Chapter 12: Downfall

Hijiri clasped his claymore tightly in his right hand, the red cracks on the hilt glowing brighter as it assumed an inhumane look, the tip of the blade curving slightly. Blood red flames lingered on the great sword, an ominous aura surrounding his weapon and himself. His right foot slid back as he leaned forward, his crimson eyes burning with rage, the ground caving beneath him.

He slammed his blade into Haruma's staff, the blow throwing him airborne. Just before his feet touched the ground, Hijiri dashed behind him and slammed the flat side of his claymore into his side, smacking him into the air once more. Shooting off the ground, Hijiri spun throwing a heavy kick on Haruma's torso, the ground giving way to a large crater as he crashed, the shockwave clearing the surrounding dust. Flames swirled around his claymore as he swung down, a large explosion and a powerful tremor befitting of the fissure created by Hijiri's attack.


Hijiri clicked his tongue in annoyance as he watched the plumes of smoke that rose from the hole.

"Yes! That's what that bastard gets!" Tatsumi yelled happily.

"No…the battle isn't over yet, Tatsumi-san." Kanae muttered worriedly.

"Are you done wasting your energy? Or do you wish to continue venting your anger, Hono Hijiri?" Haruma stated, dusting his clothes as he stepped out of the crater.

The land shattered and Hijiri swung at him, claymore smashing into his bow staff and launching him off the ground. He closed the distance once more, Haruma flicking his staff to successfully parry Hijiri's downward slash, spinning and slamming the rod into his side, knocking Hijiri back.

Rushing after him, Haruma slid to a stop, turning and swinging his staff down. Hijiri raised his great sword and the two clashed, neither refusing to budge. Hijiri's eyes widened slightly as Haruma's open palm received his jab, the force pushing him back a few paces. He opened his left palm, a large blue fireball homing in on Haruma.

The ground crumbled and broke open, large scaly spikes launching upwards shielding Haruma.

Hijiri's frown deepened as a jagged spike pierced his right foot from beneath, blood splattering about as it held him in place. The debris cleared and he leaned forward, swinging down, Haruma's staff deflecting the claymore in a wide arc as his clenched fists slammed into Hijiri's torso hitting him back, the spike ripping out a good part of his foot.

He slid to a stop, gritting his teeth as the demon's voice boomed in his head. THE FUCK YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING? HEAL UP FOR NOW, I'LL STALL HIM.

Stay out of this!


Humanoid horned monsters crawled out from cracks on the ground, each with an uncomfortably striking resemblance to Hijiri except for the flames that poured out of their eye sockets and that the coloration of Hijiri's inhumane arm was that of their entire body. They charged at Haruma, Hijiri letting out a deep growl in annoyance.


He exhaled sharply, his white lashes narrowing as he observed Haruma's movement.

Clicking his tongue in irritation, Haruma taunted, "Choosing to hide behind fodder now eh?" The first three leapt at him as he spun his staff sliding back, all three moving past him. One charged at him, the staff becoming a blur as it struck the demon's jaw, tearing through and throwing it back. Twirling the staff, he weaved through the attacks of two, thrusting his rod through the back of one's knee, hitting the other end of the staff to rip all the way through, disjointing it.

Dashing forward, he shoved his staff's end into the eye socket of a demon, spinning it with both hands as it bore through its head. Haruma yanked it closer and planted a front kick on the monster's chest, knocking it into another as he held up his pole in his right arm, throwing it like a javelin and impaling the two monsters in a hit.

Another sprinted from behind Haruma, throwing a high kick, spinning, and continuing with a jump kick which was effortlessly dodged by Haruma. He jabbed at the creature, his fist buried into its trunk as it snarled and held Haruma's arm tightly. One of the several monsters leapt in the air, a large blue fireball the size of its chest grew within his two palms, sneering as it launched it at Haruma, a tremendous burst creating another crater.

Kanae threw up her hands, a crystalline shield materializing to protect them from the wave of hot air that rushed past.

