Chapter 10 Part II

Hijiri yawned, covering his mouth as he sat a distance from where his companions decided to set up camp for the night. He sighed, his thoughts racing from Kanae to the spy, to his time in the military. He glanced at the approaching Akame, returning his gaze back to the setting sun. "Need any help?"

"No, we're all set, Tatsumi's handling the cooking and Kanae just finished gathering wood."

Hijiri turned around suddenly, brow raised. "Tatsumi can cook?"

It was now Akame's turn to be surprised. "How did you not know? He's being the one in charge of most meals."

Hijiri exhaled, stretching his arms. "I thought you and Susanoo were the ones who handled the cooking…"

"…it would have been easier to notice if you weren't exhausted all the time." Akame interrupted, remaining expressionless.

Eh? Hijiri tilted his head, confused.

"Leone, Boss, Susanoo and I are aware of the fact that you have been pushing yourself." Walking to his right side, Akame poked Hijiri's bandaged right arm, expressing concern about the unnatural warmth and hardness she felt.

"Well. I guess I'm a bit exhausted, but do you know what could make me feel better? A lap pillow." Hijiri smirked at the impassive Akame.

She dusted off her black skirt, sitting in a seiza style as she patted her legs. "I don't know how long I can sit like this, so come on." Akame held up her arms in a welcoming manner, her usual deadpan present but barely hiding the eagerness she felt.

Hijiri snorted, lowering the back of his head unto her thighs. "Don't mind if I do." He chuckled as he watched Akame's hands hover awkwardly. "You know you can put your hand on my hair, right?" She huffed adorably at the information, placing her right palm on Hijiri's face, earning another snort from him.


"Hm?" He peeked at her through her fingers that rested on his face, noting her solemn expression.

"I'd like for you to open up more…" He stared at her, expecting a conclusion to her statement, but there was none. "I'll tell you a bit about myself but you'll open up in return."

"Akame-chan, I never agreed to such a deal." Hijiri objected, raising his palm.

"Then I guess, I'll have to brag to the Boss about how I was the first to offer you a lap pillow." Akame stated tapping his forehead. He sighed, giving her the go ahead.

"My little sister, Kurome and I were sold to the empire as children by our parents. They never gave us a proper reason, all we knew is one day we couldn't go to bed next to them anymore. There were a lot of children who went through the same thing. We were all placed in a forest filled with all sorts of danger beasts as some kind sick filtering and Kurome and I were the only ones to survive." Akame paused, her hands fiddling with Hijiri's silver hair. He touched her hand gently, giving her a reassuring nod as she continued.

"We became assassins but were separated because Gonzuki, our captain at the time, insinuated that if Kurome and I remained together, we would become the strongest in the world."

"Is that the power of family?" Hijiri muttered, waving off Akame's inquisitive glance.

"He named the group the elite seven and that was how I started down the blood-soaked path. I kept killing and sabotaging, but I felt nothing. I knew better than letting my emotions get the better of me. However, I couldn't help it after I killed Martha."

"Martha?" Hijiri asked softly, watching Akame's expression.

"She…she was my best friend and apparently a spy for the revolutionary army. After her death, my doubts grew about the so called order the higher ups claimed we were preserving. My comrades continued to die off and my distrust grew." She exhaled sharply, opening her eyes as she felt Hijiri's hands close around hers, giving them a comforting squeeze.

"Akame…" Akame's brows shot up as she noted Hijiri's tone, one he had never used in addressing her. "What is it?"

"We'll bring down that shit empire so don't you worry."

"Yes, we will."

"Also. Murasame, your imperial arm. Unless it's a life or death situation, I don't want you resorting to your trump card." Hijiri stated gravely.

"Is there a reason for this?" Akame parted his hair, staring into his eyes probingly.

Hijiri looked at his right arm, frowning as he clenched his fist. "This bastard protects me from mental shock and the like, after all he wants the joy of torturing me all to himself. But, when the blade cut me, I felt the demonic aura from it and it was one powerful enough to get him, on guard."

YOU BASTARD! DON'T GO SPEWING SHIT! Hijiri scoffed, holding Akame's gaze.

"The thing about the trump card, is there a reason you're telling me this?" Akame asked, expectant.

"As a fellow demon weapon's user, I know the pain of carrying such a burden, especially since I've used my trump card once before and I don't want that for you." He replied, keeping his eyes shut as Akame resumed fiddling with his hair.

"Do you…know what the side effect of Murasame's trump card is?" Hijiri remained quiet, purposefully avoiding Akame's gaze.

"For someone who was quite pretentious, you sure are showing a lot of care." Akame looked at him with a deadpan.

"I've been through a lot, so don't mind my brooding okay? It'll take a while but I'll open up soon enough. I guess I just don't want to lose you guys too."

Hijiri's eyes widened in surprise as he felt Akame's hand pat his head gently. "Don't shoulder everything yourself…nii-san." She said softly.

