After 30 minutes of staying in the cafeteria, we went back to our classrooms before our second lecture teacher came. We heard that she's a terror teacher and that's why everyone that becomes one of her underclasses is startling every time they hear her name.

The whole classroom is quiet, no one was talking and everyone is busy reading something in their books. I'm also confused about them because I do not have any of those books they were reading right now.

Maybe later I'll look at some similar books they read in the library. It's the only place I know that has a lot of free books I can borrow without buying them but just giving my school ID to the librarian.

"Heart, do you have some books?" Clarisse asked.

"I don't have one, but I'll visit the library after class. I'm gonna look for something related to our subjects." Simply answered.

She didn't talk but she nodded her head and smiled.