"He's that strong?" Tatsumi stuttered, clenching his left fist, enraged. Akame grew worried as she looked from the crouching Hijiri to the large wall of spikes that crumbled away to reveal an unscathed Haruma. She knew how powerful Hijiri was and the fact that it was the form he used against Esdeath while taking almost no damage from her. So seeing him…struggle, let in the unwanted thoughts Akame had tried her best to ward off.

That man is stronger than the Esdeath of back then, if Hijiri falls, she clenched Murasame's hilt tightly, what can we do?

Haruma swung his left arm in a wide arc, smooth and slim thorns jutting out of the ground to impale every demon present. The thorn shattered as a wave of fire rushed past them, Hijiri's flaming claymore smashing into Haruma's staff throwing him back. He landed with a hop, another swing from Hijiri, knocking him backward Swinging his arm, a thick wall of spines separated Hijiri from him.

"No way!" Kanae exclaimed, surprising Akame and Tatsumi, "stage 4!"

"Stage 4?" Akame asked, her gaze returning to the battle before her.

"The stages are levels in his power and only five of them exist." A deviant is what that man is!

A small explosion blasted from the ground beneath Hijiri's feet, the remainder of his boots burning off whilst he raced forward, crimson flames surrounded him, taking a monstrous appearance, breaking through the wall. Haruma thrust his staff and Hijiri deflected it, pinning the rod to the ground as his blackened palm opened, setting off another explosion. "Tsk, you bastard, who the hell are you?" Hijiri clicked his tongue in distaste, a small portion of the bandages remaining on his arm.

"You only taught to ask for my name now? Forever a brute, aren't you Hono Hijiri." Smiling, he bowed mockingly, stating, "I am Haruma of the Hono clan."

Hijiri and Kanae's eyes widened, Hijiri's changing to a frown immediately, "That changes nothing."

He bolted at him, Haruma's hands shaking as his staff took the shock of Hijiri's blow. The force knocked the two back, the Hono men running at each other, sparks flying as the weapons continued to clash, Hijiri parrying the staff to his right and shouldering him into the surrounding rubble. Lifting his claymore above his head, black and crimson flames surrounded his blade as he swung down, the blast destroying the rubble and clearing the entire landscape, rubble and debris alike.

STUBBORN BASTARD. Hijiri glowered, clicking his tongue in irritation as the flames and dust cleared to reveal a wounded Haruma. He knelt, breathing heavily as he clutched his bleeding shoulder. "I believed that I could handle it without using his power, but it seems I was mistaken."

Haruma rose, the broken bow staff falling out of his hand. Scales appeared by his eyes and a curved horn originating from the side of his head had black cracks running through them, he clenched his fists, a crystalline sheet coating his knuckles.

His wounds? They instantly healed?!

Opening his arms, he stated, "I will take you seriously now, so know that you'll die if you hold back, Asura."

A shudder ran through Hijiri and Kanae, an unnerving feeling settling in the pits of their stomachs. What is this feeling? Hijiri glanced at his left palm, his anger replaced by a feeling of uncertainty. Something about Haruma's appearance and atmosphere made him feel unsettled.

Is this fear?

OI! WATC- Haruma's clenched fists slammed into Hijiri's abdomen, blood escaping his lips as the blow knocked him back, his claymore lodging in the ground to eventually stop him.

This bastard?! How's he this fast?!

"I noticed you love sending your opponents airborne mid-fight, let's see how well you fare up there," Haruma stated, opening his palm at Hijiri.

MOVE! He leapt backward clicking his tongue as blood trickled from his feet, his inability to dodge the instant spikes the cause. His eyes widened as he spun and swung, Haruma deftly avoiding his claymore and landing a kick on his side, hauling him into the ground.


And let you consume more of me? As if!

Leaving behind his claymore, Hijiri shot into the air, blue flames surrounding both fists. A large spike, the size of a tower emerged before him. Flames still active, Hijiri grabbed the edge and uprooted it, swinging down at Haruma, the ground rumbling as another large hole was formed. Smaller thorns skewered his palms, a heavy strike to his shoulder sending him crashing into another tower-sized pike, a smaller tine protruding through the spot just below his ribs.

