Chapter 10.6

"Ok, this is totally nuts," Lubbock stated, voicing out the unspoken view Night raid had on the incident.

"It is understandable, after all, if I had not experienced it I wouldn't have believed, it myself," he said, clenching and opening his blackened palm with a wince.

Najenda placed a loosely closed fist on her lips, looking down in thought, "You said something about rescuing Hijiri? What's that about?"

He stared at the group before him for a few moments, hesitating before he spoke up, "Asides from whatever side effect this may have caused," he glanced at his blackened palm, "when I was in my body, I was on a mission with Esdeath-"

"Esdeath?!" A few in Night raid exclaimed in unison, cutting him off.

"So, Hijir- Arata-san, what do you propose we do?" Susanoo asked, studying him warily. Walking outside, he shielded his eyes with his hand, staring at a mountain in the distance. "I believe that is the mountain where Esdeath and I were so I propose we investigate."


Esdeath sighed, after all that seems to be the signature expression of the arc. She lifted her palm from her face, scanning him once more. His curly sky-blue hair and eyelashes, his cerulean gaze and his smooth baritone were as they always had been. But what was different were his gestures; from his wolfish smirk that missed the wolfish part, well physically, to his manner of speaking. Esdeath ran her hand though her hair tiredly, the fact that she was trapped with an enemy, the first to defeat her, was surprisingly the least of her worries.

"Yo Esdeath, don't know about you but I'd rather not spend my vacation caved in, so."

WAIT! BRAT! He held up his palm, bright white arcs of lightning surrounding it as he fired it through the ice dome and the surrounding rocks.

"Are you trying to trap us here?" Esdeath frowned at Arata? as the cave crumbled around them. Rushing to Esdeath, he slipped his arm around her waist, pointing up, "You ready to get us outta here?"

Esdeath stiffened momentarily, Arata had never gotten this close to her before and she had no idea on how to react to his sudden embrace. A large frost pillar raised the two out of the cavern bringing them to another one.

Arata? stepped away from Esdeath as they touched down, a pang of disappointment hitting her much to her surprise. He looked around, turning back to Esdeath, "So? Got any idea on how to fix this?"

She shook her head in an attempt to dismiss the trivial thoughts. She knew it was Hijiri that occupied the body but even so, Esdeath couldn't understand why she couldn't come to terms with it.

"Yo Esdeath, got a cold?" he leaned close to her face, her startled expression changing to a frown as she glared at him. Arata? chuckled, "I didn't know you were that easy to tease, my bad."

She exhaled sharply, sheathing her blade as she walked past him. After a long moment of silence, she spoke up, "In order to reverse whatever caused this, I believe we need to find the spot where Arata and I last saw the light."

He rose a brow with a smirk, "Arata huh?"

Glowering at him briefly, she turned away with a huff.

"You really are fun to tease, General," he said with a smirk as he matched Esdeath's pace.


"Here," Hijiri? offered Najenda his hand, pulling her up as the two entered a cavern. "My apologies, if I could, I would have flown us there."

"It's not a problem," Najenda replied, turning away. It had bugged her for quite some time and why wouldn't it, before her was a Hijiri that spoke so politely and formally, a complete opposite of the one she was used to. Najenda tilted, the floor crumbling beneath her causing her to fall. Shit! Her prosthetic arm shot up as she aimed, a firm hold on her waist startled her.

When did he? Najenda looked at him, his concerned gaze reflecting of her purple eye, his heated breath dancing across her lips. The two remained silent and unmoving as they held others gaze.

Ah! Hijiri? removed his arm from her waist, stepping back. Smiling softly, Najenda bumped his shoulder with hers, "Thanks for that, Arata-san. But you don't have to worry, it won't happen again. I may only have a bit of my original strength but I'm still a soldier."

He rose a brow at her, "A bit?"

"Yes, about 40% or so..." she trailed off, wistfully touching her prosthetic arm. I forgot that it wasn't Hijiri for a moment.

As if reading her thoughts, Hijiri? let out a heartwarming chuckle, easing Najenda slightly, "You need not worry about that. As surprising as it may be, I am more interested in getting to knowing you than finding your weaknesses."

Najenda glanced at him warily, sighing as the two marched forward.

"So, Najenda-san?" she turned to him, "if I may, just what is your relationship with Hijiri?" Najenda paused, sincerely caught off guard by the question.

"We're just colleagues," she shrugged, going silent for a moment, "is what I'd like to say but it seems he's more than that to me." She smiled gently, turning to him as she asked, "And you? I haven't had the opportunity of meeting you in person but I heard about your intervention in the stronghold mission. So, just what is Esdeath to you?"

He became quiet, his silver coloured brows drawing together as he pondered deeply. It was an act that Najenda had never seen before from Hijiri and she found it endearing...instead cute was the exact word that came to her mind.

Her smile faltered as he spoke, "It seems being away from her consistent teasing has helped place certain things into perspective and I believe it is safe to say that I may have grown fond of her."

"And here I thought it was unrequited love," Najenda joked as he raised a brow in response.