For the first time since joining Night raid, Hijiri was speechless. The sudden show of affection from Akame of all people surprised him, heck Hijiri was flustered. He hadn't realized how reddened his face had gotten until spotted Akame's startled reaction. Snorting, he covered his face with his hands, Akame patting them teasingly.

To think Nii-san could get flustered… Akame smiled, humming to herself.

"Well on the bright side, you've finally recognized me as your big brother." Hijiri grinned wolfishly. Noting the smug look Akame held, he rolled his eyes, muttering. "Yeah yeah laugh it off."

"Hijiri nii-san! Akame! Meal's ready!" Tatsumi hollered at the two.

"Nii-san, where's our next destination?" Kanae asked, glancing between Hijiri and Akame who approached the campfire.

"Well that'd be-" A shattering noise caused Akame, Tatsumi and Kanae to tense up, Hijiri's chuckle unnerving them. "Just relax alright, it's a message from Najenda." Hijiri stated, reaching into a satchel attached to his torso and brought out a cracked orb. "Let's see…" He muttered, his brows drawing together in a frown.

"What's the matter?" Akame asked, sparing Hijiri a glance before returning to her food.

"It seems the Yeagers…" "Oh you got it this time." "…shut up Tatsumi. As I was saying, it seems they've dropped some of our revolutionary camps. Najenda wants us to meet up with a resistance camp, the one where Leone's supposed to make her delivery."

"Uhm… who is this Najenda-san?"

"Oh, she's our boss." Tatsumi replied.


Leone bit into the dried meat, her fangs ripping it apart as she chewed, her golden yellow furry ears, granted to her by her imperial arms - Lionelle – twitching. She dusted her furred palms and claws, her light-colored tail swinging about. She leaned back, sunlight dancing across her black tube top as she crossed her legs, her detachable sleeves crumpling. She swung her feet absent mindedly, her boots occasionally blotting out a distant cliff.

That damn Hijiri! I should ask the boss to let him take sometime off. Leone chuckled at her thoughts. It was hard to believe someone as stubborn as he would actually agree to such. She hopped to her feet, her long white scarf dropping to just below her knees. Leone walked out of the shade, her blonde hair shortening as two tufts remained by her ears, her lion like parts fading away as she shielded her eyes with her right palm.

A guard by the carriage waved at her, signaling that the upload of imperial arms, which was Leone's sole reason for her mission, was now complete.

According to the info Najenda had given her, a few transports containing imperial arms to the revolutionary camps for use had been attacked and the weapons stolen. Leone couldn't remember all the names but she knew they were the powerful ones.

"Was it Black merlin she called it?" She muttered, glancing at the "goods" that had the imperial arms hidden in them.

"Leone-sama, we're ready to leave."

She rose a brow. "Sama?"

The guard bowed mockingly. "As our prestigious escort, it's only normal you are given that much respect."

"Oi you bastard!" She snorted.

"Oi? I don't think I've heard you say that before…"

"Oh, it's something Hijiri says a lot, so it kinda stuck."

"Hijiri huh?" He peered at Leone closely, moving back and snapping his fingers in realization. "It seems the rumor I heard is true."

Leone hopped into the slowly moving carriage, her eyes scanning the surroundings. "What rumor?"

"That the Night raid has a new member, a real powerhouse at that."

Sparing him a brief glance, Leone raised a brow in visible confusion. "What's that gotta do with anything?"

Grinning widely, the guard stated. "I'm guessing he's the one that's got you so-"

A loud bang knocked Leone down, her jaw clenched tightly as a sharp ringing sound persisted. She activated her imperial arm, glancing around with a frown a she realized it wasn't her, but the carriage that was knocked down.

She shook her head, her bright gold beast ears twitching as the ringing stopped. Scanning the area, Leone frowned at the gruesome mess that she believed was the remains of the guard who sat with the coachman or it included the him as well. She pushed past the flesh and entrails, reaching for the case that housed the imperial arms.

"I believe that is ours, oh gauche lady."

Huh? Leone spun, a heavy and numbing sensation reverberating through her skull as she flew back. She bit down on her lower lip, blood running down it as she steadied herself, the case nowhere to be seen.

"- are all inelegant humans this persistent or is it just you?" The rich baritone reached Leone's ears. She looked up to see the owner of the voice; a tall fit man with his long blonde hair tied in a braid and a black mask with white slits covering his face. He wore a dazzling white trench coat with a plain black shirt and trouser. His palms were open and above them were six floating orbs.

"Leone-sa…san. Go all out…I'll protect it." The guard who sat with her before the attack called out, applying pressure on a bleeding torso wound as he lay on the case containing the imperial arms.

Nodding, she turned to the attacker. "Oi bastard, looks like I need to bash your face in real fast!"

"Crude woman, I will dispose of you quickly since I'm quite late."