He got a thing for livers?!


Hijiri crossed his arms before his chest, Haruma's front kick crashing him through the spike, a good portion of his side torn away by the barb. He rolled to a halt, violent coughs racking his form, blood splattering from his mouth and his gaping side. Placing his heated palm on the wound, Hijiri groaned as he cauterized it.

How the hell are those stupid spikes hurting me on Stage 4?! And how the hell is he so fast?!

ARMAGEDDON. The demon's tone unlike ever before was grim and if Hijiri didn't know better, concerned.

Don't tell me-


Armageddon's power?! How'd the empire bastards even get their hands on it? No, that Arata bastard wouldn't let such an organization exist next to him. "Armageddon huh? That's why he's handing my ass to me?"

"That's a result of your weakness, Hono Hijiri," Haruma crossed his arms, shifting his weight to his right foot, "you get so used to your monstrous power that your techniques are subpar and you have forgotten what it is to be human."

"Don't screw with me!!" the claymore whizzed through the air into Hijiri's palm as he rose, "you might have me beat in techniques, big whoop to you, but a sadist fuck like you calling himself human pisses me off!!" He took a stance, his right foot sliding back as his left knee bent forward slightly. His claymore was held up with his two hands, the blade parallel to his face.

"You're still using that fake?" Hijiri's surprise faded as soon as it appeared, his glower deepening. "It doesn't matter either way. So Hijiri-san, have you wondered why our clan's art is so feared when the extremely fast style of the Arashi exists? Because no matter how durable one is on the outside, that won't be the case for the innards."

Hijiri swung down, a loud snap reaching his ears as the top half of the claymore landed a few feet from Kanae's shield. "I warned you against the fake, didn't I?"

A blur and Haruma's bent fingers rammed just below Hijiri's chest, his eyes widening as the shock rippled through his diaphragm, his chest tightened and he found it difficult to draw breath. A second blow landed on the bridge of Hijiri's nose, tears dripping from his eyes as blood trickled down his nose. Crystals?!

"Killing you would be too problematic, so I'll save you for later, Hijiri-san," Haruma stated, hopping back as he snapped his fingers, spikes shooting from both sides of Hijiri, impaling him.

"Oi! You bastard!!" He rose his palm, spikes spinning as they enclosed him in a cocoon-like casing.

An eerie silence hung over the area. For the first time before the three, Hijiri was defeated. Surprisingly, Tatsumi was the first to recover from the shock as he gripped his spear tightly. Whether it was within his expectations or it was his imperial arm; Incursio, which could adapt to any situation that helped him, he didn't know. What he did know was that he had to protect the others. Kanae was more of a supporter in battles, Tatsumi had recognized that in his exchange with her and Akame was only human. He recalled Hijiri's statement during their training and he didn't want that to be the case, he could not let anyone else fall.


Tatsumi closed the distance immediately, swinging down his spear. "So, you are Incursio?" Haruma deflected the first, easily avoiding and parrying the other attacks that followed. A palm to Tatsumi's torso knocked him back.

Tatsumi was freaking scared. Realistically, he couldn't see a scenario where he won against Haruma, heck even his adrenaline-filled body leaned more to the flight than fight mode. But he wouldn't stop, he wished that by some magical way he could surpass his limits. But deep down, Tatsumi knew that wasn't possible. Although his attempt seemed pointless, he had cleared all but one thought, WIN!

Sliding to a stop, he charged, thrusting his spear with as much speed as he could muster, each jab repelled effortlessly by Haruma. FIGHT! FIGHT!! FIGHT!!!

"Is this all?" Haruma pushed onward, his palm slamming into Tatsumi's shoulder following with a vertical left chop at the side of his abdomen. Pulling the spear with his left, Haruma punched Tatsumi's unguarded armor-clad abdomen, his left hand shooting up to slam into his jaw from the right, a well-placed punch to the left side of his head knocked Tatsumi out cold.

