react like it.

Clarisse cleared her throat before speaking.

"You do think we were looking for rich girls that will become our friends. Is that it?" She muttered, crossed arms.

Nothing could I do or react but nodding to what she just said is the only thing I could do.

"Then your instincts are wrong," Ivan inserted.

"I'm sorry, I'm not used to being friends with those rich people. I prefer being alone in my whole life with my family and relative, though." Mumbled in calm.

They all stared at me like I did something to him to make them like their faces right now.

"Stupid Heart, if we were looking for a friend who is rich too. We wouldn't come into you and introduce ourselves in sudden." Monic in her goddess looks explains her side.

Wow, I didn't expect this kind of situation right now. These blessings I could ever have for this year have come already.

Wondering how could it be more beautiful, when I started my first year in college here.

"God! stop the dramas, let's go guys canteen is already opened. We should celebrate heart's being a top natcher!" Monic screamed out in excitement.

"I like that idea!" Clarisse agreed and jumped in excitement like a teenager.

While we were walking in the long hallway. People were staring at me like I did something wrong to them.

Their faces weren't the same face I saw when I entered the university. It's like when they got the rumors that I've been linked on Ace's name.

They all become a terror to me, also they look like they gonna kill.

What on earth did I just do? I never fake my worries in terms of this kind of rumor.

"Are you okay?"

"Ha? Ahh, yea I'm fine. Let's go, I'm hungry too." I fake a smile to them and walk first towards double glass doors of the canteen.

"You were anxious, are you okay Heart?" Clarisse asked in worry when she notice my anxious-looking.

"No, I'm all fine. Don't worry about me," I assured.

Ivan's eyes drifted toward me causing me to feel more nervous. His eyes were looking intensely at me, and I could sense it.

"Ahh," Ivan thrilled.

They didn't hear it because he intended to hear it for only me. It could be the fact that I did something!

"Ahh yes?" It's almost a whisper.

"You were too worried, are you sure you're okay?" He asks for assurance.

"Nah, I'm really fine. Just a bit upset or maybe confused about others' faces. They were looking at me very impolite to see." I explained and continue walking.

"Don't mind those students, they were just being too envious of you because Ace was once linked on you." He muttered to lessen my worries.

"Yea, I guess I'll just do that. Thanks," I thank him as I agreed with his suggestions.

We confidently walk, he assists me in being too good at approaching so I won't feel any pressure in life.

Perhaps it helps me to gain more about my issues in approaching people. Terms of this, some of my worries are becoming a blessing to me right now.

I'm wondering how could this me gain more blessings. I already have friends, what else could god give to me?

Yea, welcome to your first year in college. I mean, you'll be studying here for your first year of college soon! soon!

I muttered and cheered in myself through my voice mind. Hmmm, could be us. Nikolas.