"Mhm, asides from Tatsumi, Esdeath hasn't really shown affection to anyone, at least to my knowledge."

"Tatsumi?" Najenda caught herself, going silent. So she had feelings for someone else eh? He smiled gently, shutting his eyes as he reminisced. "Well, Esdeath has certainly changed, she has become... less cold so to speak."

Esdeath huh? Najenda noted, going silent. He spared her a glance as they walked in silence, holding his chin as he muttered, "Hunk of the resistance hm?" Najenda clicked her tongue in annoyance gaining Hijiri's? attention. "I heard that was one of the nicknames you went by, after all even the most firm soldiers become loose-lipped if they drink enough."

Bastards! Najenda remained straight faced, betraying no emotion. "But I must say you look nothing like a hunk to me."

Najenda waved off his statement, "You can spare me the flattery, Arata-san."

He stopped, Najenda turning back to face him inquisitively. "Asides from your choice of clothing," he stated, noting her black suit, "I see nothing else that would bring about such a nickname especially," walking briskly towards her, he closed the distance, gazing into Najenda's eyes, "when you have such beautiful eyes, Najenda-san."

Her breath hitched as she noted the intensity in Hijiri's? eyes. Glancing at a brighter part of the cave, she turned away, avoiding his gaze.

What in the pit of demons was that? His brows drew together as he pondered the cause of his actions. Acting this way to someone he had just met was worried unlike him.

HUH? YOU MEAN YOU DON'T GET WHY, LIZARD BASTARD?! He frowned, the last being he wanted to hear from was blabbing away. But he was desperate and the demon was one that had lived for centuries and had resided in Hijiri's body since Arata had known him, so maybe, just maybe he had answers.

So? What is making me acting in such a manner?


So you're saying that, I'm getting all mushy with Esdeath cause I'm in Arata's body and he likes her?

The storm dragon sighed. It was unlike anything Hijiri had heard before. He had heard a mountain split, a volcano erupt, an entire stronghold go up in flames and had heard a demon that had lived for over 500 years say cringe, but a storm dragon sighing, that was new.


Gist? Damn, it's one thing after the other. The dragon groaned, Hijiri was certainly an annoying host and it seemed it was intentional.

He was yanked back and pinned to a wall as a portion of the cave collapsed. "Wow, guess I was distracted..." Arata? trailed off as he noted Esdeath a hair's breadth away.

Her curvaceous body hovered next to his, so close but never touching, her breath tickling his neck and sending slight shivers throughout his body, she stared at him, her blue eyes darkening, whether it was anger or something else, he didn't know. After what felt like an eternity, Esdeath stepped back, muttering as she walked away, "You should be more careful."

"Y-yeah," Arata? stuttered in reply, sighing in relief and slight disappointment.

Virgin bastard! He paused, opening his palm to create a lightning orb similar to the one that floated above the two as he peered closely at the wall. "Oi Esdeath, check this out!" she approached him, discarding her bothersome thoughts and narrowing her eyes at the wall. Her blue eyes widened as she noted the markings, "This were the same symbols as the ones that appeared in the light."

"In the light?"

"Yes, before the switch happened."

"Well this could be a clue," the two stepped back contemplating their next course of action.

"Got it!" Arata? palmed his fist, blue arcs of lightning surrounding them.

"Are you trying to bring down the cave on us?!" Esdeath exclaimed, holding his arm.

"But that's not a problem, you can always create a shield to protect us," he replied with a smile.


She sighed, tapping the wall as she inspected it, "I'll handle it so step back."


This marking?" Najenda called out to him, gesturing at a pattern on the ground, a replica of the one that had appeared beneath Esdeath that had caused their current problem.

"Yes, but this is not the exact one that caused the swap. I do but know how accurate I am but I believe the cave collapsed after the light," he placed his fingers on his chin, his eyes narrowing at the poorly lit marking.

"So, any idea on what we should do?" Najenda asked, looking around the room.

Hijiri? scanned the surroundings, he suspected that the markings were involved but he didn't believe they were the only cause. Snapping his fingers in realization, his eyes brightened, Najenda's brow raising as her subtle surprise was expressed in her well, only good eye.

"There was a relic that I was tasked with retrieving and though it did not occur to me earlier because of the sheer," he paused, finding the words that best described the issue, "bizarreness of the incident, but I recognize this symbols. They are the same present on the relic."


"Yes, seeing what occurred, I can say it is an imperial arm."

"I mean, that should've been obvious right?"

Hijiri? sighed at her statement, replying, "I had my suspicions but I did not wish to assume anything," he opened his bandaged palm, flames sputtering to a start as it grew lighting up the room.

"But you're assuming right now, aren't you?"

"I prefer to call this arriving at the answer."

Najenda pointed at a set of stone doors with the same marking as the ground with her prosthetic arm, "I guess I can assume that what we're looking for is behind those doors."

Hijiri? sighed at her statement, leading the way as they approached the door. Tracing the insignia with his finger, he glanced at Najenda who nodded in agreement. Inhaling sharply, he pushed against the doors, clouds of dust rising as they slowly opened.