Akame sprinted from his left, skidding as she swiftly drew her blade, Haruma narrowly avoiding it. Iaijutsu! "Murasame, a blade even I wouldn't want to get nicked by," he opened his right palm, a long spine shooting out of the ground into it, the top taking a barbed form. "This will have to do."

Akame closed the distance once more, sidestepping and swinging at his side, obstructed by Haruma's spear. He turned and stabbed, Akame fending it off with a grunt. Too heavy! She leapt in the air, swinging down her katana only to have it blocked by the spear.

Still mid-air, she grabbed ahold of it and kicked Haruma's face, a tight grip on her ankle upset her balance as he slammed her back first on the ground. He's not budging.

Rolling back with a huff, Akame lunged at Haruma, evading his thrust and countering with a swing to his face. A firm hold kept her arm in place as Haruma sighed, disappointed, "I played along just so I could see how well one of Gonzuki's elite seven would fare even after learning the Hono clan's iaijutsu but to think you'd be this pathetic."

She swung her leg up but his foot stopped her knee midway, his fist connecting with her belly, knocking the wind out of Akame. She crumpled to the ground, silently steadying her breath. Pulling her by the hair, Haruma smashed her face into the rocky ground, raising her to watch her bloodied face. "Is this all the so-called greatest assassin of the empire can take?!" he slammed it on the ground again, blood dripping from her broken nose and the several bruises around her face.

A large crystal dome surrounded Akame, Haruma hopping back in surprise. "Now, Order of the Abyss, what will you do?" he sneered at the kneeling Kanae.

Arata sat down, inhaling deeply as he admired the lush garden around him. "Are you here from the doctor?" he asked the young man behind him who skimmed through a novel.

"I take it you're Tempest?"

"The sky-blue hair should have been a giveaway or am I wrong?" Arata joked, earning no response from the messenger, "Anyway, how is she doing?"

The courier looked up from his novel, scanning the surroundings. "Oh, you do not have to worry about that," he gestured at a faint dome that stood a few feet away from the two, "there is a barrier here, so no one outside will hear a thing."

He nodded subtly at Arata's creation, his voice more audible than before, "Seryuu is recovering. There were some…complications but her body seems to have assimilated the demon's parts."

Arata leaned forward, sighing in relief, "I will see the doctor as soon as possible, this past few days have been quite hectic for me, and unfortunately so will the rest of the week." Rising, he patted his trousers, staring ahead as he stated, "Now if you will excuse me, I have a meeting with the emperor. I wish you a safe trip home."

Flipping to the next page, he said, "You'll be informed of any changes."

"As expected."

Run looked up from his book as the doors opened, a neatly dressed Arata stepping in. "Your outfit is impressive, Arata-sama," slipping in a page marker, he shut the book and continued, "I feel I should hand you my imperial arms, Mastema to complete your angel-themed outfit."

Arata chuckled, adjusting the white tie on his white three-piece suit, pulling the edges of his coat to partially cover his waistcoat, and hanging his trench coat on his shoulders.

"Wouldn't you get hot in that, Arata-san?" Kurome asked, nibbling a cookie as she took a seat opposite the door.

Arata-san?! Wave hastily turned his concerned look from Kurome to Arata.

"I appreciate the concern but as one that controls lightning, I need not fear any warmth now do I?" Arata replied, patting her head as she reached into her bag handing him a biscuit. "Why, thank you."

He doesn't mind?! Wave sighed exasperatedly earning a snicker from the blue head. Approaching him quietly, Arata tapped his shoulder, "You do not have to bother with stuffy honorifics you know."

"I think I'll stick with Arata-sama, thanks." Chortling he pat Wave's shoulder and exit the room. Esdeath increased her pace, sidling up to him as they left the Yeager's base. "The white looks good on you, Arata-san," she smiled, her gaze lingering on his outfit.

"Yours is wonderful as well, General," Arata stated, Esdeath chuckling in response.

"Thank you, Arata-san, I believe I look good in my uniform."

"You seem to be in a good mood, General."

