AOH 51


We finished our lunch so quick, because we didn't order too much of foods. 

Since also Noah is going to Batangas and while Ramon and Nicko has their own plans for the whole weekends.

And as for me, I'll be having family dinner tomorrow. So I need be home early so mom won't scold me again.

We haven't talk yet after the night that we had a late talk with dad. After what I found out, do she think I will approach her again.

She's like her parents. They're just like each of their parents, they rule our lives as if they own it. I still can't understand and get their points why they choose to be like their parents when they could have just choose to be their selves. 

Our life might be more good enough for us to feel and won't have some self doubts of doing something that we feel we can't and we couldn't.