"The hell?!" he spun and threw a punch, a thunderbolt running through his arm into the humanoid danger beast, blowing it apart. "Why the hell are they so many?!" he yelled, throwing another blow.

"Arata-san and I ran into a horde before but we handed it without an issue, it seems I can't say the same for you," Esdeath taunted, stabbing through the head of yet another beast.

"Oh shut it!"

"But you have a sword at your waist, why not use it?"

"I'm surprised you can even use a sword in this narrow ass place!" he cursed, grabbing the head of one and with a spin, smashed it in the wall.

"Oi! We can't keep fighting!"

Esdeath sighed, reluctantly agreeing. "Very well, I'll block them while you'll break through the rear and get to the door there."

Whaddya think, dragon?

HM? Arata? clasped his palms, bright arcs of lightning gathering in between his palms.

Do you think we'll be lucky enough to find whatever caused it in there?


At least you're more reliable than that bastard. He smirked as he fired off the lightning, the blast tearing through the remainder and blowing open the door.

"Let's go!" The duo least through the dust cloud, running into a tense pair of silver-heads.

They paused, staring at each other, Arata's? yell breaking the silence, "Oi, virgin bastard, there you are!"

Hijiri? winced at the yell, nodding at Esdeath. "I am glad to see that you are well, general."

Esdeath smiled, "I never thought I'd hear such words come from Hijiri's mouth."

"Yeah, drop the mushy crap. I get you like her but chill." Hijiri? stiffened at his statement, frowning.

With a shrug, he smirked condescendingly at Arata? "I could say the same for you with Najenda-san," Najenda paused halfway across the room, turning to Arata? brow raised.

"Oi!" he barked earning a taunting chuckle from Hijiri?.

Turning away from the two bickering men, Esdeath called out to Najenda, her hand on her sword hilt, "It has been a while Najenda, I'm surprised you are this composed considering what happened to you the last time we met."

She shrugged, gesturing at Arata? with her thumb, "I doubt you'd make a move here with Hijiri present."

"And you believe I'm afraid of him?"

"Not at all, I just believe you're smart enough to know better than fighting him in such an unstable cavern. Besides," Najenda lifted a stone disc from a pedestal before her, "it seems I've found a piece of our solution."

"Huh? What's that?" Arata? asked, looking from Esdeath to Najenda.

"It is the relic, the one that brought me to this mountain in the first place and what I believe caused our switch," Hijiri? approached Najenda who handed the disc to him.

"So what are we supposed to do with it?" Esdeath asked.



The two world-class danger beasts said in unison, startling their hosts. Hijiri? and Arata? shared a look, understanding the severity of the situation. To them, the demon and dragon actually agreeing on something was an extremely rare sight, one so rare that they didn't dare to question it. Hijiri? sighed, throwing the tablet down with immense force, shattering it as it hit the ground, a bright light enveloping the four of them.

Arata slowly opened his eyes, wincing as he rose from his prone position, the scroll with his objective clutched tightly in his hand. "You're up, that's good. We should head out now," Esdeath said cooly, loosening the ponytail she had her hair in and fastening her military cap.

"What happened?" he asked, genuinely confused.

Esdeath caught herself in the last moment, her statement more calculated, "You don't remember?"

Arata went quiet for a few moments, trying to recall, "I remember the light and then," he shielded his mouth with his palm, his mind drawing a blank, "nothing, I do not remember anything after that."

"Hm." It must be a side-effect of the relic, but after the white light, they told us not to say anything about what they forget. Esdeath sighed, looking away, "You passed out. I had to secure you first and a few danger beasts came at me and that happened," she gestured to the mountain, or rather what was left of it.

"It collapsed?" Arata muttered, pinching the bridge of his nose tiredly. That still makes no sense.




You agree with her? Since when?


I did not know dragons had such... what is the word? Ah yes, sass. Arata couldn't see the dragon but he felt the dirty look he was given.


What are they even talking about? Hijiri soaked in the springs, glancing at the room where the entire Night raid had gathered.


Y'know I remember switching right?


Hijiri's face squeezed in annoyance, his eyes widening as he was poked on the cheek.

"It's nice to have you here."

"Yo Najenda, miss me that much? she chuckled, exhaling tiredly as she zoned out.

"I remember switching, y'know." Najenda turned to him, her brows creasing. He glanced at her briefly, avoiding her gaze, "I think I remember what that... Arata was saying to you, not completely though." He stared ahead, struggling to recall.


"Well," Najenda rose and Hijiri's eyes widened slightly, his lips tilting up in a smirk. Her black tan top clung to her slender but curvaceous body, her blue shorts showing off her fair legs that had the occasional scar, "I've always thought this but you have pretty eyes too." Hijiri stayed quiet, finally meeting her gaze.

"That's not awkward at all, "he chuckled, earning a playful punch on the shoulder from a pouting Najenda.

"I'll be heading in," she said, leaving Hijiri behind.

He sunk into the water, his ears taking a reddish tint. have such beautiful eyes huh?