"Well, as I have gotten stronger upon grasping and modifying the Arashi sword style as well as mastering my trump card," Esdeath drew her brows together, mimicking Arata's thinking face. He laughed, stuffing his hands in his pocket and growing silent, his smile lingering for a while longer.

"And, Roland-san," she turned to him. "where is he?"

Sparing a glance behind them, Arata replied, "I believe we will meet by the palace gates."

Esdeath raised a brow, shrugging at the newest ally's antics. He wasn't the first unusual person she had to work with and he certainly wasn't going to be the last.

"We are her-" A bulky young man walked past the two blue heads, his tan skin, pale lilac hair and unusual appearance catching Arata's attention. Arata's gaze moved from his crown-like headgear to his white skin-tight shirt that revealed his stomach to his white pants. "Who is he?" he asked, turning back to Esdeath.

"Syura, the prime minister's son."

"Is that so," Arata muttered, looking away.

"Good day, Arata-sama, General," Roland called out from behind the two, startling the guards, after all it wasn't everyday they saw an armor-clad seven-foot hulking man.

"There you are. Our meeting with the emperor starts in a few moments so if it is alright, let me handle the speaking." Arata suggested, the trio pausing just outside the doors of the throne room.

"That will be fine," Roland replied, his fists tightening slightly as the prime minister's voice rang out from the room.

"And Arata-san,"


"Try to be less…aggressive with the emperor."

"…I make no promises, Esdeath-san." Arata nodded at Esdeath who pushed open the doors, Honest's cheering echoing across the room as he spotted Roland. "Welcome Arata-sama, I see your mission was successful."

Arata's face creased slightly as he suppressed the revulsion he felt, Esdeath's snicker escaping as she noted his reaction. "May you live long, emperor," Arata stated, prostrating slightly, Esdeath and Roland following suit.

"I am glad you are well, Arata-sama. I was quite worried when I learned of your unexplained absence but to find out that it was to bring home one of the Supreme order," the young emperor chatted livelily, Roland rolling his eyes behind the helmet that concealed his visible disgust.

Walking down from the throne, the emperor approached the trio, turning to Roland with a smile, "It's an honor to have you here, Order of…?"

"Terra…your majesty," Roland stiffly replied, the emperor smiling brightly. The young ruler stepped back, his green eyes moving to Esdeath, "General, I do hope you had no issues in the mission."


"Of course she wouldn't, your majesty," Honest interjected heartily, moving towards them.

"Who's the fatso?" Roland leaned closer to Arata whispering.

"Prime minister Honest," he whispered stoically.

"Ah! I don't believe I have introduced myself," Honest chuckled, patting Roland's armored arm, "I am Prime minister Honest."

Roland turned to him, silently observing Honest's unflinching form before his hulking figure, sighing as Arata nudged him, he replied, "It is an honor, Prime minister. I am the Order of Terra but I will not state my name as I have no wish to." Arata's smirk vanished just as soon as it appeared as he watched the exchange.

"Your helmet then, will you let your allies see your face?"

"No." The prime minister's smile became forced, his tone going dry, "It's wonderful to have another one of the Supreme order on our side."

Arata rose his right hand to stop Roland from speaking, "Your majesty, unlike our alliance, the Order of Terra here is allegiant to the Arashi family alone, so he will take no orders from the empire."

Esdeath observed the conversation, entertained, her gaze landing on the forced smile Honest had.

"That's not a problem! As I said when I first met Arata-sama, I am glad that the legends that are the Supreme order are on the empire's side," the emperor chortled nervously. Roland tilted his head, observing the child ruler. The boy thinks of us as heroes, doesn't he?

"Your majesty, if I may?" Esdeath spoke up, easing the building tension.

"Oh, go ahead General."

"Is the capital usually this rowdy?" Roland interrupted with a question, catching everyone's attention.

"What is the meaning of that, Order of Terra?!" Honest asked annoyed.

"Well-" a powerful tremor shook the palace, startling its occupants, "-I believe you're under attack."