Chapter 5. Rescue

At dawn

I and Tanjiro woke up and started walking towards our home.I was walking behind Tanjiro with a heay heart,without saying anything.

"Ah we should hurry,they must be worried for us" said Tanjiro.

"Yeah,I think so too" I replied.

After walking for 2 hours,sunddenly,Tanjiro caught the smell of blood.

He got frantic and started running towards our house.

As we got closer,I could now also smell the nauseating stench of blood.

We arrived at our house.

Blood and brain matter was splattered everywhere, it was a horrible site.

"What in the world happend here?!" I said, acting as if I didn't know this would happen.

Tanjiro ignored me and rushed inside the house.

Everyone he saw had died,

His mother had died

Hanako had died

Takeo had died

Rokuta had died

But when he felt that his sister,Nezuko's, body was still warm,he grabbed her,put her on his back and started rushing towards the village to get help.

I followed Tanjiro,without looking back.

We were running as fast as we could to reach the village as soon as possible,so that theres a chance of us saving our sister.

"My family died,but my sister,Nezuko,will definetly survive" thinking about his family dying,he didn't feel as much pain or sadness as he expected to feel.

Yes,of course he was sad,yet not that much.

He was able to think more rationally.

"It should happen any minute now"As I said that in my mind,Nezuko started moving,and attacking Tanjiro.

"Nezuko,what are you doing?!' shouted Tanjiro frantically,and fell off a small cliff.

Both of them didn't get much injured.

I jumped off of that cliff as well.

Tanjiro quickly grabbed Nezuko's right arm and I grab her left.

But she quickly used her legs and teeth to fend us off.

Suddenly,We heard a voice from the woods saying "Stay away from her,she is a demon!".

It was Tomioka Giyuu, he was a tall young man with medium-length, messy black hair tied back into a low ponytail.

He has thin eyebrows and sharp, dark blue eyes.He was wearing the standard black Demon Slayer's uniform along with a haori with two different patterns: one solid red and one geometrically patterned with green, orange, and yellow.

He said "she was injected with demon blood amd now has become a demon herself,when a human transforms into a demon,they try to eat their kin as they are very nutricious to them,let go of her,I'll finish her misery"

He unsheathed his sword and rushed at Nezuko,but Tanjiro bravely stood infront of Nezuko to protect her he said,

"Most of my family has been slaughtered,she is the only sister I have left"

But saying just that much wasn't enough to stop Giyuu,it instead,Giyuu attack Tanjiro around his abdominal area with the hilt of his sword.


cough cough cough

Tanjiro spat out three mouthfulls of blood,and was in intense pain as I rushed toward Giyuu from the behind.

I tried to puch his head,yet he quickly blocked me and attacked me even more harshly.

"I just have to stall for time,in the canon,Giyuu,after seeing Taniro's potential,gave him a chance,I just have to wait till that moment" Thinking that I grabbed his right hand shouted "Nezuko,run"

The demon Nezuko,who was still confused by what was happening,started running, but she wasn't fast.

Giyuu attacked me ruthlessly and brkke my left arm and greatly damged my legs.

During this time,She could only get 2 meters away from us.

That was when Tanjiro did what he did in the canon.

He threw his axe at Giyuu to distract him and then headbutted him as soon as possible,this surprised Giyuu.

The headbutt wasn't a complete success,Giyuu just used the hilt lf his sword to attack at Tanjiro's backbone,this put him to ground for now.

But it did what It needed to,it surprised Giyuu,a Hashira.

I tried to get as far away as I could from Giyuu.

He looked at me and moved his sword a bit but suddenly,infront of me,I saw Nezuko,baring her teeth,which now looked like fangs,at Giyuu.

At the moment I said "I will find a way to turn my sister back into a human,and by that time,I swear that she won't ever hurt another human,if she does that,then I'll be the first to behead her" I said with a determinded look on my face.

After I said that,Giyuu seemed to be in deep thought.

He took a step back and said, "I'll let your sister go but only if you heed my words"

"We'll do anything" me and Tanjiro said in unison.

Giyuu put his hand in his clothes,then took out a paper,there was an address written on it.

"Go to this place and find a person named 'Sakonoji Urokodaki',tell him that I sent you two,he'll decide what to do with you and your sister,remember, you only have a week's worth of time"

"okay" I said in a low voice,becuase I didn't have the power to shout at all,just one strike from a Hashira and my body lost all it's power.

After saying that, Tomioka Giyuu seemed to have disappeared as soon as he hd appeared.

By this time,it was already afternoon,time just flew by like that.

Nobody was saying anything,Nezuko as well as Tanjiro,collapsed to the ground,probably fell asleep or unconscious.

I knew what to do now!

It was to take them the Urokodaki-san, become a demon slayer,master water's breadth and fire's breadth and kill or just assist in killing the king of demons 'Kibutsuji Muzan'!

Later that day....

Below the mountain,was a dark blue eyed youth walking down.

He was the water hashira Tomioka Giyuu.

"Ah if only I was a bit faster,then they wouldn't have died" he thought while clenching his fists.

Those innocent humans died just because he was a bit late,if he had arrived a bit sooner,if only a bit sooner!!

Then that family wouldn't have had to experience that slaughter.

After regulating his breath, he calmed down,then he had a thought.

"Why didn't that female demon attack the rest of her family?

Usually when humans transform into demons,they would first devour their kin,it was like natural instinct but she resisted

"Hm,I don't have much time to think about it,it's not as if I would find an answer just because I thought about it for a long enough time"


The next day....

I and Tanjiro together bury the bodies of our family,it was a very important task.

We wanted them to have peace in the afterlife and to be lucky in their next reincarnation.

Nezuko was currently in a cave,she had shashifted her body to the size of a 3 year old child.

"Tanjiro,We have to travel a long distance,since Nezuko is a demon now,she may not be able to live under the sun,go buy a big box or something from the village,take this money"

"But Nii-san,if demons can't tolerate the sunlight,then yesterday,when Nezuko had turned into a demon,why didn't she burn?"Tanjiro asked with much curiosity.

"Hm,it may be because it was snowing yesterday,so there was no sunlight or it may also be because Nezuko hadn't completly transformed into a

demon,she was still transforming,thus she was,at the moment,half human and half demon,due to which the sun didn't have much effect on her.

The reason why I'm saying that she was 'transforming' and hadn't transformed is becuase you can see her hair,yesterday,by the time she attacked you,her hair was still completly black,yet today,the ends of her hair have an orange hue"

Saying that I hand Tanjiro nearly all the money that we had in our house,it was a lot more than he may need but I wasn't giving him this money only for buying a box.

"Oh Tanjiro,don't forget,we need to hurry,the news of our family's massacre will spread like wildfire,go buy edible things as well if you can,we will need to travel a long distance"

"Okay Nii-san" Tanjiro said with an understanding gaze.

Tanjiro also knew that the news will spread like wildfire but he knew that his elder brother said this to remind him of the current situation.

Thus Tanjiro ran as fast as he could and bought a basket from a farmer.

We went to the small in which Nezuko was resting.

We went to her and i said "Nezuko-chan,get inside"

After hearing my voice,Nezuko,who currently looked like a 3 year old toddler,jumped inside the basket without making a sound.

We started going to our destination,to Urokodaki-san...

To become a demon slayer!